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Cebu Technological University Danao City Campus Sabang, Danao City Quiz no.

. 1 : Elec 221 Bartending Name: Section: BSHM 2A Day Instructor: Mr. Jose Marie M. Anoos Fill in the blanks. 20 points. How Beer is made

Date: Score:

First, Malted Barley is mixed with hot water, creating the mash, a mushy oatmeal-like substance. Next, a sugary liquid wort, pronounced as wert, drained off. The hops came after that. The hops are boiled with the wort to add bitterness, flavor and aroma. Next, yeast is mixed with the hopped wort and left to ferment. The yeast converts sugar in ethanol and carbon dioxide. The ethanol gets you drunk and the carbon dioxide adds bubbles to the beer. Most beer fall into two categories. When ferments at high temperatures and stays at the surface, it produces an ale. When it ferments at lower temperature and does not float on the surface, it produces a lager. And lastly, it sits and ferments for a few weeks until its put into a bottle, keg or water balloon. And voila! Beer is born.

Cebu Technological University Danao City Campus Sabang, Danao City Quiz no. 2 : Elec 221 Bartending Name: Section: BSHM 2A Day Instructor: Mr. Jose Marie M. Anoos

Date: Score:

Draw the following glasses. 1. Rocks 2. Tall highball 3. Highball 4. Shot 5. Collins 6. Parfait 7. Pousse-caf 8. Irish coffee mug 9. Pilsner 10. Beer mug 11. Champagne flute 12. Sherry 13. White wine 14. Red wine 15. Whiskey sour 16. Cordial 17. Cocktail 18. Brandy snifter 19. Margarita 20. Champagne saucer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
















Matching type 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Gin Vodka Tequila Rum

is a spirit distilled from sugar cane. It comes in light and dark varieties and is an ingredient in hundreds ofcocktail recipes.

Liquor made from agave plant a clear, almost flavorless spirit, is usually thought of as the national spirit of Russia and other Slavic countries.

is basically a distilled grain spirit flavored with extracts from different plants, mainly the juniper berry.

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