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List the names and school affiliations of all contributors to this classroom activity

Bennie Bainbridge Middle School Heith Bainbridge Middle School Lisa Terrell Middle School

Each activity should meet a Georgia Studies standard and Common Core State Standard. Separate the standards by commas. Example: SS8H4, ELACCRI1, L6-8RH1

SS8H9, L6-8RH7, ELACC8RI7.

Time Needed to Complete Activity:

15 minutes.

Provide a few sentence preview of the activity.

Students will analyze a photo of Franklin D. Roosevelt in Georgia as he campaigns for the presidency near Warm Springs, GA.

Materials Needed
Give a list of all materials needed for the activity included access to internet, charts, graphs, worksheets, etc

Photo of FDR near Warm Springs, GA, 1932

The photo could be used in conjunction with a presentation on FDRs ties to Georgia and/or his presidential campaign in 1932. Students should be asked a number of analytical questions about the photo. Here are some examples: 1- What is happening in this photo? 2- Who is FDR speaking with and why? 3- Who could be in the car with FDR? 4- Why would FDR want to converse with these men? 5- What could they be talking about? 6- Why do you believe this photo was taken? 7- Is this an example of a pro-FDR photo or an anti-FDR photo? Explain your answer.

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