Biology UP03 Chemistry Study Guide REV 1 2009 - Student

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Biology Study Guide

Unit 3: Chemistry of Life

The information in this unit is covered in Chapter 2 of Biology by Miller and Levine.
1. What makes a molecule “organic”?

2. What are the three elements that carbohydrates and lipids are made of?

3. What does protein have in addition to the above three? What do nucleic acids also contain? 

4. What is the chemical formula for glucose, a monosaccharide?

5. Fill in the chart below. Some of it has been completed for you.
Polymer Carbohydrates Lipids Nucleic acids

Monomer Amino acids Fatty acids 

Example Fats, waxes DNA, RNA

Function(s) Short term 

6. What monomers join together to make a protein? What type of bonds hold them together? 

7. What does an enzyme do to a reaction?

8. Which of the following could be an enzyme?

A) Carbohydrates B) Proteins
C) Lipids D) Nucleic acids

9. Without knowing anything about their structure or function, how can you tell that lactase,
fructase and protease are enzymes?

10. What two factors have the greatest impact on how well an enzyme functions?

11. Which of the following would you expect to break down lactose?
A) Maltase B) Lipase
C) Lactase D) Protease
Questions 12­13 refer to the graph below.

12. In the graph above, what is the optimum temperature for this enzyme?

13. What would happen if the reaction took place at 65oC?

14. In the diagram to the left, how is the enzyme specific to the substrate?

15. How do enzymes affect the activation energy of a reaction?

16. Complete the following table about testing for organic compounds.

Chemical Test Compound testing for Positive Reaction Example Compounds

Benedict’s apple juice

Iodine/Lugol’s dark purple to black color

Biruet protein

Brown Paper clear spot on paper

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