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By: Nalinwara, Natnicha, Pattham 8D

Wind power is the conversion of wind energy into a useful form of energy,
A windmill on a farm can make only a small amount of electricity. To make enough electricity to serve lots of people, power companies build "wind farms" with dozens of wind turbines.

The wind turns the blades, which spin a shaft, which is connected to a generator and makes electricity.

Wind turbines, create energy without burning fuel, so it makes for a pollutionfree alternative to oil The land between the turbines can be used for farming. There is no need to dig underground or drill for the resource; therefore there is less pollution of the soil.

There are potential local wildlife impacts such as birds being killed by the blades of the turbine. The wind is not always predictable. Some days may have a lot of wind and others may have no wind at all.

The two 103.5-MW Wind Farm Projects of West Huaybong 2 and West Huaybong 3, Huaybong Sub-District, Daan Kuntod District, Nakhon Rachasima Province.

The sun is a direct source of energy. Using renewable energy technologies, we can convert that solar energy into electricity. Solar energy can be use to power small machines, emergency road signs, call boxes, buoys and even in parking lots, houses and buildings, to power the lights. There are many solar energy projects in Thailand like in Suphanburi and Kanchanaburi. And many individuals also use solar energy.

When sunlight hits a solar panel, it makes electrons in the silicon move around.
The electrons flow through wires that were built into the solar panel. And presto! We have electricity!

Solar lights produce no pollution and cause no harmful environmental effects. Solar lights are immune to black outs. The Energy is free after installed

Solar technologies are very expensive and require a lot of land area to collect the sun's energy (at rates useful to lots of people).

The 73MW (DC) facility features 540,000 high-grade thin film panels spread over 1,100 rai or approximately 2 square kilometers.

The Lopburi Solar Farm is a 73.16 MW solar farm in Thailand. The plant
was constructed over a period of 18 months

Hydropower is electricity generated using the energy of moving water.

Hydropower is mostly produced by the public dam, and the electricity is sent to the areas nearby, and it is also utilized by large scale companies as a private use. There are lots of hydro power producing dams in Thailand. For example:
Bhumibol dam, Amphoe Sam Ngao, Tak Province, 749 MW Pasak Jolasit Dam, Tambon Nongbua, Phatthana Nikhom District, Lopburi Province, 6.7 MW Sirikit Dam, Uttaradit Province , 500 MW Srinakarindra Dam, Tha Kradan, Si Sawat, Kanchanaburi , 720 MW Vajiralongkorn Dam, Thong Pha Phum district, Kanchanaburi, Thailand , 300 MW

Dam blocks water from moving where it wants to naturally. Instead, the water flows through a pipe to a turbine, then back out on the other side of the dam. Turbines spin by force of water rotate a generator. Generator produces electricity and sends to power lines.

No pollution or waste produced Renewable energy source Very reliable energy source Not expensive to maintain once the dam has been built Water can be stored, waiting to be used in peak times

Building the dam is expensive and time taking The dam will change the habitat and landscape upstream, as much more land will be submersed The land below the dam is also affected as the flow of water is reduced

Biomass is matter usually thought of as garbage. Some of it is just stuff lying around -- dead trees, tree branches, yard clippings, left-over crops, wood chips Biomass is being use for cooking, growing crops, household, etc. Thailand The Biggest Biomass Fuel Producer of Southeast Asia

Biomass power station works like fossil fuel power station:

Burn Fuel so that it will heat water to make steam. Steam then turn turbines which turns the generator. Generator then produce electricity.

It makes sense to use waste materials to make energy.

Collecting or growing the fuel in sufficient quantities can be difficult. We burn the biofuel, so it makes greenhouse gases just like fossil fuels do

The fuel tends to be cheap.

Phetchaburi Biomass, Thailand

The project is designed to replace 16,000 Liters of oil per day which is equivalent to GHG emission reductions in the order of 15,619 tons CO2 equivalent per year.

Thai Gyuan Ethanol Factory, Non Silar, Kon Kaen

Ethanol is an alcohol-based fuel made by fermenting and distilling starch crops, trees, and grasses. The use of ethanol can reduce our dependence upon foreign oil and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Uses:
in the manufacture of alcoholic drinks as a widely used solvent for paint, varnish and drugs, as a fuel as the fluid in thermometers in preserving biological specimens.

Most ethanol is produced using a four-step process:

The ethanol feedstock (crops or plants) are ground up for easier processing Sugar is dissolved from the ground material, or the starch or cellulose is converted into sugar Microbes feed on the sugar, producing ethanol and carbon dioxide as byproducts The ethanol is purified to achieve the correct concentration.

Ethanol is a renewable resource
Ethanol burns more cleanly in air than petroleum, producing less carbon (soot) and carbon monoxide

Large amounts of arable land are required to produce the crops required to obtain ethanol, leading to problems such as soil erosion, deforestation Major environmental problems would arise out of the disposal of waste fermentation liquors.

The Companys products are distributed locally and exported. The Company sells Ethanol 99.5% locally to oil companies for blending with Benzene to produce Gasohol

Thailand has many alternative energy sources

Solar Energy Hydro Energy Wind Energy Biomass Biogas Ethanol Biodiesel

Thailand also has a plan to install new alternative sources

Geothermal Energy Tidal and Current Energy

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