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PYP practices

Planning 教學規 劃 Teaching 教學 Assessing 教學 評估

Increased emphasis on: Decreased emphasis on: Increased emphasis on: Decreased emphasis on: Increased emphasis on: Decreased emphasis on:

強化: 淡化: 強化 : 淡化: 強化 : 淡化:

planning collaboratively using planning in isolation from using a range and balance over-reliance on a limited set viewing planning, teaching viewing planning, teaching and
an agreed system and the other teachers of teaching strategies of teaching strategies and assessing as assessing as isolated processes
PYP planner where interconnected processes
單獨備課,不與其他教師進 根據學生的學習情況靈活運 過於依賴幾種、有限的教學法; 視教學規劃、教學及評估為各自

以協作的形式進行備課, 配合 行協商; 用合適的教學法; 視教學規劃、教學及評估三者 獨立的過程;

單元教案的使用,進行有系統 相輔相成,是一種互動的過程;


planning based on agreed planning disconnected from grouping and regrouping over-reliance on one using a range and balance of over-reliance on one
student-learning outcomes the curriculum students for a variety of grouping strategy assessment strategies and assessment strategy or tool
and in the context of a learning situations tools
coherent school-wide 教學的規劃與學校課程脫節; 過於依賴某種分組方法,缺乏 過於依賴某種評估策略及工具;
根據不同的學習情況,靈活 彈性; 靈活運用多元化的評估策略及

教學的規劃以已達成共識的學 分組; 工具;



involving students in planning the teacher making all the viewing students as viewing the teacher as the involving students in self- and viewing assessment as the sole
for their own learning and decisions thinkers with emerging sole authority peer-assessment prerogative of the teacher
assessing theories of the world
教師主宰一切的學習事宜; 視教師為唯一的權威; 學生透過自我評估及同儕互評 視評估為教師的特權;
學生就自己的學習及評估參與 視學生為對世界有初步認識 參與教學評估;

教學的規劃; 的思考者;

planning that builds upon planning that ignores building on what students focusing on what students do using a range and balance of over-reliance on one strategy of
students’ prior knowledge and students’ prior knowledge know not know recording and reporting recording and reporting
experience and experience strategies
從學生的已有知識導入; 只注重學生的未知; 過於依賴某種記錄及報告的策略;

教學的規劃建立在學生的已有 教學的規劃無視學生的已有 靈活運用多元化的記錄及報告

知識和經驗上; 知識和經驗; 的策略;

planning fewer inquiries, to be planning a large number of using multiple resources over-reliance on one teaching seeking student responses in seeking student responses
explored in depth activities that will be representing multiple resource from one culture order to understand their solely to identify the right
covered superficially perspectives current understanding answer
進行教學規劃時, 貴精不貴多, 過於依賴一種文化背景下的一

集中進行幾項深入的探究; 安排過量的教學活動,為了 採用多元資源以反映多元化 種教學資源; 尋求學生的回應以了解他們目 尋求學生的回應只為了識別學生

做而做,使有關學習流於表 的觀點; 前對有關探究的理解情況; 答案的正確與否;


addressing assessment addressing assessment empowering students to teaching about responsibility using formative assessment concluding each unit only by
issues throughout the issues at the conclusion of feel responsible and to take and the need for action by to give students regular and summative testing
planning process the planning process action others ongoing feedback throughout
the unit 純粹依賴總結性評估來進行單元

在進行教學規劃的過程中, 同 在教學規劃的接近尾聲時才 培養學生有承擔、能實幹; 教授與責任有關的內容及他人 在單元學習中,透過進行進展 學習的總結;

時計劃評估; 著手計劃評估; 有必要採取的行動; 性評估為學生提供有規律的、


planning that emphasizes the planning that presents the involving students actively viewing students as passive enabling students to see assessing for the sole purpose
connections between and curriculum as separate, in their own learning recipients assessment as a means of of assigning grades
beyond the subject areas isolated subject areas describing learning and
improving learning

教學的規劃強調學科間的關聯, 在進行教學規劃的過程中把 促進學生積極主動地參與自 視學生為被動的學習接收者; 培養學生視評估為描述學習及 評估的唯一目的就是評定級別;

甚至是超學科的關聯; 課程當成一個個獨立互不相 己的學習; 促進學習的一種方法;


planning that recognizes a planning that assumes a pursuing open-ended a teacher-directed focus on
assessing the levels of embarking on new learning
variety of levels of language single level of language inquiry and real-life rigid objectives
students’ current knowledge before assessing the levels of
competency competency investigations and experience before students’ current knowledge and
固定的學習目標由教師指定; embarking on new learning experience

意識到學生有不同程度的語言 在教學規劃中假定所有學生 鼓勵開放性的探究及具真實 在開始新的學習前先評估,以 在未評估了解學生的已有知識和

能力並在教學規劃中予以照顧;的語言能力都是相同的; 意義的調查研究; 了解學生的已有知識和經驗; 經驗的情況下,開始新的學習;

planning that recognizes a planning that assumes a

maintaining constant employing teaching evaluating collaboratively evaluating units in isolation from
range of ability levels single level of ability
awareness of the needs of strategies suitable only for using an agreed, flexible other teachers.
additional-language students whose mother system.
意識到學生有不同程度的能力, 在教學的過程中假定所有的 learners tongue is the language of 單獨進行評鑑,不與其他教師進
並在教學規劃中予以照顧; 學生的能力程度都是相同的;在教學過程中始終保持著對 以已得到共識的、靈活的系統,行協商;

非母語學生學習需要的關注;教學策略的選用只適合以教學 配合協作的方式來進行評鑑;


planning inquiries that explore planning activities that addressing the needs of employing teaching
similarities and differences focus on one culture/place students with different strategies suitable for one
between cultures/places levels and types of ability. level and type of ability.

透過探究重點的擬定,引發對 文化或地域; 重視不同能力不同程度學生 教學策略的選用只適合某種能

文化或地域間異同的探索; 的需要。 力和程度的學生。

planning inquiries that explore planning activities where

broad human experiences the cross-cultural
from a range of perspectives
dimension is tokenistic and
the international dimension
透過探究重點的擬定,以一種 is tacked on

觀點為起點來探索廣泛的人類 在設計活動時,不管是跨文

經驗; 化還是國際化的教育都只是


planning inquiries that focus planning activities in which

directly on significant issues. exploration of significant
issues is incidental.

的議題直接相關。 在設計活動時,對具重大意


Figure 19

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