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By: Ludrukers

Traditional Javanese poetry that is usually used in
ludruk performance

Parikan has 2 parts, sampiran and content Sampiran is the first 2 lines that dont always have
relevancy with the content

The content is the last 2 lines that describe the

purposes or advices or messages

Parikan is performed through singing, there are some

patterns of tunes

Selling a Song
Parikan in Surabayan In Bahasa Indonesia In English Abot abote wong mikul Abot abote wong mikul How heavy it was to lift jambe jambe. tons of jambe Lugur siji gelundungan Abot abote wong nyambut gawe Ta ewangi dhodhol kidhungan Lugur siji gelundungan. When one fell down others follow in a roll It was hard to get a job I could only help by selling a song

Abot abote wong nyambut gawe.

Ta ewangi dhodhol kidhungan.

Parikan in Surabayan
Jajan sekoteng ning prapatan Opo artine gantheng yen ora duwe kapinteran

In Bahasa Indonesia
Minum sekoteng di perapatan

In English
Drinking sekoteng at intersection

Apa artinya ganteng bila Beauty without brains tidakpunya kepinteran. means nothing

Choice as A Child
Parikan in Surabayan Krnik krnik jajan manisan. In Bahasa Indonesia Macam-macam manisan. In English There are various kinds of sweets Without sugar they wont taste good When you choose to be a lazy child You will have a hard life as an adult

Tidak pakai gula tidak Gak athk gulo gak nak enak rasanya. rasan. Masih kecil sudah malas Cilik cilik wes males - malasan. malesan. Saat dewasa susah hidupnya Besok gede soro uripe



Fake Friendship
Parikan in Surabayan Dolanan iku pancen akeh warnane Domino, ceki lan liya liyane Mulo mulone temenan mesti bagus - baguse In Bahasa Indonesia Bermain itu banyak macamnya Domino,ceki dan lainlainnya Pertama pertamanya pertemanan pasti bagus bagusnya Terakhir terakhirnya sudah terlihat sifat aslinya. In English There are many kinds of games Domino cards, gambling and others At the beginning of friendship you were nice and good But in the end, you show your true color

Kari karine wes ketawan sifat asline

Parikan in Surabayan Malese gak ketulungan In Bahasa Indonesia In English Malasnya benar benar Very lazy indeed keterlaluan. Ruining the economy Merusak ekonomi dan and morale moral. Forgetting Karena lupa terhadap responsibilities kewajiban. and neglecting studies Akibatnya waktu belajar jadi berantakan.

Ngrusak ekonomi lan moral

Sebab efek e lali marang kewajiban Akibate belajare dadi berantakan

Adik kecil belajar berenang Little brother learn to swim

Berenang pakai celana kolor

Penonton harap tenang Kalau tenang acara tidak molor

Swim wearing a boxer

Audience please be quiet If quiet the performance wont be postpone

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