2012 Water Bill Analysis

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JT Vaughn 2012 Water Consumption

Month Gallons/ day $/month Gal/day difference Cost difference $/person/ Gal/person/ month day $/ gal $10.49 23.58 $ 0.015 Annual water expense $251.64

January February March April May June July August September October November December

70.10 74.80 51.60 48.30 49.90 0.00 46.80 24.10 46.80 77.40 53.40 22.70

$26.08 $26.08 $20.82 $20.82 $20.82 $12.29 $23.03 $17.32 $23.03 $28.73 $15.30 $17.32

4.70 -23.20 -3.30 1.60 -49.90 46.80 -22.70 22.70 30.60 -24.00 -30.70

$0.00 -$5.26 $0.00 $0.00 -$8.53 $10.74 -$5.71 $5.71 $5.70 -$13.43 $2.02

Residence Overview Single Type Family Year Built Toilets Showers Dishwasher Inhabitants 1989 2 2 1 2

Consumption Summary Avg gal/day Avg gal/ person/day $/gal $/month $/month/ person Cost/year 47.16 23.58 0.015 20.97 10.49 251.64

Note: I separated my water bill from other line items on my monthly City of Raleigh bill, which also includes solid waste removal, recycling and stormwater fees. These other fees totaled about $15/month in 2012. Also, my house was built in 1989, though I remodeled it when I bought it out of foreclosure in 2010 -- so that's why all of my appliances are new. I installed high efficiency aerators (.5 gpm) on all faucets except the kitchen sink as well as high efficiency shower heads (1.5 gpm) in both showers. I think my toilets are the most efficient (at 0.8 gal/flush) you can buy today, unless you have an outhouse.

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