Topic:: Volleyball or Basketball Skills Camp

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Topic: Volleyball or Basketball Skills Camp

Description of Task for Students Situation: You are in charge of a volleyball or basketball skills camp. You must create a flyer, brochure or poster advertising your camp. Be as creative as possible while including all of the necessary details. Task: Create a flyer, brochure or poster including one skill with detailed technique cues. A minimum of 3 safety cues and pictures of the skill. You must also list the benefits of attending this camp, specifically 3 health benefits. Complete the following steps in order to develop your project: Pick a specific volleyball or basketball skill. List a minimum 3 technique cues on how to perform this skill List a minimum of 3 safety cues to be thought of during camp. (a liability statement should be included) Pictures of the skill before and after need to be on the poster. Include 3 benefits of attending this camp Specifically overall health benefits.

Level 1: Novice Subject chooses to develop a brochure including only minimal or no criteria for the plan: 1. Benefits were not clear or not stated at all 2. Only half of the cues were covered and correct and the order was not correct 3. Safety considerations are ignored or not clear 4. Picture of the skill was not included or was incorrect Level 2: Basic Subject chooses to develop a brochure including basic criteria for the plan: 1. Benefits were all mentioned and somewhat clear 2. Most of the technique cues were mentioned however the order was not correct 3. Safety considerations were mentioned 4. Pictures of the skill was included and somewhat meaningful Level 3: Proficient Subject develops a brochure with adequate criteria for the plan: 1. Benefits were clear and in-depth 2. All of the technique cues were covered and most were in the appropriate order 3. Safety considerations were thorough 4. Pictures of the skill were pertinent Level 4: Distinguished Subject develops a brochure with all of the needed criteria thoroughly explained: 1. Benefits were clear and profound 2. All of the technique cues were covered and in the appropriate order 3. Safety considerations were deeply thought out 4. Pictures of the skill were sophisticated Level 1: Novice (1 Point) Level 2: Basic (2 Points) Level 3: Proficient (3 Points) Level 4: Distinguished (4 Points) No Project = 0 4 < = points awarded accordingly 5-7 = 50 8 = 60 9-10 = 80 11-12 = 85 13-14 = 90 15 = 95 16 = 100 Scoring Guide -.

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