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I PAIRED|CORRELATIVE CONJUNCTIONS Link the sentences in one using paired conjuctions. 1. Fred likes helping his friends.

So does Linda. 2. Harry used to date Ann. Or was it Helen? 3. We should learn to accept our weaknesses and our strengths. 4. He never listens to or advises his friends when they have a problem. 5. I've betrayed your trust. I've betrayed your love for me. 6. He felt disappointed. He felt misunderstood. 7. Brian isn't very considerate. Neither is Tom. 8. A true friend is someone who is caring and loving. 9. Rachel should apologize or leave. 10. Richard and John didn't keep her secret.

II PAIRED CONJUNCTIONS Fill in the blanks 1. Who wrote you this love letter? - I'm not sure. I think it was ___ Michael ___ Paul. 2. ___ Linda ___ Helen called to say sorry. I'm very sad and frustrated. 3. ___ Ryan ___ Susie have disappointed me. They didn't come to my birthday party. 4. Paul has been neglecting us. He ___ calls ___ hangs out with us anymore. 5. He hurt ___ her feelings ___ her dignity. This is unforgivable. 6. ___ loyalty ___ honesty are essential in a friendship. 7. You should ___ disrespect ___ deceive your friends.

8. I will take you ___ to the cinema ___ to the theatre. That's a promise. III PAIRED CONJUNCTIONS Fill in the blanks 1. Roger Carlos knows how to speak Russian. 2. did the man lose his keys, he lost his wallet. 3. my uncle my cousin live in San Diego. 4. Her cat doesn't shed much your cat. 5. You will have to take biology geology next semester. 6. Maybe I should take biology geology. 7. I don't like science classes. I want to take biology geology. 8. My sister is going to England Ireland this summer. 9. My brother cannot take a vacation. He is going to England Ireland. 10. If she has enough time, she will go to Las Vegas the Grand Canyon. 11. is the Grand Canyon less expensive than Las Vegas, it is prettier. 12. This is the last question. You are now finished with this quiz this lesson.

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