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By: Meljoy Sabelita

What is Force?

Force is any influence that causes a free body to

undergo an acceleration. Force can also be described by intuitive concepts such as a push or pull that can cause an object with mass to change its velocity(which includes to begin moving from a state of rest), i.e., to accelerate, or which can cause a flexible object to deform.

What is Pressure?

Pressure is an effect

which occurs when a force is applied on a surface. Pressure is the amount of force acting on a unit area

Formula for Pressure

Pressure is measured in

newtons per square metre, also known as Pascal. One Pascal [Pa] is the same as one N/m

Example of pressure in liquids

a can full of water with holes down the sides. Notice how the further down the hole is, the faster the water comes out because the higher the pressure is in that part of the can.

This shows that the pressure in the water (which makes the water squirt out of the bag) is acting in all directions - not just downwards!

Pressure is in all directions in a fluid Increasing the force will increase the pressure inside the cylinder.

Have you ever

noticed that when you dive down to the bottom of a swimming pool, your ears start to hurt? The further you dive down, the more it hurts. .

This is because the pressure in a liquid increases as you go further below the surface of the liquid

Anchaket ng tenga qu!!

What is Hydrostatics?

Hydrostatics -

relating to fluids at rest or to the pressures they exert or transmit.

Hydrostatic formula

P = DHg
D = density of mercury is 13.6 g/cm3. (constant) g = gravity = 980 cm/s2 (constant)

Example problem for Pressure

A lump of cheese of weight 20N stands on a table. It is a

cubic lump with an area of 10cm2. What pressure does it exert on the table?


Example problem for Hydrostatics

Find the pressure exerted by a column of a mercury 125

cm high.

Formula : P = DHg Given : D = 13.6 g/cm3 H = 125 cm g = 980 cm/m2

(13.6) (125)(980) P= 1,666,000 dynes/cm3


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