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Known The Children With Asthma Attack and The First Aid to Control It

Created by : 1. Asmallah Putri W. (1006778011) 2. Nabila Fathana (1006720181) 3. Vertilia Desi P.N. (1006720420)

O What is asthma ?
O How about children with asthma ?
Most common 6 until 15 age; becomes less common with age

Exposure to furry animals, air pollution, viral respiratory infections, and parental smoking are risk factors

More common in boys

Sometimes runs in families

O Allergens - mold, pollen, animals

O Irritants - cigarette smoke, air

pollution O Weather - cold air O Infection flu, common cold

Breathlessness Wheezing

Chest tightness

or chest pain


Sitting position


Asthma attacks in children are a common cause of absence from school and admission to hospital. However, between attacks, children can be perfectly well. When the child get an asthma attack in nowhere or forget to bring a medicine, can do it like the pervious describe how to the relaxation trainning in standing position or sitting position..

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