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What employers really wanted to know from aspiring call center applicants

You may have checked a lot of reference materials in acing a call center job interview. At some point you may have memorized some of the answers just to make it up to the contract signing portion (of the application process). But do you really understand what they wanted to know from you as a prospective call center agent? Take time to check these common call center job interview questions and verify if you are really prepared to provide appropriate answers.

1. Tell me something about yourself Common mistake: Saying your name, age and physical address to serve as an introduction Call center applicant: Well, as I said a while ago, my name is [your name], [your age] and I live at [physical address]. If your name is printed on the resume that they are holding, it will be better not to say your name. Call center recruitment officers will be wise enough to glance on your resume once in a while to write their comments. Besides, they will remember your name as soon as they are convinced that you are ready to proceed to the next step (of your application process). Same thing for the age and physical address, unless there will be issues that need to be checked immediately, better keep those details on paper. Call center gal tip: Call center recruitment officers need to know more of your interests and how you can relate those in your future job in the call center. So concentrate your answers on those details instead.

Tell us something about yourself.

This is usually the first question you would face in any interview. The basic purpose of this question is to start the communication and put the candidate to ease. This is the simplest but the trickiest question as you can take the interview in whichever direction you want through this question. To answer this question, start with some information about your family back ground, educational qualifications and work experience. Focus on the things you have learnt during your last employments. The trick is to put a full stop at right place to provoke the desired next question.

2. What do your classmates/colleagues say about you Common mistake: Giving details that might ruin you and your character in the process. Call center applicant: Well, my classmates say that I am pretty, easy to get along with, understanding etc Call center applicant: My colleagues say that I am talkative, friendly, a team player Notice how we sometimes unconsciously tell our call center recruitment officers that they should consider other candidates instead. Even though they wanted you to feel comfortable and sound natural in your answers, they need more details that build your character up. They need more of your positive characteristics as a person well suited for a call center job.

Call center gal tip: Be honest and yet be careful of the details you will tell them. I want to stress on the importance of giving them more of your positive traits. If they asked you to expound on your answers, then be ready to give related answers.

3. Why do you want to work in this organization Call center applicant: I heard your organization pays call center agents well. Call center applicant: Because my friend told me that it is easy to get a promotion here. Call center applicant: This is one of the call centers that I know of which has sleeping quarters and its important

because I live far from here.

Common mistake: Not doing a company research prior to the interview There are a lot of call center companies in the Philippines and I understand how tempting it is to send resumes to every call center companies that they see. Observe how applicants go crazy over submitting their resums in job fairs, only to be clueless about those companies when called for an interview. Call center gal tip: Do your homework. Make a list of the companies you want to apply for a call center post. Use the internet to gather information. Most reputable call center companies have a website to provide you information that you can mention in the job interview. Its better to tell that you got those information using credible sources instead. I am not saying that you cant rely on what your friends tell you. Call center employers will appreciate it better if you checked on the resources that they made available like company websites and marketing collaterals. 4. What is your philosophy towards work? Call center applicant: Time is gold. Call center applicant: My work philosophy is that you need to work hard for you to get a reward. Common mistake: Using a clich as an answer Clichs are overly familiar phrases. It may be tempting to use clichs in answering questions like this because it can easily fill in someones thoughts. But if this is your only answer and you cannot expound on this clich then you might not land that call center job. Call center gal tip: Frame your answers based on how you really work on something. If you really value time as part of your work philosophy, better be prepared with instances wherein you used time to your advantage. You can form better answers than by just using clichs as canned response. This is just the first of the three-part series about top ten call center job interview questions. Feel free to send me your comments and suggestions by leaving a message here. Thank you for reading. 5. Explain how you would be an asset to the organization Call center applicant: I can be the best call center agent in three months time. Common mistake: Overconfident answer

Unless you know how you can advance your career in the company, statements like the given example will blow your chance of getting the job. Call center gal tip: Explain what you can honestly (and specifically) do to help the company achieve its goals. 6. Why should we hire you Call center applicant: Because I can be an asset to your organization. Call center applicant: Because I can be the best agent in your company. Common mistake: Giving vague answers Call center gal tip: Although you wanted to stress that you are the best candidate for this position, you still need to provide realistic answers in this question. Tell them how your specific positive work attitudes can help you to be a better call center employee, say, after three months. Remember that in my previous post I encouraged you to use the companys public resources like websites, flyers, pamphlets and other marketing collaterals. Those materials usually carry public information about the company like the list of trainings and certifications they provide as well as opportunities to go up the corporate ladder. Use those information as a reference so you can provide realistic yet conservative answers in this question. 7. Tell me about a suggestion you have made Call center applicant: I was assigned to be the head of a marketing project in my previous company. I found out that my subordinates were not as hardworking as I. We hardly met deadlines because of that. I was so stressed that I gave them an ultimatum. Either they meet deadlines or leave my group instead. Call center applicant: Because I can be the best agent in your company. Common mistake: Giving a hint that you alone can provide good suggestions. Call center gal tip: This is a question meant to check on how you work well in a group. This is the usual setup in call center companies. Whether you work as an agent, coach, quality assurance analyst, real time analyst, trainer, supervisor, manager and even when you include other positions in the ranks, you will always be a part of a certain group, team, division or department. This question asks you to reveal how you contribute your skills to attain team goals. Please check the following questions to serve as a guide on how you should answer this question. What kind of approach were you using when given a chance to do collaborative work? Was it authoritative, authoritarian or diplomatic? Were you always assigned to be the leader of the group or you still find it productive to wear the hat of a member? Why were you asked to provide suggestions? What was the situation that made you suggest something? What is the purpose of your suggestion?

Did anyone from the group disapprove of your suggestion? What did you do? What was the effect of your suggestion? Thanks for reading the second post of this three-part series. Your comments and suggestions will be highly appreciated.

8. What is your greatest strength Call center applicant: Do I need to say just one? Call center applicant: I am honest in all my dealings. That is my greatest strength. Common mistake: Failing to assess your personal strength Call center gal tip: List all your personal strengths on paper and check which among those on the list can help you advance your career. For example, if you chose to tell them that you are honest in all your dealings then be prepared to relate this to your job in the call center. For example, since you are honest in all your dealings then you can assure them that (when you are taking calls) you will not mislead a customer in any way. If you tell them that your personal strength is your patience, tell them how you can apply this in your training (you will exercise utmost patience learning things that are new to you) and later on when youre going to take calls (on how you will handle challenging customers). 9. Tell me about your dream job Call center applicant: I want to be the President of this company. Call center applicant: I want to be a team leader in three months. Common mistake: Failing to be realistic in your answers. Call center gal tip: Although the question is about your dream, remember that this is not just a casual conversation. You are in a call center job interview. The call center interviewer wanted to check on your dreams of advancing your career in their company. Again, Im stressing the importance of doing a company background check. Is a promotion from a call center agent to being a team leader really feasible in three months? How about if you wanted to be a supervisor or a manager perhaps? How long will it take for you to be one? That is why its important for you to give conservative yet realistic answers even if this question seems to let you think of your dream job. 10. Do you have questions for me Call center applicant: None, thank you. Call center applicant: Will you give me more than 25 thousand pesos? I am very much qualified. Common mistake: Either thinking that you are only attending a call center job interview to answer questions or thinking of asking the wrong questions. Call center gal tip: Usually, this question signals the end of a call center job interview. After the interviewer expressed interest in knowing more about you and your application, you are given the chance to express your interest in knowing

more about the company. Asking those questions will let them know that you really wanted to learn more about the company because you are seeing how their growth will be your gain as far as career advancement is concerned. Thank you for reading THE TOP TEN CALL CENTER INTERVIEW QUESTIONS. Feel free to post your comments and suggestions here. Tell me about yourself? This question or something similar usually starts every interview. Your answer should be well-rehearsed, confidently delivered and last between 3-5 minutes. It should also: Focus on the areas of most relevance to the job in question Include some impressive achievements e.g. improvements made Convey your enthusiasm for the job Avoid personal or irrelevant information e.g. your children, un-related jobs What are your key skills/strengths? Focus on what you know they are looking for, even if it has been a smaller part of what you have been doing to date. The job advert or person specification form will give you the information you need about their requirements. What are your weaknesses? Choose a weakness that: Doesn't matter for the job e.g. languages for a UK firm. Is a positive e.g. "I like to make things happen and get frustrated if too long is spent sitting around discussing it without action" Used to be a weakness but which you have improved upon e.g. presentations Why did you leave your last job? Your answer should be positive and upbeat even if the circumstances were difficult. If you were made redundant, depersonalise it by talking about company restructuring rather than your individual circumstance. Never criticise a previous employer no matter how tempting. Why do you want this job? Your answer should reinforce why you are such a good fit for the job and then convey your enthusiasm for the role e.g.

Good match between your skills and their requirements Interested in the product/market/sector Company's excellent reputation, exciting challenge etc. Do not say (even if it's true) that you just need a job, or you want it because it's local.

Tell me about a difficult scenario at work and how you dealt with it They are testing how you cope under pressure as well as your problem-solving and communication skills. Good examples are where you:

Helped resolve or improve a difficult situation Were resilient in adverse conditions Showed emotional intelligence and cool-headedness Avoid any examples which still feel sensitive, because in a high-pressure interview situation, old emotions can easily resurface and throw you off balance.

Tell me about an achievement of which you are proud? Choose work-related examples that shows a tangible benefit to the business. Personal achievements should only be included if they are very impressive or prestigous. More experienced candidates looking for a specific roles eg Sales Director Jobs should focus on closely related areas eg driving an increase in sales or building a successful sales team

What are your career goals? They are checking if you are likely to stay and if so, for how long. Reassure the employer that the role you are applying for fits your career plan and your longer term commitment to the company. What are your salary expectations? Salary negotiations are best handled at the job offer stage so try to avoid this at interview if you can. If forced to name a price, give a realistic but wide salary range and say that you feel that salary won't be an issue if you decide to work together. What do you know about our organisation? You need to know the following:

Company structure, finances, products and services, key staff Customers and competitors Market trends and challenges Re: WHY you choose to work in a call center? why we should hire you without experience in a call center? why do you want to work in a graveyard ship? How much salary do you want to received? what is a call center for you? Answer call centre is a palce were we can get good worth and good #1 environment it is a good platform for all youngsters those how want to growth in her life

I want to work in a call center as i am sure it will provide good growth both in terms of learning opportunities as well as financially. Even though i have no exp in a call center i will promise my level best and yo can capture my raw talent I am happy with the industry standard salary 1.well sir, I want work for a call center bcoz i believe i posses good communication skills and i want to excel my self in this B.P.O Industry and i can find a good career growth too 2.I understand sir am a fresher hire me for my strengths like Adaptable, flexible , quick learner, and a good team player. 3.same as 1st answer 4. well sir I heard about this company is offering very good salaries for freshers pay me as per company noms center is customer care(center) customer is who is in a need call center is place where we have to satisfy customer up to the business rules of organization. call center is place where C-SAT(customer satisfaction)is very important. A call center is where I can give support and assistance to clients who are asking help.

i think the future prospects of this company is very good and their is a chance of growth for every employee working in this organization Call Centre or BPO are the places which not only pays in financial benefits but also give an opportunity to groom yourself. the flexibilty in the timings are the ain thing which i like most and yes the facilities too...only these industries grooms their employees and itself side by side.. Q: "What do you think you have to offer this company?" This is a chance to sing your own praises concentrating on the skills you have that are required for the position. E.g. "I have strong sales skills, am a good team player and am very keen to be involved in the new markets you are developing in the Asian region." Q: "What do you think this position involves?" This question is designed to reveal if you have thought about the position, done some research, listened to the interviewer, and can summarise all of this information clearly. Q: "What do you know about the company?" Demonstrate your interest in the job, and your understanding of the organisation and industry. Talk about the research you did into the company's key areas of interest, its size, its main customers or current status, making reference to your source of information.

Tell me about yourself. This is normally one of the first, if not the very first, questions an interviewer will ask you. This is your chance to sell yourself. More likely than not, the interviewer has had a chance to review your resume and application form, so try to avoid giving information already indicated in it; however, you may want to highlight certain points you feel are applicable to the position youre applying for, and then elaborate. You can also mention other related experiences: for example youre applying for a sales position, you may want to mention how you enjoyed a sales and marketing class you took, in which you had to sell various products.

What made you decide to apply for this position/company? This question can be tricky, and should teach you to listen carefully to the question being asked. While running down the list of reasons youre suited the position may get a good point across and can help the interviewer assess whether you qualify for the position, it isnt exactly what they were looking for. Your interviewer wants to determine the reason/s you want the job in order to determine whether you are the right person for it. Being capable of doing the job and wanting it are different things, and these factors can affect your performance and how long you will stay in the company. The best way to answer this question is to express how your relevant competencies and interests meet to make you ideal and motivated for the position. Before applying for a position, or going to a job interview, do some research about the position and the company you're applying for; this means going beyond reading the ad or job description. While responsibilities may vary in different

companies, most jobs generally have similar overviews. This way, you wont be like a solider heading into battle without a gun. Its best to match your skills to the skills required to fill a certain position. You may also want to briefly describe how and at which points your values and the companys align.

What are your career plans? When discussing your career, remember that it is your chosen profession or occupation and not merely a job. Also, at this point, it is assumed that you already have at least an idea of the direction you want to take with your professional life. Telling an interviewer your plans for your career is to find a job is pretty obvious since youre at a job interview; its also annoying and is really not answering the questionand its a far more common answer than you might think. Focus more on your professional goals: Do you see yourself in the same company several years down the road? Do you see this as a stepping stone toward other things, or do you plan to stay in this field or industry? Do you want to pursue further studies? If so, how does this fit into your work schedule? Do you see yourself working abroad? You should also give at least an idea of the timeline you set for yourself. For example, when do you plan to pursue your MA or MBA? Or when do you plan to look into pursuing employment opportunities abroad, within the next two years or so? Giving the interviewer an idea of your goals will tell them more about youif you are dedicated to the career you are setting yourself up for and the potential for career growth, whether upward or laterally. Also, in being clear about what you expect to achieve, the interviewer may better determine if the company will be able to satisfy your professional needs, therefore leading to a better assessment of whether you will fit the position you are applying for on a more subjective level.

What are your strengths and weaknesses? Strengths are skills or values you feel are an asset. Rather than just listing these down, be more specific. Values are relative, therefore tricky. You can be patient, but patient to what extent and in what context? Are you able to endure instructing someone who cant seem to understand you, or are you uncomplaining of people who are late? You can also give brief examples to be better understood. Weaknesses are skills or values you feel can be a liability and need to improve on. Since these may seem like points against you, turn the negative into a positive. Give weaknesses that, when looking on the bright side, can also be a strength, and highlight that fact. You can also give a weakness that youve created alternative solutions to or are currently working to correct. This article on has some great suggestions and examples. Never refuse to answer these questions or give vague and non-committal answers since this will give the impression that you either do not know yourself well or are not confident enough in your abilities to recognize what you're best at and what you need to work on.

What is your expected salary? In most cases, especially if you are a fresh grad or are applying for a job in a new industry, you might be clueless as to the standard rates in your industry. Unlike job descriptions, this may not be as easy to research since this may be based on a number of factors. Try to do some research on similar positions in the same company and other companies in the same industry. Be realistic. If youre applying for an entry level position, dont assume youll receive a salary significantly over

minimum wage. If youre really unsure, consider how much you need, because at the very least, you should be able to afford to support yourself with any job. Although you may not want to name your price, an interviewer may ask for it point blank. In this case, you should give your higher salary expectation (as long as this is not unreasonably higha distinction you may need some trial and error to make) but add that this is negotiable. Try not to give your "last price" because this is almost always what the company will take. If you have work experience, in most cases, its fairly reasonable to expect a salary no lower than your lastindeed, you should start out by asking for more, especially because youll be leaving your present job for the one youre applying for (and you may not be able to return if things don't go well). You want to make the move worth your while. Which brings us to the next frequently asked question.

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What are your reasons for leaving your previous employment? Be truthfulto an extent. Lets face it, nothing is perfect. There will always be gripes or issues about previous companies, bosses, co-workers, team members, and most everyone you will encounter. While these complaints may strongly factor into your job hunt, they will most probably not be the only reasons. Also, you may be tempted to use these complaints and negative incidents as examples for situational questions, but resist the urge and take a more objective approach. The interviewer may be assessing how you are able to deal with other people or may be thinking of how you would represent the company if you are hired. Badmouthing is a sign of immaturity; if your previous experience was not a good one, there are better outlets and instances to gripe about it than a job interview. Focus on your positive reasons for leaving and downplay the negative ones: for instance, instead of saying the pay was terrible and you were being overworked in your previous company, say that you felt ready to take on greater challenges and grow professionally.

Are you married? If so, do you have children? If not, are you planning to have kids any time soon? This information can be found in your application form, assuming you were asked to fill one out. It is necessary to determine your dependents and people to contact in case of any emergencies. It is also normally asked to get a better idea of your plans and priorities, and how your personal plans may coincide or affect your professional plans. It should not be seen as something discriminatory, as these questions can be asked of men as well. Also, since there are certain industries/fields that may not be ideal working conditions for women who are expecting, it maybe something your interviewer might point out when discussing the job description. So answer honestly, but don't volunteer too much information. If youre planning to start a family immediately, or if you're already pregnant, it would be best to be honest about this, but note that this may not weigh in your favor as the company may be concerned that you would complete your training or orientation only to go on maternity leave for two to three months.

Are you willing to do overtime? People argue that this can be a difficult question to answer, because you obviously cant say no, and saying yes may appear as an invitation for the company to exploit you. But if you think about it, youre bound to do overtime at one

point or another. Also, depending on the nature of the work, overtime may be inapplicable because the work itself involves rendering long hours. Moreover, if you're applying for a managerial position or a position that is focused more on projects than operations, note that there may be no overtime pay, and overtime may simply be a given. If you do not feel comfortable saying yes outright, you can sidestep by expressing your agreement or determination to deliver what is asked or needed of you. This has the additional benefit of showing you as being goal-driven rather than a clock-watcher.

What motivates you? The question of motivation is one of the easier questions the interviewer asks to get a better idea of your values and personality and therefore assess whether these coincide with the company culture and nature of the position youre applying for. Be honest, but make sure that this is relevant to the job and company you're interviewing for. A safe response is to say that you're spurred on by challenges to learn and continuously improve yourself. This article on has more suggestions on how you may want to phrase your answer to this question.

What do you look for in an employer? This is another rather easy question that measures suitability; however, in this case, it assesses your compatibility to the environment. In the same way, you are being assessed on whether you meet the companys needs and expectations; it will also be determined whether the company meets yours. This is important because it would be a waste of your time and the companys time to continue with the process if eventually you realize you will not be able to get what you need from them. Be clear but realistic about your expectations.

While it is easier said than done, the best way to handle a job interview is to be as relaxed as you can manage. Make sure you understand the questions clearly before answering, since it is better to give a well thought out answer rather than a quick and messy monologue. Dont panic if the interviewers look bored or even yawn, especially if this is your first or preliminary interview; remember that youre probably one in a long line of people theyre interviewing that day. And if things dont turn out well, its no big deal; there will be other opportunities. how you would handle a problem? Sample Answers

I try to get along with everyone, and respect their opinions and boundaries. In the past when I have had a problem with someone, I have been able to work it out by talking with them. If I were having a problem with a co-worker, I would try talking to them to see if we could work out our differences. If they weren't open to that, or if the problem remained, I would discuss it with my supervisor. I would first talk to the person and try to figure out what was bothering them. If the problem continued after talking to them, I would bring it to the attention of my supervisor. In my experience, what can't be resolved by talking one on one with the co-worker should be brought to the supervisor right away, before it escalates.

Do you enjoy working in a team environment? Sample Answers

I love it, the faster the better. I really enjoy being a part of a busy team.

I really enjoy being a part of a busy call center team. I find that in a fast paced environment, my efficiency improves. I really thrive on a fast paced team environment. I enjoy the camaraderie of working as part of a team, and helping people together.

How do you handle pressure? Sample Answers

I thrive on pressure. I really enjoy the excitement of a high pressure environment. I find that when the pressure is on, my speed and accuracy increase. I find that pressure in a work environment enables me to reach higher goals than when I am

CALLCENTER PLACES: STREAM is now open in J CENTRE MALL! Apply at our newest site in CEBU ! No experience required Stream Global Services 2/F J Centre Mall, AS Fortuna Street , Mandaue City, Cebu This is an URGENT job vacancy! Category : Tech Support, Customer Service, Sales / Telemarketing, Tech Support, More Call Center..., Job Fairs Job ID : 49491 Accepting applications until November 09, 2012, Friday Details Stream Global Services As a premium, global provider of sales, customer care, technical support, and complex process outsourcing services, Stream focuses on increasing brand value, revenue and operational efficiencies for our clients. Stream is a recognized leader at excelling within the most demanding and complex customer care engagements, where a highly-skilled workforce with specialized training is required. Our innovative service solutions address specific client needs through proven best practices, clear vision and solid leadership. Stream blends agility with a global, standardized delivery model to create smart, flexible solutions that help solve our clients critical business needs. Stream handles more than 150 million voice, chat, and e-mail contacts annually in 35 languages.

Come join us today, and see your career take off.

STREAM is now open in J CENTRE MALL! Apply at our newest site in CEBU ! STREAM J Centre Recruiting Center Open 10AM-7PM on weekdays. 2/F J Centre Mall, AS Fortuna Street , Mandaue City (In front of Family Appliance Store) Walk-in and apply from October 29 November 9 to win a Cebu Pacific travel voucher! Terms and conditions apply. Now Hiring:

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STREAM Ground Floor, i2 Building Cebu IT Park, Apas Lahug Cebu City Second Floor, J Centre Mall, AS Fortuna Street, Mandaue City Company Address: 2/F, Worldwide Corporate Center, Shaw Boulevard, Mandaluyong 1000 Industry: Call Center / IT-Enabled Services / BPO


As a premium, global provider of sales, customer care, technical support, and complex process outsourcing services, Stream focuses on increasing brand value, revenue and operational efficiencies for our clients. Stream is a recognized leader at excelling within the most demanding and complex customer care engagements, where a highly-skilled workforce with specialized training is required. Our innovative service solutions address specific client needs through proven best practices, clear vision and solid leadership. Stream blends agility with a global, standardized delivery model to create smart, flexible solutions that help solve our clients critical business needs. Stream handles more than 150 million voice, chat, and e-mail contacts annually in 35 languages.


Stream. It's the Company you keep.


History: Originally formed more than 15 years ago as an outgrowth service for a large software reseller, Stream has grown to become a global provider of sales, customer service and technical support services for the Fortune 1000. Since its inception, Stream's global footprint has expanded to cover 23 countries, with more than 30,000 employees across 50 locations. Stream currently manages millions of voice, email and chat contacts each year from customers around the globe. While Stream's history is rich in technical support, the company has grown to be a Provider of Choice for companies looking for world-class customer care and revenue generation programs, as well. Our consultative approach enables us to tailor programs that specifically speak to our clients' specific business challenges. And, with a global presence across North America, Europe, the Philippines, India, Latin America, Middle East and Africa, we ensure we are in the right geographies with the right market expertise to deliver successful support programs. As a known "Employer of Choice" in the regions in which we operate, Stream is able to attract the best talent, ensuring our support professionals are truly engaged and engrossed in our clients' businesses and brands - resulting in a better overall customer experience. Stream's vision for the future includes expansion into new geographies, as well as continued dedication to client and customer satisfaction and further innovation of support services. Product and Services: Stream's solutions to business process and contact center outsourcing drive value for our clients and their customers. Stream blends agility with a global, standardized delivery model based on proven best practices to create solutions that succeed - even in highly specialized industries. We are consistently rated as a tier-one service provider by some of the most demanding support environments in the world; these Fortune 1000 clients stay with us because we continue to deliver the results they need. Stream offers a variety of solutions across multiple service delivery channels, including:

Inbound and outbound sales Technical support and warranty services Customer care Customer retention Back office

Stream utilizes our Smart Shore methodology to determine the optimal mix of support locations (onshore, offshore, nearshore) and automation (IVR, e-mail, chatand Web self-service), as well as back-office support, to meet your customer care objectives. And importantly, we can meet the challenge of staffing to complex technical and sales requirements with multilingual skill sets across our global presence. Cultures and Values: What makes Stream different from the other BPO providers? Simple. It's our value-based, performance-driven culture. At Stream, we believe in developing strong relationships with our clients and view each customer contact as an opportunity to enhance customer and brand loyalty. Our carefully screened support professionals quickly discern

customers' needs and organize service priorities to deliver a best-in-class support experience. With 30,000 service professionals across 23 countries and supporting more than 35 languages, Stream is uniquely qualified to address your support needs on a global level. At Stream, we believe that at the core of every long-term client engagement is a personal relationship. We continually foster the relationship with our clients to drive ongoing service improvements. Stream offers a flexible and agile relationship that is easily adjusted to our clients' changing needs. Our focus in the following areas sets us apart from our competitors and enables our clients to realize tangible benefits and immediate value:

Seamless transition and implementation Maximum value through performance-driven metrics Global presence and multilingual capabilities Thought leadership and innovation Financial strength Seasonal growth and volume scalability

Aligning our goals with our clients' goals, clearly identifying expected performance metrics, and driving accountability with compensation heavily weighted on performance creates an award-winning formula for success. Benefits: As a growing, global company, Stream offers an array of benefits designed to be flexible, innovative and valuable. Our employees are the root of Streams continued global success. We are committed to supporting our people and their families by offering a comprehensive and competitive benefits package with a range of options to choose from. Being an international company spanning many different countries, Streams benefits programs are diverse and are specifically designed to appeal to the needs of the local area workforce. As such, our full benefits information is made readily available during the interview stage.

EPERFORMAX Urgent Need: 300 Customer Service Reps-CEBU Central Visayas - Lahug, Cebu City Requirements:

Candidate must have finished at least 2nd year College / Vocational Diploma / Short Course Certificate in any field. 300 Full-Time positions available. Preference will be given to candidates who APPLY ONLINE. ePERFORMAX Contact Centers Corporation

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ePerformax Contact Centers & BPO is passionate about performance and providing the best service to our clients and their customers. We arent challenged by implementing a culture of high performance because frankly, being a high performance contact center is what excites us about the business. Our goal is to be the best contact center for your company, not the biggest contact center. As one of the first call centers in the Philippines in 2002 we have grown steadily year after year, strategically adding clients, physical space and expanding to new locations. Much of this growth is the result of the high level of performance we have been able to provide to our existing client base. To continue this growth, we plan to be selective and strategic in our client relationships, choice of locations and the additional management staff we hire. We form strategic partnerships with shared values that include:

Performance versus price-only orientation Customer focused Sharing of best practices Continuous learning and innovation Commitment to training and employee development Brand enhancement

It is this spirit of partnership that makes us successful with our clients and quite honestly, today we find it difficult to find companies that appreciate our desire to be true partners versus simply a vendor. Were lucky enough today to have a group of clients who truly enjoy working in partnership to achieve mutual goals, but they are getting tougher and tougher to find. We hope youll be as enthusiastic about finding a contact center that appreciates a true partnership approach as we are about finding clients that prefer to work in the same manner.


Build your career at ePerformax

Pioneer in the BPO industry 10 years in the Philippines Stable US Fortune 500 client base Sites in Manila and Cebu 3500+ employees and growing 90% of management promoted within

Start today and get:

FREE English training Up to P10K BONUS for certifying from training*


* terms and condition apply


History: Since 2002, ePerformax Contact Centers & BPO, a PCG Company, has been building strategic partnerships with Fortune 500 companies to support their English-speaking customers in the U.S., Canada and Australia using voice, email and chat. These interactions include customer service, inbound sales and cross-selling, product/service technical support, website navigation support and outbound data verification, along with non-voice back office processing activities to support our clients comprehensive outsourcing requirements. With a culture based in business analytics and built around a proprietary, Six Sigma based Performance Maximization Model, ePerformax has managed its growth carefully in order to provide its clients with best-in-class customer care and the highest levels of performance. Each and every ePerformax client shares our desire to use business analytics to leverage their data in key sales and marketing decisions, as well as, process improvements to improve efficiency and reduce costs. ePerformax firmly believes the Philippines the third largest English speaking country in the world with a service orientation second to none is by far the best choice for customer engagement, customer care and service-oriented sales. Our success to date in outperforming other global contact centers has reinforced this belief and as a result, ePerformax continues to focus on growth and expansion in the Philippines, which will be fueled by organic growth from existing clients and new clients with whom we partner to become a virtual extension of their customer service organization. As a Performance Consulting Group Company, we are WBE certified through the Womens Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC). We recognize the commitment by corporations and government agencies to fostering supplier/vendor diversity programs by including women-owned business among their vendors and with our WBE certification can add diversity to our partners supply chains.

Wipro Philippines
Founded as a vegetable oil manufacturer in 1945, Wipro has now evolved as a leading global IT company and a renowned pioneer in many IT innovation services, business process outsourcing as well as research and development. Innovation and integrity is the driving forced the led to this Wipro BPOs evolution, which continually serves as its mantra in advancing technological services for the global community. Wipro Philippines applies this philosophy ultimately to help clients to Do Business Better. Wipro BPO Philippines benchmarks and compares its partners services against its rivals which is the basis for innovating so that its partners can do better than its rivals. Wipro Philippiness breakthrough innovations and ideas have culminated into the Wipro Way, a model which candidly and completely impacts customer benefits by enhancing time-to-market, improving market forecasts and service reliability and trimming down costs.

With a client base that included 200 fortune 1000 companies across the world, the most valuable IT Outsourcing and BPO Company in India, and with a proven record of 61 years of experience the company has over 130,000 employees in 15 delivery centers located in Brazil, China, Mexico, India, Poland, Romania, US and the Philippines. After its launching in the Philippines, Wipro BPO was immediately awarded as the Best New BPO Locator for the year 2009 by BPAP (Business Processing Association of the Philippines), the umbrella association for all IT-BPO and GIC companies in the Philippines.

TELEPERFORMANCE Customer Service Representatives- ISP Account,Cebu Central Visayas - nsular Bldg., Cebu Buss. Park, Cebu City Responsibilities:

Handle inbound customer service support calls from established customer Cross sell value added services or products offered by the company Provide consistent, superior service to every customer by utilizing all available tools and resources.


Eighteen years old and above Exceptional communication skills and call handling skills. Flexible to changes and has sense of urgency Time Management Skills Can work under pressure, and can deliver set goals Applicants should be Filipino citizens or hold relevant residence status Walk- in Today at: Teleperformance Cebu Cebu Insular Life, Cebu Business Park 3/F Insular Building Cebu Business Park, Cebu City Monday Friday 10am to 7pm

TELEPERFORMANCE Philippines is a leading provider of outsourced customer experience management services in the country. The company began operations in the country in 1996 and has grown to become a preferred offshore contact center outsourcing option. It operates more than 10,500 workstations from nine business sites located across Metro Manila, Bacolod City and Cebu City. Teleperformance Philippines was awarded 2011 BPO Employer of the Year by the Business Processing Association of the Philippines and the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. This 2012, Teleperformance marks its 16th year of continued growth in the Philippines. This milestone highlights the companys commitment to steadily provide the best employment experience for the Filipinos, proactively support the nations ICT-BPO sector, and uphold its socio-civic engagements to create a difference in the lives of the Philippine community.

Teleperformance Philippines is a member of the Teleperformance Group. Founded in 1978, the Group has been serving companies around the world rolling out customer acquisition, customer care, technical support and debt collection programs on their behalf. Website: Company Tel: Address: Pavillon (02) Mall EDSA Central 857 Mandaluyong City ---3222

Industry: Call Center / IT-Enabled Services / BPO


About Teleperformance TELEPERFORMANCE Philippines is a leading provider of outsourced customer experience management services in the country. The company began operations in the country in 1996 and has grown to become a preferred offshore contact center outsourcing option. It operates more than 10,500 workstations from nine business sites located across Metro Manila, Bacolod City and Cebu City. Teleperformance Philippines was awarded 2011 BPO Employer of the Year by the Business Processing Association of the Philippines and the Canadian Chamber of Commerce. This 2012, Teleperformance marks its 16th year of continued growth in the Philippines. This milestone highlights the companys commitment to steadily provide the best employment experience for the Filipinos, proactively support the nations ICT-BPO sector, and uphold its socio-civic engagements to create a difference in the lives of the Philippine community. Teleperformance Philippines is a member of the Teleperformance Group. Founded in 1978, the Group has been serving companies around the world rolling out customer acquisition, customer care, technical support and debt collection programs on their behalf.


We're a people company At Teleperformance, we do business with people, for people. We want people to be inspired, to be motivated. Our main goal is to make you proud to belong to our group through job satisfaction and a great work environment. You really will develop your potential At Teleperformance, our Internal Opportunities Program works! We recognize our employees' commitment, performance results and potential. You will become a member of our worldwide leading team

We are more than one hundred thousand Teleperformance people, all around the world. We have different cultures, genders, races, languages and religions, but we all have a common commitment: "A Commitment to Excellence". We are socially responsible Our global social responsibility and environmental efforts positively impact the local communities where we live and work.We are more than 120,000 employees working together for a better world. Your success is our success We are a people business. People are our main asset, so we really care about you!

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