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SPSA meeting agenda and minutes

17th January 2013 Present: L Ralph, K Harrison, Catherine, J Dobel, N Ebsworth, D Hitchcock, C Babbage, E Dacorsi, P Lee, D Perkins, E Allen, J Wood Apologies: Killer, Fi, Vera, Sally, Carey, Mr Elliot, J Lewis,T Burne
Standing items Welcome Apologies Minutes of Last Meeting Appraisal of Christmas parties and father Christmas visit Treasurers report Funding Requests Gala Week Other Events Allocation of responsibilities

Things to be thinking about for next meeting, Summer Fair, Sports day sponsored event?
Date, time and location of next meeting and other activities. AOB

Minutes Item Main points of discussion Action Points

Welcome Welcome Catherine, Debbie and Gemma

Main points of discussion

Action Points

Minutes of Last Meeting Funding for activities for those families that cannot afford it. To look at in December for January and February. This to be discussed at the next teacher meeting. This will be at the head teachers discretion. Kate Wilson needs to be replaced. JD: Will speak with warm wish (cotton family), Jane Hushon and parent forum to discuss pool cover. J Dobel is going to a meeting with swimmingwarm wish. Chair and vice to look at first aid for events and parents. JD: Meeting with swimming pool committee in February. Funding, Kate Wilson and First Aid not discussed. Appraisal of Christmas Parties and Father Christmas visit KH: Everyone happy with Christmas parties? No further action happy to do the parties in the same way for 2013. A little less food. Treasurers Report Please treasurers report below from Lorraine.

Item Main points of discussion Action Points Item Main points of discussion Action Points Item Main points of discussion Page 1

Funding Requests KH: thinking of buying a couple of good quality coleman events shelters If you get chance to have a look and come with any thoughts that would be good (cost of approx. 300 for 2).

SPSA 2012-13 PL: Funding for covered cycle and scooter storage. 40 bikes and 20 scooters. Coach Tom Mersey 26 per hour. This is for girls football 3 lots of 260 per ten week block. PL: Gym spring boards for gym club for killer. PL: Cross country competition. Trophies for key stage one and key stage two. And small individual trophies for winners. Letter from Hilary Taylor for a cassette player and outdoor play equipment. DP: 500 for books for the school library. DP: The pond area how we can turn this into a more usable area. DP: For key stage two I would like to buy some beat boards. Yes to the shelters Nadine to buy these. Mr Lee to do the quotes for the cycle and scooter storage. SPSA will pay for the funding for Tom Mersey from after half term until the end of the school year. 15 weeks. 390. Gym spring boards - Killer to come back with a costing. Debbie to speak to husband about making a shield for a trophy. Two mini trophies per class approved, 2 each. 1000 has been approved for the cassette player and outdoor play equipment. 500 for the books has been approved. Carry-Ann to approach Bicton and Nadine to approach Embercombe building company for more possibilities on how the pond area could be improved. Dave Perkins to come back with the cost for the music it might be roughly 500. Gala Week Disco, with Drakes and Otterton school. - agree what stalls to have on the day of the Fete.(25th May 2013 2-4) Kate to speak to Sabrina from messy church to get involved 4 stalls and what they are will be sorted nearer the time. Debbie to organise bouncy castles. Other Events Bags for Schools, booked for 11th Feb, do you want to do a Jumble Sale before hand or not? Thinking from a storage point of view might be best not? Quiz Easter Bingo No to a jumble sale. Killer is happy to run the quiz. This has been pencilled in for the 26th April. Fiona is happy to run the Easter Bingo. Friday 22nd of March is the date. Allocation of responsibilities Trudie would like someone to do posters. She is happy to print but notice needs to be given.

Action Points

Item Main points of discussion Action Points

Item Main points of discussion

Action Points

Item Main points of discussion Action Points Item Main points of discussion Action Points Item Main points of Page 2

Things to be thinking about for next meeting, Summer Fair, Sports day sponsored event?

Date time location of next meeting Thu 7th march 8pm.

SPSA 2012-13 discussion Action Points

Item Main points of discussion Action Points

AOB No further business.

JOB Bake Sales

Involves Printing letter to relevant class, week before sale. Give info to Donna for Newsletter. Put up posters Organise helpers for sale (at least 2 people, it is nice to have 1 of the class involved) Check we have bags and float for the day. Collect cakes, set up and Sell!!

How Often Roughly half termly

Who Donna and Vera

Coffee Mornings

Put up posters, organise helpers, and cakes, check stock. Set up hall, serve t and coffee.

Roughly once a term

Julie Fletcher and Catherine Del Piccolo


Book discos, check with VL about letters, check stock, organise helpers. Check numbers, order gifts, give to yr6 in time for leavers ceremony Check numbers and date, buy lollies, bring in on sports day and distribute. Audit our stock, create list of everything, idea is that we would be able to see at a glance before each event what needs to be bought. Check approx. half termly

Occasional ( max 3 a year) Once a year, May/june ish Once a year, July ish Every half term

Nadine Ebsworth

Leavers Gifts

Jenny Dobel

Sports Day lollies

Stock Take

Lorraine and Emma

Raffle Prizes

Sending letters to companies for prize request, Fi has list.


Jenny Wood

Page 3

SPSA 2012-13 Second hand uniform Collect and check donations in foyer, put in storage. Give info to Donna for the newsletter. Get float from LR, set up stall, and pack away. Design and Print posters for events, pass to someone else to distribute. Give info to Donna for newsletter. Check stock get float, and helpers. Set up serving area, run and pack up. Jan Gemma Billings

Posters Refreshments Gala Week and sports day

Trudie Burne End May, July Jenny D and Emma

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SPSA 2012-13

Treasurers Report - 17 January 2013

Balance in Current Account Balance in Business Reserve Account Total Commitments 600.00 200.00 272.00 TBC 819.97 805.00 2,696.97 7,109.46 9,806.43 1,467.44 11,273.87

Portaloo Leavers gifts 100 Club Ornamental Garden Bikeathon (to be used for ornamental garden and sports equipment Chris Ralph donation Total Funds available (current account less commitments) Points to note:

Christmas gifts and chocolate Grid club Insurance Playground equipment

Page 5

296.41 126.40 100.00

SPSA 2012-13


400.00 350.00

Christmas Fayre income 1645.58 Expenses 326.99 Details: Tattoos 6.20 Table entries 155.00 Caf 156.45 Tombola 172.40 Raffle 416.05 Name the Teddy 5.60 Christmas baubles/calendars 18.50 Face painting 49.00 Guess the weight 7.50 How many sweets 1.05 Splat the rat 14.50 Cake stall 99.60 Ice cream factory 24.50 Bag stall 49.00 Candy canes 32.70 Grotto 127.30 Buy and Wrap 23.00 Entries 33.79 Reindeer food/Christmas hats 90.40 Children's cafe 16.45 Post fayre sale of stock 69.99


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SPSA 2012-13

St Peter's School Association Dates 12/13 Meetings and events Christmas Break Meeting Bags2schools collection Coffee Morning Bake Sale ( nursery) Half Term Meeting Easter Bingo Bake Sale (reception) Easter Break Meeting Quiz Coffee Morning Half Term Gala Week Fete Gala Week Disco KS1 Gala Week Disco KS2 Meeting Sports Day Sponsored event Summer Fayre Bake Sale ( yr1) Break up for Summer 24th December 2012 - 7th January 2013 Thursday 17th Monday Friday Friday 11th 15th 15th January February February February 2013 2013 2013 2013 8.00pm 9am-13.00pm 9am-10am 3:15pm

18th - 22nd February 2013 Thursday 7th Friday Friday March 2013 2013 2013 8:00pm 6pm 3:15pm

22nd March 29th March

29th March - 15th April 2013 Thursday 18th Friday Friday 26th 24th April April May 2013 2013 2013 8:00pm 7.00pm 9am-10am

27th - 31st May 2013 Saturday Saturday Saturday 25th 1st 1st May June June June 2013 2013 2013 2013 2pm-4pm 5pm-6:30pm 6:45pm-8:30pm 8:00pm

Thursday 6th TBC TBC Friday Wed 19th 24th

June July July

2013 2013 2013 3:15pm

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