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1. Minutes
Meeting called to order at 748 with minutes read and approved.

2. Financial Report
Ending Balance as of tonight 2513.25

3. Next Meeting Next meeting Holiday meeting at Bernies Dec. 1st. RSVP by Nov. 24th 5
drinks, 6 dinner, 7 meeting. Motion by Howie Second by Elliot for club to buy 2 drinks per person. Passed with Pat drinking to that.

4. President Report Concerns with participation Not sure if there is scheduling conflicts or what
is going on, but will have board meeting to discuss things.

Board of Director meeting Nov. 6th 7pm at Pulvermachers house. 5. Activities Report
Arkansas Oct 14-20th Had a good week of riding. 5 people went. Weather and colors were amazing. Adopt A Highway Oct 13th Will need to do as noone did this last time. Not sure if it will get done this year yet or not. Mercer Ride 6th and 7th No one attended. Lights parade float start Nov. 4th 1030 am. Pulvermacher building downtown Princeton.

6. Old Business Web Site Calendar Research need to set up an appointment Country Sports Wisconsin Rapids will be making contact before next

Face Book Brat Fry May still try a winter brat fry

Butter Braids report finished with 463.00 profit. Thank you Lara Roehl for
heading this fundraiser

Tires to be removed from fair they were removed.

Motion was made to give

a gift certificate to Mashuda contracotrs for their help. Motion made by Naomi second by Julie for a 50.00 gift certificate. Passed

Hauling in fill at Coats Scott, Ernie, Mike carpenter hauled in fill.


made for a gift certificate of 30.00 made by Elliot and Second by Howie.

Trail Patrol refresher class Calendars to give away we have extra, now is the time to hand them out. 7. New Business Christmas Parade Nov. 4th Pulvermachers at 1030 to start the process. Green Lake County Visitors Bureau We received a letter asking for help in
going to conferences and talking about our county. If interested in helping, call Ernie at 920,295,3294

Princeton Chamber Wont be joining at this time yet. Motion was made by Naomi and second by Julie to have club pay for
supper. Motion carried

50-70 dollars to put toward Christmas shopping depending on how many

responses we receive for the meeting.

Next years week ride Checking with R&S tours to see what pricing is and
if they are still doing the tours around Elliot Lake Canada. Reminder, if we take this trip you need to have a pass port of sorts.

8. Marquette County Trails/Green Lake County Trails

Trail Workshop January Works shop with County and city officials to be scheduled Charity Rides March 30th Budda Box and April 6th Jim Dahlke Memorial Ride. This ride will be an all weekend event sponsored by the VFW.

10. Adjourn 850


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