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Cortarius Gause English1- Block2 Mrs. Knowles March 15, 2013

Teen Pregnancy Awarness Teen Pregnancy is the pregnancy between the ages of 13-19. Its a major problem here in the United States. In some countries it is normal to become a teen parent, but here in the U.S., is not considered normal. Teen Pregnancy in the United States is the result of teens being sexually active. 329,797 babies were born in 2011 from ages 15-19. The birth rate is 31.3 per 1,000 women in this age group. The birth rates also fell 11% for the women aged 15-19 and 7% for women aged 18-19. According to Marc Silver, Kids actually listen to their parents about sex (student research center). In making this comment, Silver shows that kids actually listen to their parents about pregnancy. Its better that teens to hear it from their own parents. Adults should educate teens about teen pregnancy because of the risk of pregnancy and the personal responsibility of being a teen parent. Teens become pregnant face serious risks. Life can be very difficult to live a parent lifestyle while being a teen parent. Its also hard to live the parent life without a job that will support the family. You will need transportation for yourself or child medical help. It will also cause an academic problem. High school dropouts are a big problem here in the U.S. According to BE Hamilton, Only 50% of teen parents receive a high school diploma by the age of 22 (CDC). In making this comment, Hamilton shows that only 50% teen moms receive a high


school diploma. This is very important because it helps people get jobs, and become successful. Its a contributor of high school drop outs among girls. The lost of lower educational attainment has a huge impact on the income amongst teen parents and their families. Children raised in a teenage parent household are more likely to have lower school achievements and usually drop out of high school. There are many family problems, there are life long, permanent changes, and the peers of teen parents are viewed differently. The personal care and responsibility of being a teen parent is very important. The personal care of the child is hard. The cost of a child is high when you dont have an income. According to BE Hamilton, Teen pregnancy and childbearing bring substantial social and economic costs through immediate and long term impacts on teen parents and their children. (CDC). You will need a job because your parents cant support everyone and babies need lots of things. It carries significant social and economic costs with children. To be a teen parent you would not be able to do what you would like to do. Having a regular teen life is almost impossible. Its time where you want to go out with your friends or family. If you play any sports or hobbies most of the times you want be able to attend the composition meetings. The child would have you up all night. The child shouldnt educate their children about sex. Their children shouldnt here it from their own parents. Their children arent the age to be learning or talking about sex. They should learn about it at school from a teacher. It will make them want to have sex. My argument is still stronger because parents can make a difference. Parents should educate their teens about sex. Parents will make a huge difference. According to Marc, Silver, The National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Research Center analyzed

interviews with 3,322 virginal 8th-11th graders and their parents(student research center).In

making this comment, Silver shows that the (NTPP) interviewed 3,322 virginal teens with their parents. They also have different percentages about how often parents talk about sex. The 4 different things is Never, Often, Sometimes, and Rarely. According to Marc, Silver, The Never percentage was 17%, the Often percentage was 11%, the Sometimes percentage was 37%, and Rarely percentage was 35% (student research center). My recommendations on teen pregnancy and prevention is to practice abstinence, or always use protection and birth control. This will lower the chances of becoming a teen parent. This topic was very interesting to me because its happening alot, so I chose to do this project on Teen Pregnancy because I know someone whos a teen parent.

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