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QUESTION 1 (2008 no. 1) Diagram 1 shows three sets, Set I, Set II and set III, of the apparatus set-up for an experiment to investigate the effect of ethanoic acid and ammonia solution on the coagulation of latex.

(a) State one hypothesis based on Set I and Set II. ... [3 marks] (b) Record the time taken for the latex to coagulate in Set I and Set III. Set I :.

Set III :.... [3 marks] (c) Construct a table to record the time taken for coagulation in Set I and Set III.


State one observation that can be obtained from each set of this experiment. Set I : .... .... Set II : .... .... Set III : .... .... [3 marks] State the operational definition for the coagulation of latex. .. .. . [3 marks]


(f) For this experiment, state:

(i) (ii) (iii) (g) (i)

The manipulated variable The responding variable The constant variable

: ... : ...

: ... [3 marks] Excess hydrochloric acids is added to the beaker in Set II after 2:00 pm. What observation can be made about the latex? . . . [3 marks] Explain the answer in 1(g)(i). . .



. [3 marks] Explain why latex can coagulate without acid in Set III. . . . [3 marks] (i) Explain why the latex in Set I coagulates faster than the latex in Set III. . . . [3 marks]


JOM KIMIA A1 (ii) The following is a list of chemical substances: Nitric acid Sodium hydroxide Methanoic acid Potassium hydroxide Classify these substances into substances that can coagulate and substances that cannot coagulate latex.

[3 marks]

JOM KIMIA A1 QUESTION 2 (2008 no. 2) The three statements below describe the observation made when three elements react with water. The elements are in Group 1 of the Periodic Table of Elements. Statement 1 Lithium, Li, moves slowly at random on the surface of the water with a little fizzing. The water then turns red litmus paper to blue. Statement 2 Sodium, Na, moves rapidly at random on the surface of the water with a hissing sound. The water then turns red litmus paper to blue. Statement 3 Potassium, K, moves very rapidly at random on the surface of the water. It ignites with a lilac flame with a pop and a hissing sound. The water then turns red litmus paper to blue. Plan a laboratory experiment to investigate the reactivity of lithium, sodium and potassium with water. Your planning should include the following aspects: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Aim of the experiment. All the variables. Statement of the hypothesis. List of substance and apparatus. Procedure of the experiment. Tabulation of data. [17 marks]



QUESTION 1 (2007 no. 1) Diagram 1.1 shows the apparatus set-up for experiments I, II, III and IV. The magnification of the thermometers shows the readings of the initial temperature and the highest or lowest temperatures in each experiment. (a) (i) Record the temperature readings in the spaces provided in Diagram 1.1.

JOM KIMIA A1 (ii) Construct a table to show all the data in each of these experiments.

[3 marks] (iii) Classify the reactions in these experiments as either exothermic reactions or endothermic reactions. Exothermic reaction Endothermic reactions

[3 marks] (b) A student repeated Experiment I several times. (i) State three thing that must be kept constant in these experiments. 1. 2. 3. [3 marks] State the hypothesis for Experiment I. [3 marks] Based on the Experiment II: (i) State the temperature changes and give two reasons for the change. Temperature change: 7



JOM KIMIA A1 Reason 1: Reason 2: [3 marks] State the operational definition for the reaction that takes place. [3 marks] The reaction in Experiment III is a neutralization reaction. Other acids can be substituted for hydrochloric acid. These acids have the same volume and concentration as the hydrochloric acid in Experiment III. Predict the temperature in the neutralization reactions of these acids. 1. 2. 3. (e) Sulphuric acid Nitric acid Ethanoic acid : : .



: . [3 marks] Diagram 1.2 shows some observations in Experiment IV.


State three observations shown in Diagram 1.2. 1. .... 2. 3. [3 marks] 8

JOM KIMIA A1 (ii) The following chemical equation represents the reaction in Experiment IV HCl(aq) + NaHCO3(aq) NaCl(aq) + CO2(g) H2O(l)

Based on the chemical equation, and the answer in 1(e)(i), what inference can be made from Experiment IV? [3 marks] Sketch a graph to show the change in the volume of carbon dioxide gas produced against time.


[3 marks]

JOM KIMIA A1 QUESTION 2 (2007 no. 2) Diagram 1 shows several electrochemical cells with different voltages.

Diagram 1 Identify the factor that influences the differences in the voltage. Plan a laboratory experiment to construct an electrochemical cell to determine one factor that influences the differences in the voltage. Your planning should include the following: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Statement of the problem All the variables Hypothesis List of materials and apparatus Procedure Tabulation of data [17 marks]




QUESTION 1 (2006 no. 1) Diagram 1.1 shows two experiments to determine the heat of neutralization.


Write the initial and the highest temperature of the mixture and change in temperature for Experiment 1 in Diagram 1.1. [3 marks] 11



Construct a table that can be used to record the data from both experiments.

[3 marks] (c) State one hypothesis for both experiments. [3 marks] (d) Based on the temperature in Experiment I, predict the change in temperature in Experiment II. [3 marks] Why must the initial temperature and the highest temperature be recorded in these experiments? [3 mark] How can the value of the change in temperature be obtained? [3 marks] State three observations that you could obtain in Experiment I other than the change in temperature. 1. 2. 3. [3 marks] 12






State three constant variable in this experiment. 1. 2. [3 marks] Diagram 1.2 shows the calculation to determine the heat of neutralization for the reactions in Experiments I and II.


Based on Diagram 1.2: (i) Give the operational definition for the heat of neutralization. [3 marks] It was found that the value of y is greater than the value of x. Explain why? [3 marks] The experiment is repeated using methanoic acid. The value of the heat of neutralization of these acids are given in Table 1. Complete Table 1 by classifying the acids as strong acid or weak acid. Name of acid Ethanoic acid Hydrochloric acid Methanoic acid Heat of neutralization /kJ mol-1 - 50.3 - 57.2 - 50.5 13 Type of acid



JOM KIMIA A1 [3 marks] QUESTION 2 (2006 no. 2) Diagram 2 shows the stretching phases of a vulcanised rubber and an unvulcanised rubber strands. Stretching phases Length of vulcanised rubber Length of unvulcanised rubber


45 mm

45 mm


59 mm

60 mm


45 mm

50 mm

Plan an experiment to compare one characteristic shown in Diagram 2 for both types of rubber. Your planning should include the following aspects: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Aim of the experiment All the variables Statement of the hypothesis List of substances and apparatus Procedure of the experiment Tabulation of data [17 marks] Kamal Ariffin B Saaim SMKDBL 14



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