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AGREEMENT ‘THIS AGREEMENT dated this 9th day of December 2008, and made effective the 1* day of Decebi, 2008, ben the DEMOCRATIC CAUCUS, Pensyvala Howe of Reprsetive, Ron 110 Man Copa Bulg, Harty, Pennyvaia 171202116 CLIENT”) and CHADWICK ASSOCIATES, INC., 1101 30th Street, N.W., Suite 220, Washington, D.C, 20007-3769 (hereafter “CONSULTANT”. WHEREAS, CLIENT eogelzs th td france ening an vlting ts ‘ntoraal policies, procedures and practices for complying with statutory and regulatory requrement nd WHEREAS, CLINT dese foci the verve of rofeonacolz anit 11 developing en npleseting lke intra contol const wit adr bat ‘Practices to ensure compliance with epplicable statutory and regulatory requirements and to ‘Promote a cultore of integrity within the wikfore, aswell as to assist Dilworth Paxson LLP in ‘toga seesestaon of CLINT, and CONSULTANT experienced avable an ia been duly authorized o ei into this conc taut CLIENT in such eft ad is desirous of 90 ‘binding and obligating itself for such services, [NOW THEREFORE, conser ofthe mt renin nd promis conased erent pate greta fllome: 1. Sswpat Sect. CLIENT arto rein CONSULTANT a an independent contractor, to perform legislative services in accordance with the soppe of work outlined in CCONSULTANT's contented proplty pop datd Marc 13,207, which i ‘incorporated herein by referenoe, and CONSULTANT hereby agrees to perform said services for curr. 2, Connenston an Brust. CLENT tees to pay CONSULTANT compensation as flows: Ax houly fe eten $17 to $400 pero, depending pon which of . 2 ‘CONSULTANT perenne is pronming a pata servic, plu ecu andrenonable outa pocket expenses, lof wii ito be billed in increments of TWENTY-FIVB THOUSAND DOLLARS AND NO CENTS (625,000.00) oron thet snes dy ofeach month whichever sal ocer i, forthe services dered hereunder, provid tat uc praia _eyments shall be contingent upon the recep of voles submited to CLIENT and epproved by {ho SUPERVISOR; oc voices shall incloeadesaigtion ofthe work perfooed inluding the date, wbjct mat, ad te spent onthe work. Tho avoloe shall comply wih he seulement of the RULES OP THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, including Rule 14; roqusts for oxpente reimbursements shal iashde the pay the nou, nd the sre ofthe so, servis o other papas for hich he expat wes mde, Invoices are doe nd aye 30 day afte approval in US, cureney. CONSULTANT rterves the right n suspend ‘he provision oft sevioes fll invoice are not palin timely manner 9. Superson of Work. CLENT herby desguats Zane Phoenix, Doel Cases, toon behalf of CLIENT as SUPERVISOR endo overse CONSULTANT's work hereunder SUPERVISOR is hereby authorized to coordinate and dbect CONSULTANT" service a8 eee necensry and eppropit to suscestly complet the services contd heounder 4, Tam This Agreement shall commence onthe date above writen and end on enuary 14,2009. 5, Slag, CONSULTANT sul devote sch tine resourses and pronnl as deemed ecenary to perform tho services hereunder and ws provided In CONSULTANT 's Mich 13, 2007, proposal. Nowe ofthe CONSULTANT’ personne tized in performing such services shal bo considered employees of the Pennyivanis House of Repreentaives nor sal uch be ‘ated to any tinge benefits of employes ofthe House of Representatives, nr be ented to manberapin the Stato Employes’ Retemeat Systan, nor be eligible for life onaace coven. 3 6. Clint and Document Availability. The Parties acknowledge that the unavailability of ‘peronnel or docoments ty reduce the silty of CONSULTANT to conduct this engagement. CLIENT accordingly agrees to designate a contact person(s) and to make them reesonably available to CONSULTANT during this engagement. Subject to eny contractual prohibitions, ‘he CLIENT farther gosto make evlibe to CONSULTANT ll document tte sonny fo tho prone of his exgugemtt, CONSULTANT ages to Kep leh documents end information fern therefrom confidential end to abide by any confidentiality ‘obligations applicable to CLIENT. 7, Limitation of Lisbility. Each party's maximum aggregate liability to the other for any coda damages ext ones fom ny ce winter sing fom or ead this enngrnet Sal ino ereat xen te tl not opi to CONSULTANT by CLIENT or his — 8, shied Engagement wth No This Panty Listy. The Pres expresily are that 4 Tisegreemens ot deine or ited to eet hit pry Ushi favor ofany pro, compan, ory 1 CLIENT wit aot dsenine CONSULTANTS repr ony ode pron corporton or ety wit he rr ten cote of CONSULTANT. 8. ‘Termination. CLIENT may terminate this Agreement at any time; in no event shall (CLIENT be oie o py compéatton for ucompled wo or epee inca och eninon 9. Nats. Une otherwie provided any ence rue be en Berend sal ‘be deemed given when sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, addressed to the parties lined below:

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