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Goal Setting Form

EducatorName/Title: Wendie LeBlanc-Teacher Rebecca Phillips-Principal

Primary EvaluatorName/Title:

Supervising Evaluator, if anyName/Title/Role in evaluation: N/A School(s): Petersham Center School Proposed Goals Final Goals Date:

Check all that apply1:

A minimum of one student learning goal and one professional practice goal are required. Team goals must be considered per 603 CMR 35.06(3)(b). Attach pages as needed for additional goals or revisions made to proposed goals during the development of the Educator Plan.

Student Learning S.M.A.R.T. Goal

Check whether goal is individual or team; write team name if applicable. Individual Team: Goal Statement: By the end of the 2012-2013 school year, students will demonstrate proficiency by receiving at least a 3 in writing/ problem solving in math 7 out of 10 times based on a 4-3-2-1 rubric. Key Actions: 1. Create math mission problem solving books for students. 2. Create problems for students to solve. 3. Create rubric for assessment of problem solving skills. 4. Implement math mission problem solving. Benchmarks: 1. By mid- November I will develop the 4-3-2-1 rubric to assess the students problem solving abilities. 2. By mid- November implement the math mission for all students. 3. In February, gather students journals (math mission books) and record data on a chart to analyze. 4. By the end of the year the number of students receiving a 3 or 4 on the rubric will increase by 50%.

Professional Practice S.M.A.R.T. Goal

Check whether goal is individual or team; write team name if applicable. Individual Team: Goal Statement: To develop and analyze the common core map for ELA and Math by the end of the 2012-2013 school year. Key Actions: 1. Continue to map building from the time given in Spring the ELA and Math Common Core Standards. 2. Identify the materials we are currently using that support the common core and list missing support material. Benchmarks: 1. By the end of February, I will have completed 50% of both ELA and Math maps. 2. By the end of February, I will identify 5 items that support the ELA and Math common core curriculum. 3. By the end of the 2012-2013 school year, I will have completed both the ELA and Math mapping to the common core.

S.M.A.R.T.: S=Specific and Strategic; M=Measurable; A=Action Oriented; R=Rigorous, Realistic, and Results-Focused; T=Timed and Tracked

If proposed goals change during Plan Development, edits may be recorded directly on original sheet or revised goal may be recorded on a new sheet. If proposed goals are approved as written, a separate sheet is not required.

Goal Setting Form

January 2012

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