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LESSON PLAN School Subject Class Semester Skill Focus Time Allocation I.

: SMP Athalia : English : VII : II : Writing : 1 x 45 minutes

Standard of Competence: To express meaning in form of short functional text to interact with surrounding. Basic Competence: To express meaning and rhetorical steps in form of simple short essay by using kinds of written form accurately, fluently, and interactively to interact with the surrounding in form of descriptive text and procedure text. Learning Objectives In the end of learning students are able to: - recognize descriptive text, - make descriptive text. Indicators Students are able to: - recognize descriptive text, - make descriptive text. Learning Materials Descriptive text is a kind of text which purpose to give information. The purpose of descriptive text is to describe a particular place, thing, or person. Text organization: Identification (mention the special participant) and Description (mention the part, quality, and characteristics of subject being described). Language features: It uses simple present tense. It uses adjectives and noun phrase. It may use degree of comparison. Example of descriptive text: Safari Park Safari Park or Taman Safari is a quite unique zoo (identification). It lies about 90 kilometers from Jakarta. It lies in Cisarua, Bogor, about two kilometers from Puncak. This zoo reminds us of the similar park in Kenya, Africa. Although it is not as large as the one in Kenya, we can still enjoy the park which is about one hundred hectares. In conventional zoos, the animals are in cages, but not in Safari Park; they wander freely. Visitors are in buses or cars. They are not allowed to get off the cars or buses. Visitors who dont have cars can use the touring buses available at the park (description).






Teaching Technique Lecturing Method

VII. Strategies A. Pre-Activities Teacher Activity Teacher greets the students Teacher checks the attendance list Teacher asks the pre-activity questions

Students Activity Students greet the teacher Students answer the teacher Students answer the preactivity questions

Time Allocation 1 minutes 2 minutes 3 minutes

B. Main Activities 1. Exploration Teacher Activity Teacher gives an example of describing something Teacher asks the students to describe something 2. Elaboration Teacher Activity Teacher explains about descriptive text. Teacher gives an example about descriptive text. 3. Confirmation Teacher Activity Teacher asks the students to make a descriptive text. 4. Post-Activities Teacher Activity Teacher provides feedback on the subject Teacher closes the meeting and say thank you and good bye to students

Students Activity Students listen to the teacher Students describes something

Time Allocation 5 minutes 5 minutes

Students Activity Students listen to the explanation. Students listen to the explanation.

Time Allocation 10 minutes 5 minutes

Students Activity Students make a descriptive text.

Time Allocation 10 minutes

Students Activity Students get feedback on the subject Student say thank you and good bye to teacher

Time Allocation 3 minutes 2 minutes

VIII. Sources of Material - -

Tangerang, 19 March 2013 Teacher

Weina Agnestya Fauline S.P

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