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simple present vs present continous tense possesion i have a new car have she has a headache have a problem

i'm having a problem with my boyfriend have a good time they're having a good time at the party have a party she's having a party at her apartment rigth now have a breakfast we're having a snack because we'rw hungry (lunch, dinner, etc) complete these sentences with have, has, or am/is/are having 1- i have a cat , i have problems with my car 2- i'm having a partty rigth now. come on over 3- i --- a headache. i'm sorry but i can't come 4- i ---- no friends here 5- i --- a problem with this question 6- my friend --- a close friend- me! 7- who --- my grammar book pronoums an possesive adjetives subject pronouns i we you you he, she, it they possessive ad singular plural my our your your his her their its object pronouns singular plural me us you you him her them it s+v+object pronouns

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