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Autumn Kallsen Mr. Neuburger Eng. Comp.

102-117 20 February 2013 Response Essay Harrison Bergeron

Kurt Vonnegut Jrs short story Harrison Bergeron describes a world of equality in the year 2801.After reading this story one could only conclude that forced equality will always cause rebellion. Vonnegut begins the rebellion with Harrison Bergerons mother, Hazel. Hazel is not an intelligent woman and can only think and remember things in short burst. Yet, after seeing how tired her husband looks from carrying his handicap from his neck, she suggests that...we could make a little hole in the bottom of the bag and just take out a few of them lead balls. Just a few (295). Hazel knows what the consequences will be if the handicap is damaged or for even for making that suggestion. Another example of rebellion is when Harrison escapes from jail and breaks into a television station where ballerinas are dancing. As soon as he enters, he tears off all of his handicaps, revealing a very handsome, strong and huge teenager. Harrison looks into the camera and defiantly exclaims I am the emperor! Do you hear? I am the emperor! Everybody must do what I say at once (297). Hazel and Harrisons experiences prove that even in a picture perfect world there will always be that one person willing to stand alone and go against the norm. (Word Count 216)

Work Cited Vonnegut Jr., Kurt. "Harrison Bergeron." 2011. Power of Language Language of Power. Boston: Pearson Learning Solutions, 2009. 293-99. Print. Second Custom Edition for Ozarks Technical Community College.

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