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Romeo and Juliet: Living Monument Assignment

Name: ___________________ Date: ______________________ Task:

For this assignment, you will write a letter to Juliet in either your hand, the hand of a character in the play, or the hand of a character from another story we read. You will also create an artifact for her gravesite.

Final submission will include:

1. An artistic version of the letter to go into our display 2. A typed version of your letter to be marked 3. An artifact to be left at Juliets grave site (i.e. a symbolic gift, etc)

Artistic Version of the Letter

- Between 400 and 700 words - Decorated in appropriately for the time and voice you use

Typed Letter
- Same as artistic version minus the decoration - Typed in a 12pt and double-spaced for evaluation

The Artifact
- An artifact (Latin: ars skill to facere to make) is something given shape by humans, such as a tool or a work of art. Whatever it is, it must be of archaeological interest - Your artifact must be a literal object from the story or if you are up to the challenge, inspired by an important symbol or image - Your object must have a properly referenced supporting quote on it

Criteria Knowledge Do I demonstrate understanding of the plot, characters and themes of the play? Thinking Do I choose numerous relevant facts for inclusion in my letter? Does my published work use engaging features, such as fonts, graphics, etc.? Is my artifact related to the play? Is my supporting quotation relevant? Communication Do I use a voice that fits my character and is appropriate to my audience? Do I use proper sentence and paragraph structure? Do I follow English language conventions (spelling, grammar, punctuation)? Application Do I use the play or other course texts to create engage with the a theme? Do I identify and explain the meaning of my artifact?

Level 1

Level 4





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