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Olivia Ray February 25 March 3

Part I
The book called the silver Bowl by Diane Stanley is a remarkable story about a young girl named Molly. Molly has an amazing, strange talent, at random times; she will see the future of someone or the past of something. The author should have added a helpful dog or a talking cat, like the Cheshire cat in Alice in Wonderland. The part when Molly sees the past of the silver bowl is confusing, but is spectacular. I would change Mollys age though. She is a little too young to be a scullery maid. The detail of Mollys silver necklace that her dying mom gave her is amazing. The fantasy and detail in this book is incredible. Readers will find this book to be amazing. Girl readers love that Molly is independent and smart. Part II I sit on my bed twirling my thick short partly orange, partly brown and partly blond hair. I start to move once I hear my mothers voice shouting at my father. I look in my mirror. I see my sea green eyes. I see my black shirt dotted with neon hearts. My pants look fine. After all they are just jeans. My shoes are old flats from the 2011s. They still look great because they are turquoise and complement my eyes, according to my older sister. Accepting my outfit, I run downstairs and watch my dad drive away is his Chevron. He has left to go out of town again. He is always somewhere besides here. I exhaustedly fall on to my bed and look at my ceiling. I look around my room. My room is small but cozy. The walls and ceiling is a brilliant sky blue. In the right wall of my room I have a creamy brown desk. I have drawings of inventions pilled in messy stacks. My dowers are filled with notebooks, pencils, erasers and colored

Olivia Ray February 25 March 3 pencils. I have a tiny closet on my left wall. Next to that, my dog has a worn out bed. His bed once was cream but is now rotten white. On the left side of my closet is a light chestnut mirror. My bed has a lavender blanket with a violet heart in the middle. My stuffed caramel bear, Waldo, I had since I was a baby is still on my bed. He is next to my pink heart pillow and white pillow. By my door is my secret project I made. I fall into a feverish sleep in a few minuets. In my dream I hear my mom scream. I turn around and see a, flying saucer? I wake up with sweat rolling down my back. My dog instantly barks. Its as if he is saying, Are you okay? Most people are scared of my dog. He is a huge half Great Dane, half Golden Retriever named Ben. He may be huge but he helped me sleep at night as a child. He is my hero. Today was a normal Sunday morning. I was at church with my family. My little sister was singing in the chore with me. Abruptly, I heard a bang that took away my voice. Mommy? A little boy says. The rest of the kids run away. Even my older sister, Rachel, runs away in fear. I dont though. I am too frozen too run away. I am staring into a flying saucer. I start to scream. Not a low pitch fake scream you hear on roller coasters, but a true little girl scream. Apparently, my dog hears my scream and comes to my rescue. He pulls me away just in time before it abducts me. I start to run after my dog.

Olivia Ray February 25 March 3 Suddenly, I feel terrible. I tried to see but my vision kept fogging up. I tried to run away, but my legs were like bricks, they wouldnt move. I forced my mouth to move but it too was frozen solid, like a block of ice. I had fainted. Hello? A voice says. I look up but I cant move. I open my eyes. A little girl is standing over me. I must be dreaming. Well, hello-o-o? She says again. Hi? I say confused. I get up and look around. Forests of trees surround me. These trees are amazing. They are covered in a yellow green moss that extends all the way around their trunks. The leaves are the palest of green ot the darkest jade. The berries that pull down the branches are millions of colors. They remind me of jewels that glitter in the sun. Wow, I say under my breath. Hello-o-o? The tiny girl says. She gives me a look like Im crazy. I must look so tired and dirty to her. I gaze at my clothes. They actually arent ruined. What? I ask. I said whats your name? She repeats. Oh, I say. Sorry. Im Molly. I extend a hand for a handshake. She looks at my hand and then at me. She ignores it. The little girl has light, bouncy hair. She had two small pigtails and short strait down bangs. Her hair was a calm, light, sunset orange. She had puffy, light pink shirt with a collar. It reminded me of cotton candy. She also had a white puffy skirt. Her shoes were cream flats. She looked like a character out of candy land. She was adorable. The only problem was her personality towards me.

Olivia Ray February 25 March 3 Whats that? I ask as I point to her car. It was a beautiful grey Mercedes with, silver wings on the end. It looked like a miniature plane. A plar, duh, She responded like I was some weird person. She helped me to my feet and pulled me to her car. Hi! She called to the car. She started to wave. I stood there confused and with my mouth gaping. When did they invent it? I asked. 20 years ago, The tiny girl explained. Where have you been? I finally realize something. I am in the future. I stand there my mouth a gap look at the huge car. What year is this? 2046, She politely answers. She looks at her watch. Shoot. She exclaims. What? My dad invented a time machine! She realizes. He must of accidently brought you here! My grin disappears. How do I get home? I ask. I need to get home. My mom will worry and my little sister needs me. I am after all her big sister and her only friend. My names Patty, She says. I stare at her like this is a joke. Seriously, I say. I am having a mid life crisis and you just introduce yourself? Yeah, she says. I havent said my name yet, so I said it now. She pauses to think. Oh yeah! What? I ask.

Olivia Ray February 25 March 3 My dads in New England. It used to be called, California. He will be back in 2 days. We can go see him. And get you home! She looks very happy and is trying to be taller then I. Ok. I say trying to look like I would put all my hope into the trust of a tiny girl who is half my age. No need to worry Molly! (That was sarcastic.) I glance at the car. Something was coming out of it. Hey! a voice shouts. Patty looks up into the front seat and smiles. I look up too. In the front seat there is a boy. He has dreamy deep blue eyes. His hair is a rich dark chocolate and he is wearing a hoodie and jeans. He is hot, hot, hot. The only thing weird about him is that he is wearing a weird watch on his right arm. Patty, He says. He jumps out of the car and gives her a huge hug. I almost shout, Hey! Im your sisters new friend, I want a hug. I only say that in my head though. Hi, I say coolly. He looks my way and looks at Patty as if to say, Who is that weird new girl? Patty looks back at him like she was saying, Ill tell you later. Im Molly, I say. Nice car. I try to give him a complement. Wow, He says. You must be poor or just nice to say that. He pauses. This is a very old model of a flying car. It was invented in 2022. Patty looks at him saying, Shut up, mister know-it-all. Can you drive, I wonder. If we are going to get to their dad quickly, we will have to drive. He looks at me sadly.

Olivia Ray February 25 March 3 Im only 14, He says. Im so tall for my age I look like Im 17. I start to giggle. He does to, but says, Im not kidding. My neighbor asked me what college I was going to and I said, I dont know, I dont need to know yet. But he said, Arent you starting it next year? I look at him like hes crazy and I said, No, Im going in 5 years. He laughs again. Im Cody. He offers a handshake. I shake it firmly back. How will we get home then? Patty asks interrupting our fun. Well have to walk, He says. Its only 3 miles to the nearest city, and 5 more to our house. Well get there in 4 days or 5. We need to be there in 2! Patty exclaims. She starts to explain my situation and all that. Cody nods and Patty tries to say something but he holds up a hand. Well, He starts. We better get going girls. So we start to hike up north according to Cody. He says he has a compass on his blue backpack that I just noticed. I had wished I had my striped backpack on as well. As we continue to walk away from the car I get really curious about my new surroundings. Suddenly, I get self-conscious. Was it just myself, or was it getting darker, really fast? Look out! Cody shouts. I dive out of the way before a giant Venus flytrap snaps me in two. I lay on the ground panting as Cody pulled out a tiny silver laser. It looked like something in Star Wars. The poor plant had no idea it was done for right then and there. I watched it crumple to the ground, to weak to stand strait again. Cody turns toward me. This is an invention our father made, Cody proudly exclaimed. He had seen these ancient movies called, Star Wars.

Olivia Ray February 25 March 3 Ive seen those movies before, I say. I thought they were really scary until I was 9. I shift uncomfortably. The sun was going down and we were to far to go back to the car. We have to sleep in the trees, Patty said. She nodded to Cody. Cody recognized the nod and starts to fiddle with his watch. What are you doing? I ask. They start to ignore me. What are you hey! I shout. A dark hand covers my mouth. Its just Cody. Shut up! He harshly whispers. We need to concentrate and there are deadly robot things that live in this wood. We want to stay hidden. I finally nod reluctantly. He pulls his hand away from my mouth. I am so tired I can hardly stand. I start to hear things. Hisssssssssssssss, I hear a bone chilling sound. What was that, I exclaim softly. Get inside the tree house, Patty says. Cody turns toward the tree and starts to climb. Patty also does. What tree house -, I start to say. With Codys watch and various trees, they had created a tree house. I too started to climb. HHissssssssssssssssss, The sounds were getting closer. I have never been more scared in my life then right now. I scramble up on the rope ladder. I could hardly see. A pair of strong hands pulled me up into the miniature house. There is a loud bang as we pull up the ladder. I get my first glance of the robot.

Olivia Ray February 25 March 3 The robot is awkward and small, like Patty. It had a baldhead that was painted metallic silver. It looks almost human. The only problem was it could fly and shoot lasers. Thats the robot, Patty points out in a whisper. They are called hissers. It was flying toward the house! I felt Patty freeze next to me. I also felt Cody stiffen from behind Patty. I start to move away from the robot and moon light. I flinch when I feel Codys arm grasp for my arm. I squeeze his hand. The hisser starts to move inside our little house. It starts to turn on its light when I hear a bang. Its almost like agunshot! The hisser starts to move toward the door. I hear another bang and the creature freezes. I know the bullet hit him. I am relived. I finally can get some sleep. Molly? Cody whispers so he doesnt wake up Patty. Yeah? I answer him. He looks at me with his deep ocean eyes. I want to impress him so much. Hows your family? And such. I just notice he has a slight British accent. There is still so much we dont know about each other still, I think in my head. My dad is always away, I begin. Hes really funny, always, he can make you laugh. But, he can be serious. My mother is strict. Shes real close with my older sister, Rachel. Rachel is 13, my brother, Nick is 12 and my younger sister, Sarah is 7. I say. I remember my dog. My stomach now has a pit in it. I miss him so much. I have a dog named Ben. Hes a Golden Dane. Half golden retriever, half Great Dane. I hug my self and sway. I miss him. Cody starts to wrap his arms around me in a way

Olivia Ray February 25 March 3 that creates tiny butterflies that dance in my stomach. But I love that he is comfortable with holding me. I felt at peace with myself. I closed my eyes. Is she okay? I hear someone say. I can't recognize the voice at first. I recognize it in 2 seconds flat. Its Cody. Suddenly, I feel dizzy. I cant stand up. Im fine, I say dazed. I finally prop my self up. Patty hands me a mirror. I look terrible!! My face is dirty. My hair is a rats nest and has flecks of dirt in it. My pants are torn and my flats are ruined. I look away in despair. I dont feel good right now. You okay? Cody wonders. I answer, Yeah. I swallow my breath. Does anyone have a brush. We all start laughing really hard, like old friends do. I guess I finally have some. Yep, Cody says. Its Pattys. As I sit there brushing my hair, I see an odd sight. Its a man staring at a tree in amazement. One second he was there, the next he had disappeared into the trunk. I decided to not tell Cody this. Look over there! Patty excitedly exclaims. She points to the tree I saw. Cody looks up from his watch. He grins. Perfect! Cody jumps up from his seat. He quickly goes down the ladder and joins Patty at the bottom of the house. I decided to follow them. I carefully move down the ladder and run to join them at the tree. It was unlike any tree I had ever seen. It was stone hard and was made of some tip of metal. The fruit were glowing and was a vibrant purple.

Olivia Ray February 25 March 3 This is a wishing tree, Cody says still staring at the tree. He turns toward me. I mumble. It looks like the model I made in the past. Cody and Patty stare at me in awe. Pattys mouth is hung open like a fish gasping for air. Cody has his mouth shut, but stares at me in amazement. I start to blush. You made this? Cody wonders. Yep, I say almost sure of my discovery. There is only 1 in the whole world, Patty adds in. Why choose here? I think, I start. Its because I came here when I was 11, for 2 days. I pause. With you two. I step toward the tree. Ill miss you. See you in the future. And I made a wish to go home. When I was transported to church no time had passed. It was a few seconds before the saucer attack. I made a mental note to myself to never forget those 2 days with Cody and Patty. I wanted to remember my friends forever. After all, I would see them in the future. Right?

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