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Games That Include An Element Of Chance

If node is terminal node or depth = 0 return the Utility(node) If adversarys turn A = -infinity For each child of node A = min(A,Expectminimax(child,depth-1)) Else if our turn A = infinity For each child of node A = max(A,max(child,depth-1)) Else if chance node A=0 For each child of node A = A + (Probability(child)) * ExpectminiMax(child, depth-1) Return A


Position Evaluation & Complexity

Evaluation function must be a positive linear transformation O( b^m*n^m )
where n is distinct dice rolls

No Likely sequence of moves

Day 1: Road A leads to heap of gold; Road B leads to a fork: turn left and find a mound of jewels, turn right and get run over by a bus
Day 2: Road A leads to heap of gold; Road B leads to a fork: turn left and get run over by a bus, turn right and find a mound of jewels Day 3: Road A leads to heap of gold; Road B leads to a fork: guess correctly and find a mound of jewels, guess incorrectly and get run over by a bus

Its not unreasonable to take road B on the first two days.

It seems unreasonable to take road B on the third day. Averaging Over Clairvoyancy suggest to Take road B. Since it was optimal on the first two days one of those two conditions must hold on day three. Consider what information will be known at a point in time.

It is a good idea to move to a state that will give you more information about the environment.

Deep Blue
In 1997, Deep Blue defeated Garry Kasparov in six game exhibition match. Deep Blue was a parallel computer which evaluated 200 million possible moves per second. In June 1997 it was the 259th ,most powerful supercomputer. Evaluation function:
Over 8,000 parts, many designed for special positions. used a an "opening book" of about 4,000 positions and a database of 700,000 grandmaster games

Arthur Samuel
Developed a checkers program that learned its own evaluation function by playing itself thousands of times. Used rote learning (avoids understanding the game and instead focuses on memory) Computing equipment:
Had only 10,000 word memory magnetic tape for long-term storage a .000001-Ghz processor.

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