Character Traits: ID Puzzle Page Character Trait Page 2 Express Yourself Home

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Character Traits

Scroll through the the list of character traits. If you need to read the definition, just click on the word to link to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Just follow the directions posted on their site.

ID Puzzle Page | Character Trait Page 2 | Express Yourself Home When we have activities in church I keep on fidgeting
immaculate immature impartial impatient impolite impudent impulsive inactive independent industrious inimiable innocent insipid insistant insolent

attentive babyish bewildered blase' boorish bored bossy brave brilliant busy calm candid capable careful caustic cautious charismatic charming cheerful childish clever clumsy coarse cold-hearted compassionate complacent conceited

decisive dependable determined diligent discouraged discreet dishonest dismayed disparaging disrespectful dissatisfied distressed domineering doubtful dutiful eager easygoing effervescent efficient eloquent embarrassed encouraging energetic enthusiastic exacting excited expert

generous gentle giddy giving glamorous gloomy glum grateful greedy gragarious grouchy grumpy gullible happy hardy harried harsh hateful haughty helpful honest hopeful hopeless hospitable humble humorous ignorant

intelligent intrepid jealous jovial keen lackadaisical languid lazy lively logical lonely loquacious loving loyal lucky malicious mature mean meticulous mischievous moody mysterious naive negligent nervous noisy obedient

concerned confident

exuberant facetious

ill-bred imaginative

obliging obnoxious

back to top | More on page 2 Adapted from MCPS 7th grade English curriculum.

Home | Express Yourself | Who Am I? | ID Puzzle | Character Traits 1 & 2 Poetry Resources | Poetry Assignment Template | Rubric | Send note to Mrs. K.

Created by C. Kochan Last updated August 10, 2000

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