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Version 7.

0 Launch

Getting Started
My first project using Vijeo Citect 7.0

Goal of this document

To help the Vijeo Citect 7.0 new user to design his first project, starting from scratch To help the Vijeo Citect 7.0 new user to take benefits of the packaged features that are Unity SpeedLink and OFS

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007

Vijeo Citect 7.0: features

Vijeo Citect 7.0 proposes a new native tool to directly populate the Vijeo Citect 7.0 tags database from the variables of a Unity application This tool is the Unity SpeedLink Static The preferred communication link between Vijeo Citect 7.0 and the Unity PLC is OFS 3.31 that comes with Vijeo Citect 7.0 Of course, advanced users can still define other communication architectures according to their needs Vijeo Citect 7.0 now manages clusters, and a cluster must be defined even for a stand alone system

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007

Steps described in this document

Vijeo Citect 7.0 installation Creation of a new project, and PC configuration in order to run it; an I/O device, and its tags definition from the PLC variables Definition of Alarms and Trends Pages Users Introduction to Genies Device

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007

Tools used
Vijeo Citect 7.0 OFS 3.31, that comes with Vijeo Citect 7.0 Unity 3.0 The Unity Pro 3.0 Demo application for the M340 PLC

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007

Vijeo Citect 7.0: before the installation

If you already have OFS installed and registered on the PC, first uninstall it In Windows, Start Settings Control Panel

Select Add/Remove Programs Uninstall OPC Factory Server Uninstall OFS Configuration Tool

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007

Vijeo Citect 7.0: before the installation

Uninstall Vijeo Citect 6.1 Uninstall all the companion tools you installed with Vijeo Citect 6.1
Web Server Knowledge base

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007

Vijeo Citect 7.0: installation

Run the SETUP

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007

Vijeo Citect 7.0: installation

Take time to read the documentation, then <Next>

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007

Vijeo Citect 7.0: installation

Accept the license agreement, then <Next>

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: installation

Select <Server> environment, then <Next>

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: installation

Unselect <Web Server> feature if Internet Information Services is not installed on the PC, then <Next>

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: installation

Select the installation folders, then <Next>

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: installation

Select the options folder, then <Next>

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: installation

Click <Install> to start the installation

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: installation

If Dot Net 2.0 is missing, the installer will install it

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: installation

After the completion of the installation, click <Finish>

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: Project Explorer

Start the Vijeo Citect Explorer

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: Project Explorer

Right click on <My Projects> <New Project>

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: Project Explorer

Give your <XP_Style> project name and description

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: Project Explorer

Switch to the Project Editor tool

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: Cluster definition

A cluster is a discrete group of alarms servers, trends servers, reports servers, and I/O servers It would usually also possess local Vijeo Citect display clients For a plant comprising several individual sections or systems, multiple clusters can be used, one cluster for each section

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: Cluster definition

From the <Servers> menu, select <Clusters>, even for a Stand Alone architecture

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: Cluster definition

Give the cluster a name and a comment, then <Add>

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: Network Addresses definition

From the <Servers> menu, select <Network Addresses>, enter the IP address of the PC, then <Add>

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: IOServer definition

From the <Servers> menu, select <I/O Servers>, select the cluster, enter a name, select the network address, then <Add>

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: Alarm Server definition

From the <Servers> menu, select <Alarm Servers>, select the cluster, enter a name, select the network address, then <Add>

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: Trend Server definition

From the <Servers> menu, select <Trend Servers>, select the cluster, enter a name, select the network address, then <Add>

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: from Unity variables to tags

For each PLC application variable, Unity proposes a <Custom> field you can use to store any comment Vijeo Citect 7.0 SpeedLink uses this Unity <Custom> to filter the PLC variables intended to be tags in the SCADA project Let <Custom> blank for no tag from this variable, or set it to VJC to create a tag, to VJA to create an Alarm, to VJT to create a Trend

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: from Unity variables to tags

This is what can be defined

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Unity 3.0: exporting data from the PLC project

Right click on <Variables & FB instances> export

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Unity 3.0: exporting using XSY format

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Unity 3.0: set autosaving Unity files options

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


OFS 3.31 configuration tool: define M340 alias

Select the XVM file as symbols file

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


OFS 3.31 configuration tool: define network and address for the Unity Simulator

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


OFS 3.31 testing client: check the alias before using it in the SCADA

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: creating an I/O Device

Use the Express I/O Device Setup wizard

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: creating an I/O Device

This wizard will configure the I/O device

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: creating an I/O Device

Use the already defined I/O Server

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: creating an I/O Device

Create a new I/O Device

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: creating an I/O Device

Select a new External I/O Device

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: creating an I/O Device

Select OPC as the driver communication model

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: creating an I/O Device

Click <Next> to accept OFS as OPC server

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: creating an I/O Device

Do not link the I/O Device

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: creating an I/O Device

Click on <Finish> to commit the configuration

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: communication model

1 3

Set this parameter to 1000 for a 1000 ms OFS group rate

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: importing tags

From Projects Explorer, select Tools Import Tags

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: importing tags

Define the parameters as below, click <Import> Reminder: Unity Pro XSY export format is available from any Unity Pro 3.0 grade but STU link is only available From Unity Pro 3.0 XL!
Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007

Add ExCustom=?*;


Vijeo Citect 7.0: configuring the computer

From <Tools>, run the <Computer Setup Editor>

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: adding OPC parameters

Add OPC, UseOPC2, value 1 Add OPCAccessPaths, <IOServer> <IODevice> = <OFS Alias> File Save to save your changes
Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007 50

Vijeo Citect 7.0: creating the first page

Switch to Graphics Builder

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: creating the first page

Switch to Graphics Builder, add a new page

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: creating the first page

Select a <normal> template using the <XP_Style>

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: adding the first graphic object

Add a rectangle, select <Filled> appearance option

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: adding the first animation

In the <Fill> tab, select <On/Off> type, and browse the tags

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: saving the page

Close and save the page

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: compiling the project

Compile the project before choosing it as the project to run

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: defining a role for the computer

Run the <Computer Setup Wizard>

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: choosing <Setup> and project

Run the <Computer Setup Wizard>, select <Express Setup>, select the project to run

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: network setup

Select <Server and Display Client>, then <No networking>

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: committing setup

Select <Finish>, the PC is ready to run the project!

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: running the project

Right click on <Project>, select <Run>

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: DEMO mode

With no license key, the system will prompt

Click <OK> to run the project in DEMO mode during 15 minutes

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: OFS debug window

OPC group for Vijeo Citect OPC client

Group rate as defined in the Board

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: what is automatically created

From the Unity variables, the <Import> feature creates tags

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: what is automatically created

From the variables stamped VJA or VJT, the <Import> feature creates Digital Alarms and Trends

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: completing trend definition

From the project Editor, click on Main Menu Tags Trend Tags Press <F2> to display the lower half of the form, then complete the trend as shown

1 second sampling periodic sampling 2 external files filled in 24 hours (circular buffers)

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: check DATA folder

Run the project, then list the files located in DATA folder

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: display trend page

Open the <Single Trend> page and right click on the first pen to select it

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: select a pen

Select the trend for this pen

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: changing the scale

Select the trend for this pen

Click there to set 100% scale value

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: creating a user

From the project editor, select Main Menu System Users

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: creating a user

From the project editor, select Main Menu System Users Define a <kernel> with a password and all the 8 distinct privileges The < kernel > user can browse the project with no restriction

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: Administrator logon

Run the project Log on the SCADA system using <kernel> account Once the user is logged, his name is displayed

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: Administrator logon

Once the user with privileges is logged, a right click on an alarm line displays the Alarm menu, from which you can Acknowledge them

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: creating a genie

A Genie is a combination of several objects grouped and saved as a single object to be reused from a library You can define a Genie when you plan to use a lot of times the same group of object A variable can be directly assigned to an animation in a Genie A Genie also accepts string substitution to be substituted when an instance of the Genie is created

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: creating a genie

From the Graphics Builder, select <NEW> then <Genie>

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: creating a genie

Paste a symbol, select a tank from a <Tanks> library, then draw a rectangle inside the tank

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: creating a genie

Set <Filled> appearance option for the rectangle

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: creating a genie

Select a tag to fill the level

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: creating a genie

Replace M340_Material_A by %PLC%_%PROCESS%

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: creating a library

Close and save the Genie You are prompted to create a new library

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: saving the Genie

Create the new library then save the Genie

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: creating instances of the Genie

Open the page previously created and select the genie from the library

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: creating instances of the Genie

You are prompted to substitute %PLC% and %PROCESS% in order to assign a valid tag name used for the animation!

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: creating instances of the Genie

Copy and paste a second instance of the genie, then assign %PLC% and %PROCESS% in order to bind a second valid tag

When you assign strings for substitution, the resulting tag is immediately checked!

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: devices

Mouse or keyboard input can trigger a message to be sent to a log device via the MsgLog field The log device must also be defined with MsgLog as one of the format fields

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: devices

From the Project Editor, open the Devices Editor

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: devices

Device an ASCII device as shown below

Format: {Date,10,R} {Time,8,R},{MsgLog,32},{Arg1,6,R},{UserName,16},{Page,16}

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Vijeo Citect 7.0: command from graphics

Open the previous page and add a <Number>

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: command from graphics

Define an <Input> key sequence for the <Enter> command and a Log message

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: tool tip text and Log Device

In the <Access> tab, enter a tool tip text and select the Log Device

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: command from graphics

Run the project, log on using <kernel> account, then set the value

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


Vijeo Citect 7.0: Log file

From DATA folder, open the CommandLog.TXT file

Automation Business Unit SCADA Department Patrick Bourges - October 2007


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