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Collective Nouns

Animals 1.


__________ ants have built a huge anthill. A An army of C An orchestra of B A crew of D A band of 5.

The little girl ran quickly when she was chased by __________ geese. A a flock of C a gaggle of B a little of D a brood of 2. 6. The farmer saw __________ elephants passing by the stream. A a pack of C a herd of B a gang of D a galaxy of 3. 7. __________ bees attacked Ali after he disturbed the beehive. A A group of C A bunch of B A flock of D A swarm of

The cat gave birth to __________ kittens. A a herd of C a flock of B a pack of D a litter of

The farmer owns __________ cattle. A a bunch of C a herd of B a swarm of D a gang of There is __________ birds flying in the sky. A a board of C a flock of B an army of D a swarm of The horde trainer is training __________ horses. A a troop of C a train of B a colony of D a team of



I can see __________ monkeys on the huge tree. A a troupe of C a herd of B a troop of D a litter of

14. __________ thieves broke into Teong Ongs house. A A gang of C A choir of B A litter of D A band of 15. During the National Day parade, __________ soldiers marched past us. A a army of C a group of B a herd of D a fleet of 16. The hotel guests ware entertained by __________ dancers from Spain. A a tribe of C a gang of B a bevy of D a troupe of 17. Tan Sri Vincent Tan has __________ servants in his house. A a host of C a crew of B a staff of D a party of

10. The farmer has just bought __________ chickens. A a company of C a brood of B a class of D a team of 11. We went to the aquarium and saw __________ fish in a big tank. A a flock of C a school of B a troop of D a crowd of Persons 12.

There was __________ spectators at the football match just now. A an army of C a crowd of B a party of D a school of 13.

Foods 18.

My mother adds __________ salt into the bowl of soup. A a pinch of C a handful of B a crumb of D a spoonful of __________ singers will be performing tonight. A A class of C a choir of B A troupe of D a band of


23. Stephanie adds __________ sugar into her coffee. A a sachet of C a packet of B a slice of D a bar of Siva is eating __________ fried rice. A a pot of C a plate of B a bowl of D a spoon of 24. Puan Rahimah scoops out __________ curried chicken from the pot. A a cup of C a glass of B a bowl of D a plate of 25. Pak Ali brought __________ bananas for the teachers in school A a chest of C a bunch of B a cluster of D a bouquet of Things


The girl is eating __________ chocolate. A a slice of C a bar of B a packet of D a string of 21.

26. Mother bought __________ eggs at the shop. A a box of C a crate of B a tray of D a collection of 22. 27. Mrs Wong bought __________ grapes from the market. A a set of C a bunch of B a basket of D a bar of

Alice uses __________ glue to gum the paper together. A a bar of C a tube of B a roll of D a bottle of

Can I have __________ cotton? A a roll of C B a bundle of D

a bouquet of a tube of



I left __________ keys on this table just now. A a bundle of C a bunch of B a string of D a pile of 29. 33. The girl is squeezing some toothpaste out of __________ toothpaste. A a tube of C a can of B a carton D a packet of 30.

Mrs Leong received __________ pearls for her birthday yesterday. A a set of C a clutch of B a bundle of D a string of

Sarina got __________ flowers from her mother on her birthday. A a bush of C a vase of B a bouquet of D a flock of 34. Zarina helps her teacher to carry __________ exercise books to the staffroom. A a library of C a heap of B a pile of D a string of 35. They chose __________ furniture that blended in with the interior of their house. A a suite of C a block of B a batch of D a chest of

Mariam uses __________ soap to wash her clothes. A a box of C a loaf of B a bar of D a packet of 31.

There is __________ plastic chairs in front of the stage. A a group of C a stack of B a bunch of D a row of

36. My father keeps __________ tools in his car. A a set of C a pack of B a pile of D a bunch of

37. Uncle Lim received __________ shoes from his niece. A a piece of C a bag of B a pair of D a box of 38. Ming is clearing away __________ old newspapers from the shelf. A a pile of C a pack of B a ring of D a cluster of 39. I need __________ paper to copy down the notes. A a leaf of C a sheet of B a ream of D a stack of Transports 40.

42. There was __________ sailboats berthing at the harbour. A a flight of C a fleet of B a chain of D a company of Others 43.

Julia walks up __________ stairs to go to her room. A a clump of C a string of B a flight of D a collection of 44. She had to climb __________ steps to reach the headmasters office. A a pile of C a group of B a row of D a flight of 45. The laboratory and the computer room are situated between __________ classrooms. A two pairs of C two blocks of B two fleets of D two sets of 46. The old man is burning __________ dried leaves in his compound. A a heap of C a pack of B a basket of D a bundle of

You can see __________ ships at harbor. A a crew of C a team of B a school of D a fleet of 41. __________ of motorcars was seen on the deck of the cargo ship. A A fleet of C A pack of B A flight of D A group of


47. Father needs __________ wood to repair the fence. A a log of C a chip of B a slice of D a piece of

Answers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. C C D A D C C D B C C C C A A D B A C C 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. B C A B C C A C A B D D B B A A B A C D 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. A C B D C A D D A C

48. The farmer carried __________ hay to the stable. A a pile of C a pack of B a crate of D a stack of 49. The children removed __________ stones from under the tree. A a pile of C a clump of B a group of D a bundle of 50. __________ stars shone brightly in the sky last night. A A group of C A cluster of B A bunch of D A packet of


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