Question 3 - Whitney

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Our film was a small budget film with home grown actors and actresses in it who would not appeal that much to a worldwide audience so we decided on using Independent distribution and production companies for our film. Because we chose to use Independent companies, we would have to rely on the Internet and new technologies such as sites like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Veoh, Vimeo etc to help promote our film and possibly make it go viral because of the ability to embed and share videos off these sites. The problem of not being able to get screenings for our film was solved because we could find digital cinemas that would screen our film for the public, theyre more likely to screen it than cinemas owned by conglomerate companies

My group chose Jaman Distribution as our distributor mainly because a conglomerate company such as Paramount, Sony or Disney would not be interested in our film because it does not follow the trends that the audiences they appeal to are interested in. E.G Action Films Iron Man 1&2, The Avengers, X-Men etc)

We decided that Jaman Distribution would distribute our film because they are a independent company which has previously distributed five other films that were of the same genre or similar genres to our film and they would distribute to a worldwide audience meaning our film would reach a wider audience across the world.

After doing some research on various production companies, we decided on the production company .

We choose February films because they were an independent film company and our group decided that we wanted independent companies as our distributors and producers. We thought they were more suited to our film than the other production companies we came across and because they produced 16 other films, that they were financially stable to help us with our film

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