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How To Deal With Your Boss

In a perfect world, your boss would be just the right combination of friend, mentor and advocate. Unfortunatly, however, some bosses are a total nightmare. How to deal with both? That is what todays

My presentation will be concerned in dealing with both

The Perfect Boss And The Difficult Boss

The Perfect Boss

In order to get most benefit for both your career and the company you are working at, you should put into consideration some aims while dealing with that granted boss. Sure I wont be able to state them all, but there is always some keys to the heart of everyone of us, we are going to deal with those keys

You and your colleagues may be doing a particular kind of task everyday, but it is your bosses responsibility to see that you are doing the right things, in the 'approved' way. And that you have adequate resources to be . productive

Put another way your bosses job is not to control you, but to guide you and your peers to do the best possible work that helps the whole organization fulfill its . purpose A good boss coaches you, notices when you have done well, and motivates you to do even better. The bosses job is different to .yours

The Perfect Boss

:Respect. 1
.His position His experience at both work and .life

:Learn. 2
From his experience with an open heart and .mind. only open minds receive wisdom As much as u can learn about the job business for both your experience at work and getting maximum benefit towards achieving the company goals. Be open to learning something new, or rethinking things through in a new light. Try to treat this exchange as mutual problem-solving rather than a confrontation in which your .boss is your adversary

:Communicate. 3
Listen to him, talk to him and understand his goals and responsibilities. Use this opportunity to convey your ideas about how things could change in order to help him and, in turn, help you to have a more pleasurable workplace. Try as much as you can to ask, understand and approach. It helps exploring your concerns and .feelings directly & helps solving problems Communicate in the right way. Choose the right words and form to say. Did you know that in japanese there are 19 different ways to say No ? Written notes that your boss will read later

. .Be

a friend or a son. 4

Sometimes business for friendship is .better than friendship for a business Dealing with my boss as a big brother or a father will make the work environment completely a different .one That will be markedly obvious in accepting his ideas with a broad mind .and thoughtful heart

The Perfect Boss

Interact with your boss on a personal level too. Learn about his or her family, hobbies, etc. Ask your boss to lunch once in awhile. Its easy to get stuck in your daily work routinebut the hour spent away from the office can be imperative to your on-the-job success. Spending an hour out of office with help strengthen that relationship. Regardless how long you both spend with each at work. Having a dinner once !will make a big difference. Just try it But always take care that you are not abusing this special relationship or else you could end up losing it, if not much more

:Manage your Negative Reactions. 5

Inabiltity to control emotions could lead to losing prople around you, so try to handle your reactions in the right way. Once you managed your negative reactions and understand, you can work to communicate your concerns as long as theyre formed in a helpful, positive manner. Thereby creating an atmosphere for problem and right communication

Rid your self of destructive thoughts If you are angry or frustrated and want to let your boss know, then first talk this through with a friend or colleague or, failing that, talk into a tape recorder. Say anything and everything you want to, then play back the tape and listen to yourself.

:Be honest.6 it's more important to deliver the bad news immediately, especially if it's about you.

7.Hard times behavior: you should show concern but not contrition. If it's not your fault, don't accept the blame for what happened. On the other hand, don't be laughing and grinning either. Take it seriously and radiate confidence that better times are just around the corner because you've got a plan to address the problem.

8.Think it through Write down your goals and what you expect to get out of your meeting before you begin. Write down specific behaviours and incidents from the recent past that illustrate the need for change. These notes will come in handy during your meeting.

9.Introduce the topic At your meeting tell you boss you are interested in finding out how you can help him better meet his organisational goals. Let him know what observations you have made and then go on to suggest what the likely benefits could be it they were improved upon.

10.Ask for the some feedback Ask your boss to talk about your behaviour, your performance and how it too has contributed to the current situation. What attitudes and behaviours would you need to change to help your boss accomplish his professional goals?

11.Practice the rules of fair fighting Employ good active listening skills. Use I statement instead of you statements. Use clarifying and confirming techniques to make sure that you heard him correctly and acknowledge that he has been heard.

12.Listen more than talk Make good use of questions. Be open to learning something new, or rethinking things through in a new light. Try to treat this exchange as mutual problem-solving rather than a confrontation in which your boss is your adversary.

The Perfect Boss

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That heaven-sent boss will be your guidance throughout your life, even if his presence has been for a short time, believe it or not, you will remember him forever. That will be due to a number of reasons, the most important of which is the changes he has made to your career-life chart

That was some of the most important things to put in mind while dealing with your perfect boss Unfortunately, you might find yourself dealing with bad kind of boss

The Difficult Boss

What makes for a bad boss? Some are just plain nasty, but often, a bad boss is all in the eye of the beholder. One person's boss from hell may be another person's pinup.

If you need regular direction, for example, you will be miserable with a hands-off, absentee manager, but if you have strong needs for autonomy (selfgovernment) you will flourish under the same regime. Then again, the problem could be simply bad chemistry. He's an introvert and you're an extrovert. You like direction, he thinks you're "needy." You like to go home at six, he's a workaholic. Or maybe its due to some work stresses around

So before you assume your boss is that hard or difficult kind, ask yourself: Does he get along with others? Does he pick on everyone, or just you???

As people differs, kinds of difficult bosses will also differ but here we are going to deal with those kinds who are Marjory present and their presence greatly and negatively affect the working environment

The Difficult Boss

The Weak Manager The Political Manager The Black and White Manager The Obsessive Micro-manager The Invisible Manager The Task Master The Nasty Manager The Bulling Manager

The Weak Boss

:Characteristics Aggressively avoids taking risks. He's vague not clearly understood or felt. May also be ill-trained, and lacking management skills. He won't stand up for you.

How to cope with If your boss is a reluctant (unwilling) manager, work around him. Take the initiative to set out the parameters of the work. Give yourself the feedback you need. Make his life easy by only talking to him about critical issues. If your boss is lacking management skills, tell him what you need from him to do your job.

The Political Boss

:Characteristics He has an unerring ability to know what will make him look good. He will go to bat for (strike) you only on issues that serve his political agenda. He's sneaky and plays favorites. He won't think twice about using you as a sacrificial lamb to support his own career goals.

How to cope with Support his high need for recognition by making him look good on strategic projects. Focus your own efforts on "high-value" work. Be prepared to share the limelight, even if you dont like. Don't trust him to have your own interests at heart. Emphasize him on work you want to do by its profile and importance to senior

Black and White Boss

:Characteristics He just doesn't get it, maybe because he is very concretely. He doesn't under-stand slight difference in color, meaning, context, or high-level ideas.

If his problem is intellectual deficiency, indulge him like a misguided child. Better yet, ignore him if you can. But if the problem is one of cognitive style, shape your communications to his needs. If he is fact-oriented, don't waste your time painting compelling arguments based on ideas. Simply state the facts and provide information unembellished.

How to cope with Shape your communications to his needs. If he is fact-oriented, don't waste your time painting arguments based on ideas. Simply state the facts and provide information unjudged.

Obsessive Micro-Manager
He trusts you the way you'd trust a ten-yearold child to drive a car. He doesnt think that youre up to the job! No matter how much detail you give him, or how many times you do redo a piece of work, it's still not right. You're completely demotivated and have lost your sense of competence and confidence.

How to cope with If the problem is his own insecurity, anticipate issues that will make him anxious by reassuring him that you have covered all the bases. Say, for example, "in completing this I spoke to and took the following issues into account . . . Write it down as well, as he may be too anxious to fully process what you are saying.

The Invisible Manager

:Characteristics You have no one to go to for direction. He doesn't have a clue about the volume or space of your work. You're killing yourself, but no one notices or gives you feedback. He may be invisible because he's too busy, or is a reluctant or unskilled manager.

How to cope with

If its a time problem, do your assignment before you both meet to make the meeting as efficient as possible. Be strategic on issues where you need support. Give yourself direction and feedback by setting milestones and regularly evaluating your effectiveness against them.

Establish a mechanism for getting direction, at an agreed time, weekly or monthly meeting, and hold her to the commitment. Don't be shy about bringing up the same question more than once or twice until it is resolved.


The Task Master

He doesn't have a life, and doesn't expect you to either. You're drowning in work but he keeps heaping on more. His time-lines are ridiculous. Sometimes an extremely task-focused manager is so focused on getting the work done that he's not aware of the impact of his behaviour on the people around him.

How to cope with If you've talked to him and he still doesn't get it, create your own standards for evaluating what is realistic and doable.

Don't be apologetic about wanting time for a

The Nasty Manager

He's ruthless. He seems to take pleasure in watching you twisting around from discomfort. He has pets .and you are not one of them Sometimes an apparently nasty boss is simply so task-focused that he is so blind to see how his behavior makes you feel. Underneath a rough exterior, as the saying goes, may be the heart of a pussycat.

When you face him, does he apologize, or get mad? If he was that heart of a pussycat, then try to accommodate and cooperate for the work benefit.

How to Succeed in Spite of Your Boss

)(Final thoughts

It's a joy to work with a boss who is understanding, caring and supportive. Such association adds to the pleasure of pursuing a career, not just working for a steady paycheck.

But not all bosses are supportive, as we've pointed out. No matter what suitable defensive and offensive reactions you do as appropriate, so Diane Tracy, author of Take This Job & Love It! says this feeling usually stems from needs the boss isn't fulfilling, like feedback, clear guidelines and expectations, recognition or trust.

Regardless of what type of boss you have, your first line of defense is to speak to him, as he may not be aware of his behavior. Don't make sweeping generalizations about his personality. Rather, talk to the specific behavior in question and tell him how it makes you .feel Introduce your statements with "You may not be aware . . ." or "You may not . . ."realize . . ." or "You may not intend

If none of these strategies work, you have two choices. If you have good personal reasons for staying in your job -- you love your work, you're learning a lot, you like the people you're working with -- you can hold your nose and ignore your boss as best you can. Or, you can quit: life is too short too deal with this kind of abuse.

Keep in mind several things... :regarding your career success

If you are patient and persistent, you can accomplish career goals regardless of how anyone would attempt to stand in your way.

The more someone opposes your success, the more determined and committed you should be to succeed in spite of their efforts. After all, according to the laws of physics, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. This holds true in the work area as well as in the physics law .

Try to do as the saying says smile and the world will smile with you.

Try to find support or another mentor, maybe a co-worker or another manager or even out of your work area that person can change a lot in your psychological potential, giving you more power to do your job & stay on your way

Some Tips
1. Keep your cool. Losing your temper and launching a verbal offensive against your manager is a major mistake. If your boss feels cornered, he or she is likely to resent your approach and fight back with counter-criticisms. make sure you've got your emotions under control and be prepared for your boss's possible reactions.

2. Be concrete, but not judgmental. Phrase your complaints as neutral observations rather than criticisms so your boss doesn't feel under attack. Be as concrete and specific as you can, and steer clear of discussing your emotional reactions or guessing their motives. For example, instead of saying, "You keep bugging me about this project, and it makes me feel like you don't think I can do the job," you could state: "I noticed that you asked me for updates on this project five times last week."

3. Ask for more information. After you've made your observation, get the manager's take on the scenario. Try an approach like this: "Obviously, this project is very important to you. But I was wondering if there's anything else I need to know about the situation."

Don't assume you understand your boss's reasoning. It may seem to you that she's on your case because she doesn't have anything better to do, but perhaps she's getting pressure from the top, or maybe she's worried she didn't communicate the guidelines clearly. Maybe she doesn't even realize how many times she's checked in with you.

4. Suggest a solution. Presenting a resolution will demonstrate you're willing to take responsibility for the situation and cast the entire conversation in a much more positive light. Communicate your concerns. in a non-adversarial way.that doesnt do furthur damage to your relationship.

Respond to criticism.5
Try to see the criticism as valuable information about how to do better, not as a personal attack. Try to separate your personal ego from your business persona. Try to see the criticism as an opportunity to work together with your boss on a development plan. See yourself as a partner with your boss on this plan, rather than as a victim of a power struggle

6. Say thank you. Finally, thank your boss for taking the time to meet, listening to your concerns and agreeing to a solution. Ending the session on a positive note will give your new agenda added momentum. Consider following up with a written summary of your agreed-upon points, so the new plan doesn't fall to the wayside.

If your boss is unsupportive due to personal issues, that's his problem. Stay above the fray and don't let your spirit be dampened by his unenthusiastic regard for your career advancement. Set your self goals in the place where you work and let your concern achieving them, when you feel success you will forget all of the boundaries that you face. Establish a reputation for being a model employee in the eyes of all who are familiar . with your work

Finally, believe that

In spite of your boss, you can achieve important dreams, reach your optimum level of success that astonishes everyone around you and serve accomplishing your

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Wish you All that Perfect Boss &

Happy career at Johnson & Johnson

, Thank you all

HebatAllah Mohamed

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