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Eennteterr Eenntteerr Enter Enter Enter E Netnetrer E enternterNavigating Through Excel Formatting, sorting, filter, subtotals, grouping and data validation.

Basic Functions Text, Stat & Math Formulae and Logical

Advanced Functions Reference " Lookups, Match and Index Using Reference, Logical and Formulae functions in combination

Pivot Tables and Charts Case Studies using Pivot Tables

Working with Controls Command Button, Text Box and Label, Combo Box, User Forms, Scroll Bar and Check Box Create a simple calculator dashboard. Functions like VLOOKUP,HLOOKUP,INDEX,MATCH,OFFSET,SUBTOTAL Using the above functions to make simple parts of a dashboard. Using Pivot Table to make simple dashboard. Dynamic Charts, Rolling Charts, Formatting Charts, Format as Table, Naming a Range Introduction to VBA o o Programming Language, VBA, OOP, Objects, Data Types, Variables, Procedures & Operators

Recording a Macro and Editing the Macro User-Defined Functions Control Statements o If Then

o o

For Next Do Loops

Error Handling and Debugging Worksheet and Workbook Events ActiveX Controls o o User form Data Entry Form Data entry with simple dashboard

Connecting Excel to Outlook & PowerPoint(Requires strong VBA skills

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