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Whatever the lowest unique bid is, that person wins. eg. If you place a bid of Rs.1.8 for a product and second Bidder Bid there is another who has also placed the exact bid, then for both the member the bid will be acknowledged as non-unique. On the other hand, if you place a bid of 90 paise and there is no other member who has placed the same figure then your bid becomes unique. Now it comes down to the fact if it is the lowest figure in the entire auction or not. If yes then you get the product, but if there is another member who has placed a lower unique bid than you, obviously he wins the product. It's really that simple. THE ONLY BID THAT IS THE LOWEST & UNIQUE WINS

How it works?

For Example - Lets say these are the bids. 1.10 1.10 <- This is the lowest bid BUT not unique 1.10 3.70 3.70 <- Not Unique 3.70 1.80 <- This is the Lowest Unique Bid, so this is the Winner! 2.40 2.40 <- Not Unique 2.40 4.50<- This is the Unique Bid but too High The WINNER BIDDING VALUE will be the FINAL COST of product. Benefits to Member

Savings of up to 99% on . Price is decided by the member Minimum Price for Maximum choices.

Select your preferred auction, and click on your product picture Start placing your Bids using Bid Arena. Each Auction includes a unique product and lowest unique product price you can bid. Every auction will end with a winner.

A revolution way of getting more for less. You can be a part of it!

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