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Guidelines for FRP

What tests could be used (after filling-up all the questionnaires). Having an Awe for Certain techniques . For measurement of perception, preference, importance etc use Likert Scale or Any other Interval Scale. 3/21/13

Conceptual Clarity On the Theory(Books/ Journals/ Article) Clarity on Research Objectives (What Relations to Study) Are Objectives in Tune with the Theory Are Hypotheses in Tune with Objectives. Questionnaire has Necessary Questions to Study all Hypotheses Do the Questions have Necessary Scale for Proposed Tests Are Respondents Able to understand

Develop Hypotheses (To Study Relations as in Objectives)

Development of Necessary Questions ( Do not Include Questions which you will not use) Decide on Tests to Use on the Basis of Hypotheses and OBJECTIVES Pre-Test Questionnaire (4-5 3/21/13 respondents) Before Filling It

Syllabus for IBM-Test for Portion Taken by Prof Puneet Rai

Independent t-test (With Levenes test) Paired t-test. One Sample t-test. One way ANOVA (With Levenes test & Post-Hoc). Regression.

Independent Sample t-test

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Only two groups. Dependent variable is on scale . The distribution within both groups is normal.


Independent t-test
Levenes test of Equality of Variance:

Null is that variance for groups is equal.


Paired t-test

Variables measured on scale. Same unit of measurement. The difference b/w two variables is normally distributed. Null hypothesis is two means are equal or there is no difference in the mean value of two variables.

One Sample t-test


The variable is a scale variable. Distribution is normal for the variable.

Null Hypothesis: The mean of population is equal to the stated value. 3/21/13


Dependent variable on scale. Independent variable categorical. Dependent variable is normally distributed within each group. The variation is same within each population group.


Reference for IBM-Test for Portion Taken by Prof Puneet Rai

Introduction to Statistical Analysis with PASW Statistics Course code: 0G517 (You will find this on the First page)

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