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Vocabulary - Now that you've got the Japanese alphabets down, let's learn some basic Japanese vocabulary

y words and simple Japanese phrases. I will list the Kanji, Hiragana, Romaji (the word sounded out using English letters), and the English meaning for each Japanese word or phrase. Most Japanese words have Kanji for them but I will only include the Kanji if that word is typically written that way. Keep in mind that the Japanese language has different levels of politeness that change based on who you are talking to. I will refer to these as "ultra-formal", "formal" (or "polite form"), "normal" (or "plain form"), "informal", and "rude" (we won't be covering too much of the rude form, however). - Kanji - Hiragana Romaji (English Letters) watashi boku kare kanojo anata kore koko kono English Meaning I (formal for males, normal for females) I (normal for males) he she you (singular/normal) this (noun) here this (descriptive - ex. this

pen) sore soko sono hito inu neko ie arigatou arigatou gozaimasu douitashimashite ohayou (sounds like "Ohio") ohayou gozaimasu konnichiwa konbanwa sayonara gambatte kudasai (can also be written that (noun) there that (descriptive - ex. that pen) person dog cat house Thank you. (normal) Thank you. (formal) You're welcome. (normal) Good morning. (informal) Good morning. (normal and formal) Hello. (normal) Good evening. (normal) Goodbye. (normal) Hang in there

"ganbatte kudasai") ki o tsukete kudasai (can also be written "ki wo Be careful, Take care tsukete kudasai")

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