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Safety & Energy Saving 1Q: What are the Fire Safety "4 abilities"?

A They are ability to eliminate potential fire risk; ability to fight the initial fire; ability to organize evacuation; ability to fire control and education training ?

2Q: Fire safety "4 knows"? A: Know the dangers of fire; know the fire prevention measures; Know the fire suppression method; Know the method of fire escape.

3Q: Fire safety "4 able to DO"? A: Able to report fire (Fire TEL: 119); Able to use extinguishing equipment; able to fighting initial fire; able to organize fire evacuation. 119

4Q: Fire safety Non-block and 2 Able to DO"? A: Non-block ": safety evacuation channel and export must be Non-block; "2 Able to DO: able to fighting initial fire; able to organize fire evacuation.

5Q: A:

How to develop a good habit of fire safety? 1, closed fire door; 2, keep the fire channel and the evacuation passageway and safety exit clear; 3, don't jam,

misappropriate fire control facilities. 4, promptly report potential fire risk; 5, take an active part in fire safety training. 1234 5 6Q: If a guest claims that he has lost his valuable belongings, what should we do? A: Associate from Security department and GSM should meet and confirm with the guest as well as other witnesses in order to get necessary information for reporting. It is allowed to give the copy evidence to the guest if required. GSM / 7Q: When you see someone who has gotten an electric shock, what should you do?

A: You should move the injured person from electric wire by using a insulating material, e.g. a wooden or rubber stick, or unplug the equipment. You should not move the injured person with bare hands; otherwise, you would get an electric shock too. 8Q: When you hear someone who is shouting "help" in the elevator, what should you do? A: 1.Once hears the alarm bell ringing from the elevator, you should use the interphone to contact with the trapped and let them know the rescuers will be there soon. 2. The associates from monitoring room should dial "2572" to the security guard on duty, and dial ""0""to guest service center. 3. Associate from monitoring room should keep talking with trapped and understand their current situation. Do not try to open the elevator door by yourself before the engineering professional rescue workers come, because the elevator might move and injure the person inside. 1. 2. 25720 3. 9Q: When fire alarm in the guestroom goes off at 3:00am, what should you do? A: Notify Hotel Control Center or Guest Service Center. Security Manager, GSM, HSKP Supervisor, Duty Engineer should enter the door for investigation together. 3 /, 10Q: If a guest gives you a gift, can you bring it home without permission? If not, what is the procedure? A: No. First of all, you should report it to your department head, and fill in the Gate Pass Form with your department head signature. Then take the signed permit and the gift to the associate entrance/exit for Security check. Now, you can take the gift home. 11Q: When an associate is injured at work, what should you do? A: All associates must comply with the hotel safety regulations. In case of injury, the injury associate must notify the department head, GSM and report the case to HR within 24 hours. Examination has to be done by the designated Hospital if seriously injured. 24

12Q: If you lose hotel keys, e.g. Storeroom, meeting room or office keys, what should you do? A: Report to the Security Department immediately. After verified, Security should inform Engineering Department to change the lock and the keys with written request form. Then, Security will issue a new key and make a record. The associate who lost key should be responsible for all costs, and disciplinary action should be taken appropriately. 13Q: May associates keep gas, firecrackers or chemicals in the locker or work area? A: It's forbidden. 14Q: How many fire escapes are there in the hotel building? A: Total 4 fire escapes within the hotel. 4 15Q: When you are required to evacuate in case of fire. What should you do? A: 1.Unplug all electrical equipments and switch off all gas values, mark it with chalk or marker or use inspection card, then quickly go to the designated meeting area outside of the hotel by using fire escape or stairways. 2. In case of smoke, you should stay close to the floor; cover your mouth and nose with a wet towel, and quickly leave the property by using the fire escape or stairway. 3. If the hallway is blocked by smoke or fire, turn back to your room and tamp door gap with wet towels to prevent the room from smoke. Then, wait for rescuers. 1. 2. 3. 16Q: How to use dry-chemical fire extinguisher? A: Firstly lift up the fire extinguisher, then pull out the safety pin, hold up the sprayer nozzle by one hand, squeeze the handle by the other hand, stand in front of the fire (about 2-3M) and aim the base of the fire for extinguishment. 23M 17Q: How to call the fire alarm? A: Dial the internal number 0 or 6110 and explain the place of the firethe materialthe grade of the fire disaster whether people are trappedyour departmentname and contact No. 06110 18Q: Where is the gathering Venue in our hotel when happen fire? A: QiJiang Park north side and Hotel car entrance.

19Q: Please mention 3 safety tips of trolley-handing? A: 1) The object(s) on the trolley should not block your view. 2) push the trolley with your both hands so that the trolley can be under your control. 3) When change the direction, you should lower your speed to avoid accident. 1. 2. 3. 20Q: When you see flooding caused by broken water pipe or storm, what should you do? A: Call GSMengineer on duty or security on duty (Ext. No. 256725302572) to report the incident, including: 1) The location and cause of the flood (if know); 2) The reporter's name and department; 3) The reporter's location. Then unplug all electrical equipments and remove to a dry and safe place, wait for hotel HIMS team; assist to deal with the flood." 64 GSM256725302572 1. 2. 3. 21Q: Can you tell some important public telephone numbers? A: Weather Forecast: 12121 Telephone Number Consultation: 114 Time Check: 117 Fire: 119 Emergency: 110 Malfunction Report: 112 First Aid: 120 12121 114 117 119 110 112 120 22Q: May an unauthorized associate fix malfunction equipments or machines in the work area? A: No. The problem should be reported to Engineering Department, and only authorized associates can repair the equipments or machines.

23Q: What temperature should be set in office and lobby in summer? A: 26. 26 24Q: During non-operation time, what should BQT and Restaurant do to save energy? A: Each restaurant should make energy saving action plan based on the Operation hours. Below are the suggestions: 1) Turn off the lights and air-condition. 2) Switch off the unnecessary power. 3) Separate the items that need to be freeze in order to reduce the times for opening freezer. 1. 2. 3. 25Q: What are the majority activities of Energy conservation of Greater China? What does it mean? A: 30/20 by 20, it means: 30% Energy Reduction per Available Room across Owned, Managed & Franchised Hotels by 2020. 20% Water Reduction per Available Room across Owned, Managed & Franchised Hotels by 2020 ?? 30/20 by 20, : 2020 , / 30% 2020 , / 20% 26Q: Which day is World Environment Day? A: July 5 .

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27Q: Which are the centigrade of the air-conditioner temperate in summer time or winter time? A: 26 and 18.

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28Q: Which day is the Earth Hour Day? A: The last Saturday of March.

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