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Explanation of Cultural Programmes

Fine Arts
Learn about different music styles in Indonesia, from traditional to modern. In the area you stay or choose to travel to you will have the opportunity to learn the importance and/or symbolism of the instruments, how the instruments are made, how to play the instruments, how they are important to the style of music they are played in and to the ethnic group that utilizes the particular instrument. You will learn to sing different styles of song from this South East Asia country. You will have the chance throughout the programme to sing and play with locals the songs you learn and to have the locals sing and play for you. At the end of your programme there will be a presentation highlighting the skills and talents of local musicians. If you would like you can limit this program to focusing on only one instrument or type of instrument or allowing Indonesia Culture Exploration to take you on a musical journey exploring the world of instruments in Indonesia. An option is to visit schools of music in various places of Indonesia.

Rembulan playing for a band competition

Traditional Javenese Music, Gamalan

Crowd dancing to Rembulans set

Learn about various dance styles that represent different ethnic groups within Indonesia. You will have the opportunity to learn a dance style and dance with locals in villages in a village-party setting at the end of your programme. You will be able to view and participate in if you want in various ethnic dances, Tari Lilin (a candle dance), and Kuda Gepang (a dance with a horse). You will learn about the history or the story behind the dances as well as the basic execution of the dances: posture, grace, hand movement, as well as the movement of the legs and feet. If you have two left feet, do not worry, this is still a program for you. Anyone is able to join in and participate in at least one dance or two- they are just that easy. For those of you that like more complex dances, do not worry there are those too. A few of the dances are so complex and intense that it takes years of instruction and the right mind before being allowed to participate and execute the dance.
Candle dance performed by children.

Acehnese dancers

Plantations & Farms
Explore the farm plantations of various resources in Indonesia. Your plantation experience will explore land and water plantations and farms. You will have the opportunity to learn about, visit, tour, and maybe even experience work that goes on in the plantation and its communities if applicable. Some of the larger plantations that produce huge cash crops have their very own villages for its workers and their families, equipped with schools and recreational areas. You will learn why it is so enticing for locals to live at and work for these plantations and their processing plants. You will learn the difference between sustainable and unsustainable plantations/crops. You will learn just how reliant and important or not the surrounding communities and villages are to these plantations. There is a chance to compare sustainable and unsustainable Palm Oil plantations*, however, please be aware that this is not guaranteed all year long. You will be able to visit not just palm oil plantations but rubber, fruit trees, fish, brown sugar, and coco plantations and farms. Depending on conditions and harvesting/collection times within the plantations during your visits you may be able to view and may even be permitted to experience the collection processes within the individual plantations and farms.
*Please be advised that due to the schedule of the plantation owners ICE may not have the opportunity to have you explore all of the plantations and farms listed.

In the midst of a palm oil plantation

Local corn farm

Raw rubber for purchase at market.

Trying our hand at collecting raw brown sugar water from the trees.

Common sites along Sumatra's roads, palm fruit tree plantations.

Bamboo used to collect brown sugar water from trees.

Fruit Gardens
Mangga (Mango) Rambutan Jeruk Nipis (Lime) Nanas (Pineapple) Pisang (Bananas) Nangka (Jackfruit) Salak (Snake Fruit) Belimbling (Starfruit) Kelapa (Coconut) Jeruk (Orange) Jeruk limun (lemon) Buah Sukun (Breadfruit) Buah Apokat (Avacado) Buah Delima (Pomegranate) Buah Apel (Apple) Jambu Air Manggis Dukuh Sapodilla Soursop Papaya Durian Mangosteen AND MORE!!!!!




Visit and explore local fruit gardens. Learn about how fruits are harvested based on location, season, popularity, and size of the garden. You will also learn various ways the fruits are used, not just for human consumption. While you are exploring the fruit gardens, large and small alike you will have the opportunity to taste the [ripe] fruits. The fruits that you learn about will be dependent upon the time of year you arrive in Indonesia. You have never tasted fruits as sweet as the fruits of Indonesia. You will have the opportunity to taste Fresh fruits, so fresh they are picked right in front of you. Once you try our pineapples and bananas, your pineapples and bananas back home will never taste as good. Dependent on your available time you will be able to try different foods and juices made with fruits of Indonesia. If you are one of the lucky ones that come during the fruiting season of Durian you will be able to try one of the most loved and treasured fruits of Indonesia. It is said throughout Indonesia and Malaysia that the best durians come from the area of Medan. Guess what?!?!?! Indonesia Culture Exploration is operated of the Medan area. Yea! We have the freshest and the best durian to offer. If you are lucky you will be able to see one fall to the ground and try it as it tastes the best once it has just dropped from the tree. Be aware though, some say it reeks more than anything else. (Aziza disagrees, she prefers the scent of durian over the scent of fresh rubber being sold at market. Now that is foul!) Oh yeah, watch out as it is falling from the tree, it is very spiky and if you are hit with it, it will be sure to hurt you. This odd fruit according to Western standards looks weird, smells, weird, and tastes weird. The consumption of this fruit is an experience all of its own.

Do you love to cook? Do you just like to learn how to make exotic dishes from around the world? Do you have a palate that begs for new sensations? Do you believe that you do not get to know someone or the people of a country or region until you have tried the food? If so this is the course for you! Cuisine speaks volumes, not only to the eyes, stomach, other senses, but to the heart and soul too. There are so many different tastes found through the dishes throughout Indonesia, you may just find a new lip smacking, tongue begging for more taste or food you may want to incorporate into your kitchen. Food and palate impressions vary depending on the island you are on within Indonesia. Being that ICE is based out of Sumatra we will explore with you Sumatran-Indonesian foods and desserts. You will collect ingredients from market, a small village store, or from the ground (outside the rainforest, rainforest entry is not permitted in this programme, only the local may enter into the jungle if certain ingredients are needed for a dish to be prepped and prepared). You will either prepare all of your meals or each day there will be a set block of time set up for you to have your cooking lessons. After your hands-on meal preparation you will have the opportunity to enjoy your meals. Please advise ICE, your cooking instructor, and/or interpreter the level of spice that you are accustomed to and comfortable ingesting. Please note many Indonesian dishes are extremely spicy and most desserts are extremely sweet. Therefore, in order to please your taste buds we need to know beforehand how much of certain spices to have on hand to alter the level of intensity for you. You will learn different cooking techniques used in cooking Indonesian foods as well as experience cooking using more traditional cooking methods used by families that are unable to afford kerosene or gas stoves. You will see how food is most often prepared, stored, served, and eaten. There is an art to eating in Indonesia. Bon appetite. Salamat makan.
Dinner is served. Sitting down to a traditional dinner. Photo courtesy of Alan Holub

Buying ingredients before meal preparation.

Amrel tending to the barbeque.

* This can be added on to your set programme at any time during the duration of your time in Indonesia. Just let ICE know and we can teach you as often as you wish during your stay with ICE.

Staples to Indonesian diet. Sambal basics, mmmm.

Kue, Desserts & Cakes Classes

Do you wish you could learn everything there is about desserts? Do you wish you could try all possible desserts in the world? Do you experience the biggest sweet tooth/teeth ever? Do you have a taste for salty? This is the programme for you. You will not learn everything about desserts and we do not have all the desserts from around the world, but Indonesia is a new and exotic adventure for most travellers and explorers and you will learn about desserts consumed and originated from Indonesia. Taste and experience the sweetness of Indonesia that is practically more difficult to compare on the level of sweetness-factor compared to the people. Indonesian kue is interesting, different, addictive and of course sweet and/or salty treats you must learn to make. The recipes are easy enough for you to replicate the dishes within the walls of your kitchen or at your next campfire. If you arrive during one of the major holidays the array of deserts offered within market are overwhelming and you will have a smorgasbord of desserts waiting for your palate to experience.
Creating santan, coconut milk, used in various Indonesian dishes, including desserts.

* This can be added on to your set programme as a last minute during the duration of your time in Indonesia. Just let ICE know and we can teach you as often as you wish during your stay with ICE.
Traditional Javenese kue for weddings.

Fundamentals, Transitional Events, & Afterlife

Cultural Events
Programme participants of Cultural Events will be able to experience first-hand major events that take place in the average Indonesians life. You will see how villagers prepare for such events and celebrate. Depending on the event and social practices you may be able to participate in at least one of several food preparations that lead up to the big events such as weddings (please note, most food preparations carried out by females). Depending on the family that is hosting the event you may be able to follow the families in the days leading up to the actual events. Due to distinct gender/sex roles in certain activities you will be gender/sex matched, if you sign up for this programme more detailed information to follow. Please note, if you sign up for this programme we will tell you available date for you to Tabuik Festival in Pariaman participate. These ceremonies are not always guaranteed due to the nature and reasoning why they occur. If you are interested in big national celebrations that take place and experiencing the festivities that happen in relation to holidays let us know. Certain holidays are held the same day every year, such as Republic of Indonesias Independence Day, 17 August and New Year 1 January. Other big holidays rotate in the Roman calendar year depending on the calendar the holiday follows, i.e., Idul Fitri and Chinese New Year. There is a general season (if you will) when weddings will take place. Depending on the occurrence of weddings available when you have planned your visit you will be able to compare city weddings to village weddings and small weddings to big weddings. Possible cultural events that you have the opportunity to explore are weddings, circumcisions, Tari Lilin dance, Pencak Silat (a traditional martial art), and holidays.
*You may always add this programme on whilst you are in Indonesia and participating in another programme. We will let you know if ceremonies will take place and if you choose to add on we will let you know the price once we discuss arrangements with the families whose festivities it is.

Floral congratulatory signs lining the streets Photo courtesy of Alan Holub

Islamic wedding inside masjid Photo courtesy of Alan Holub

Do you like to study religion and find it more exciting to experience religions in person instead of just from the books? Are you someone that travels just to compare religion and religious practices of places from around the world? This is the programme for you. You will have a hands-on opportunity to visit and tour places and areas of worship where permissible. Despite A conversion ceremony, shadaha. Indonesia being the largest Muslim country in the world it as well one of the most diversified countries religiously. There are Muslims, Christians, Buddhists, Hindis, and animalists that live in harmony side-by-side, rarely in conflict. How does religion affect everyday life in Indonesia? Everything!!! Everything and practically everywhere people go within Indonesia is determined by your religion. Indonesians must declare their religion and once declared every government document you receive with your identification will list your religion. The majority of the Indonesian population does not realize that it is not that way everywhere, especially in the West. As you learn and study or prepare for travel within Religious and cultural circumcision and naming Indonesia you will find that texts nearly always advise to ceremony at 40 days of age. pick a religion even if you do not have one. It is unfathomable to Indonesians not to be a human without religion. You will explore why religion is so deeply rooted in Indonesia as a persons, familys, and communitys identity. If you are interested in Indonesias culture, the study of religion to Indonesia is a must!

We would like all participants to actively discuss if certain practices are religious, societal, or culturally based practices.
Please note the following: Due to dress code in certain areas and places there will some attire (jilabab/hijab) provided that all [female] participants of the Religion programme must wear. Before your arrival to Sumatra, Indonesia men and women alike will be told the type of attire they must have in their suitcase for this programme for our tours. Due to religious views, practices, and beliefs when on grounds of a place of worship there will be restricted access areas to all programme participants and ICE employees. Restricted access will only be permissible if an individual is of that religion and of mind and body [according to the religion or place of worship overseers] to enter into the restricted access areas in certain worship places. Religion and purity are taken seriously especially at places of worship. No

one will be judged based on their religion and beliefs. If it is found that an ICE participant is being overtly judgmental, harsh, or crude to others different you will be told to leave the programme and refunds are not distributed.
If at any point of time you do not understand or are uncomfortable please tell ICE employees and we can openly talk as a group or alone if needed if clarification is needed. We at ICE understand that religion is a touchy subject, especially in Western culture. We are here to help you find clarification and understandings. ICE employees are open, candid, and respectful to all individuals no matter their orientation. We promise that we will not try to

convert you to our religion and we wish that you will be respectful to ours and not try to convert us. We want this to be an enjoyable experience to all.

A Batak church Photo courtesy of Alan Holub

The Great Masjid was the primary mosque locals fled to during the 2004 tsunami. Grounds not damaged from the tsunami.

In this programme you will have the opportunity to explore and learn about the different type of burial sites and burial traditions found in Sumatra, Indonesia amongst ethnic groups and beliefs. A few of the most common burial sites you will have the opportunity to explore will be Batak, Christian, and Islamic burial sites, ceremonies, and traditions. You will examine and explore the difference in burial between religions, culture, and how religion and culture work side-by-side/with one another or may clash one another. You will examine the differences in preparation for burial including how and why a site is chosen for its significance. You will have the opportunity to visit different burial sites around the island from historical burial sites, to village burial sites, and honorary government/military burial sites.

Batak burial statue. Photo courtesy of Alan Holub

You will explore what customs families go through leading up to the burial and in the days to months following the burial of the departed. Some of the topics that may be explored are transport, ways of burial, place of burial, buildings for the departed, food prepared and consumed, textiles worn and presented to the dead and/or the surviving of the deceased, burial visiting customs, and materials presented to the deceased once buried, and holidays or times of the year when the deceased are recognized and burial grounds are visited, and how people remember and honour the deceased. Please note, what is listed is an example of topics to be explored, you may touch base on all of these and more or only a few listed.


A ghost in Java.

It is widely accepted in Indonesia that there are two co-existing and sometimes unwilling coexisting worlds in the active Ring of Fire. In Islam, the most widely practiced religion in Indonesia, the spirits of otherworld are known as jinn or even Syaitan. Sometimes the jinn are unconcerned with the humans in the surrounding areas in other instances the jinn are curious or even may try to provoke or control the human realm. This programme offers participants to explore the otherworld that exists within Indonesia which often times may lead to the world of magic.

The Ghost/Supernatural programme can be conducted in a variety of ways. You may exempt the ghost/supernatural encounters and you will be told ghost stories from people that have had personal encounters with the supernatural world in Indonesia. You may have an interactive encounter with ghosts in villages and cities throughout Indonesia or in a predetermined specified region. Alternatively, you may either mix the two together or visit places known to be haunted without conjuring up the spirits and then you may hear personal encounters of people that have had experiences with the otherworld. We cannot tell you exactly what will happen during this particular programme as we cannot control the otherworld. However, we can guarantee that you will learn more and quite possibly believe in the possibility of an alternate world on Earth if you are a current disbeliever.

Strangling Fig Trees are known as Ghost Trees because they are a refuge for ghosts.

Wood, Vine, Grass, Shell Handicrafts & Construction

Building courses
(There are two options, I or II ) I. Depending on what is needed at the time and duration of your visit with ICE you will have the opportunity to build one of the following pieces of work either for ICE or for locals: rotan and/or bamboo chairs, benches, tables, baskets, or for transportation transportation bamboo rafts. You will have the opportunity to experience a ride on the bamboo raft you build, if you choose.

Making banana leaf roofing panels. Photo courtesy of Cazz Arnsby-Wilson

II. You also have the opportunity to build houses made out of or a combination of bamboo, cement, wood, leaf, or metal. The housing you will aide in building will be either used for:

A. ICE B. Assisting locals that cannot afford to build a house. In this instance the money for your programme will be helping to offset the costs of building the structure for the person/family in need. *ICE will give you background information on the individual or familys situation to ICE feels they are a fair choice to receive assistance. Prior to your commitment to aide in assisting to build a home for needy locals you can decide if that is an undertaking you would like to experience by helping out the individual or family that ICE has previously determined is in need.

C. Assisting people who are already in the process of building a house or building structure, in this case your money will offset the fees for you to gain entrance to the grounds in order to assist with the construction. *This option is solely dependent on if there are any on-going construction projects in the surrounding villages at the time of your arrival and during your stay with ICE.

Please note the following: Choice I *If you wish to build furniture or baskets for food storage or fishing for yourself you will have to make your own shipping and handling arrangements for the piece you choose to make. ICE does not help with the arrangements for your goods in this programme. ICE will however, aide in transporting/translation for transporting to and from Medan, Sumatra Indonesia. Please gather all information (company, pricing, and pick-up from Medan, Sumatra Indonesia) prior to your arrival to ICE. Choice II B. *ICE will give you background information on the qualified individual or family situation whom will receive your assistance. Prior to your commitment to aide in assisting to build a home for needy locals you can decide if that is an undertaking you would like to experience by helping out the individual or family that ICE has previously been determined to be in need. C. *This option is solely dependent on if there are any on-going construction projects in the surrounding villages at the time of your arrival and during your stay with ICE. *For all Choice I and II options ICE will notify you if you have ample time to enter into the forest or gardens (whichever is applicable) and collect appropriate materials needed for your particular programme. The longer your programme the greater chance you have to collect the raw materials yourself. If you have chosen to collect materials such as rotan for construction of furniture or baskets

you will be entering into the jungle for collection, therefore, you will need to provide proof of insurance.

Assorted baskets: fishing, storage, separating rice, dish coverings

Split bamboo used to make house walls. Photo courtesy of Cazz Arnsby-Wilson

Woven bamboo walls


You will learn how to carve using traditional Sumatran Indonesian carving methods and designs. The natural materials you may use are coconut, bamboo, and wood that is not a protected species. Some of the things you will be able to carve are statues, a dinnerware set (plate, cup, spoon, bowl, etc.), or other Western trinkets such as key chains, bookends, picture frames, etc. The sky is the limit in this programme. Have fun and learn a new art. *Tell us your what would like to carve beforehand if not a statue or part of a dinnerware set. To insure that you will be able to keep the handmade handicraft that you make please check your agriculture and customs rules for materials that are not allowed in your home country before making something that you may not possibly be able to take home with you from the airport. Please alert ICE if you are not allowed any of the materials used in the Carving programme. You have the option to take your carvings home or to donate them to ICE

Batak carving

Traditional Minangkabau decorative carving for house.

Batak carvings


You will have the opportunity to create jewellery that you will be able to take home with you. (To insure that you will be able to keep the handmade handicraft that you make please check your agriculture and customs rules for materials that are not allowed in your home country before you make something that you may not possibly be able to take home with you from the airport. Please alert ICE if you are not allowed any of the materials that you can make jewellery from). You will create your very own custom crafted pieces from start to finish, meaning from collection of materials to the final ready-to-wear product. Your keepsake will be made from one or more of the following materials, rotan, coconut, bamboo, wood, and Akar Batu. Only specific species of wood will be used, protected wood species will not be used. ICE is an environmental conscious company. What you create is up to your imagination. You have the option to take your carvings home or to donate them to ICE.

An antique necklace from West Sumatra.

You will learn and be able to make local and traditional textiles. The style or styles you learn is dependent on your length of stay. If you have a preference let us know and you will experience all that goes into creating textiles of either Batik, Tikar, or both and/or a particular item, as in pants, shirt, sarong, etc. Otherwise, we will pick for you. Not only will you learn how the article is assembled through hands on experience but you will learn the history, meanings, and be able to see the professionals at work. Depending on your length of stay and budget we can take you through a tour of before the assemblage of textiles to arriving in the hands of the consumer. You have the option to take your textiles home or to donate them to ICE

Various cloth batik designs from hand dyed, to machine, to woven.

You will have the opportunity to assemble typical mattresses used by many local Indonesians. You will have the opportunity to gather the stuffing, create the mattress casing. If you are able to finish your mattress during the duration with ICE you will be able to either:

1. Give the mattress to the teacher that helped teach you for him or her to sell or keep. 2. Donate the mattress to ICE for future volunteer usage. 3. Personally give away the mattress you made to an individual or family located near to the rainforest village where you will be housed.
During this programme you will be able to view some of the different conditions people often sleep. You will see how beds are most often constructed and learn how large and small families sleep in various sized dwellings. The two mattress fillers you will have the opportunity to explore are Pandan and tree Cotton.


In the Sports programme many of the sporting activities available for you to explore are played by many local Indonesians. You will learn how Indonesians fashion equipment, this may mean you will be able to collect the raw materials needed for making equipment in addition to learning the rules of the games and playing with locals afterwards. A few of the activities that can be arranged for you to participate in and view locals playing are: fishing, motorcross, Pencak Silat, and Sepak Takraw, games similar to that of football (soccer) and volleyball that require the use of balls made out of various natural materials. Please note if you do not produce evidence of insurance you will not be able to collect certain raw materials needed for the construction of equipment used in the games. To insure that you will be able to keep the equipment you make please check your agriculture and customs rules for materials that are not allowed in your home country

before making something that you may not possibly be able to take home with you from the airport. Please alert ICE if you are not allowed any of the materials used in the Sports programme. You have the option to take the equipment you made home or to donate them to ICE.

ICE creating a kite during kite flying season for play and contests.

Pencat Silat, a traditional martial art of Indonesia. Photo courtesy of Alan Holub.

Bamboo Rafting (Make your own raft and go on scenic route) Fishing Help create a traditional fishermans boat

In Waterways you will explore the importance of how and why Indonesians use various methods within different bodies of water throughout Indonesia. You will learn how work is conducted in various waterways. You will have the opportunity to fashion your own traditional bamboo raft, assemble your own inner tube raft, maybe even help create a traditional boat and execute use of these modes of water transportation. Of course, you will be able to sit back, relax, and enjoy the scenic views along the way of your river transport after you have finished your construction. You will have the chance to fish and catch other water-based animals using traditional methods passed down from generation-to-generation.

Building of a bamboo raft Picture courtesy of Cazz Arnsby-Wilson

A floating fishing house that travels freely and used to catch fish.

Banana Boat
Take a thrilling ride on a banana boat in West Sumatra. What is a banana boat? A banana boat is an extremely large and inflatable boat that is pulled behind a speed boat. You will go round in circles and zigzags in exhilarating speeds in bouts all while the driver tries to flip you off of the banana boat, into the ocean. Life safety vests provided.

Banana boat in action. Photo courtesy of Revoloneki Riders taking time out to pose after climbing back up the banana boat after falling off. Fun times! Photo courtesy of Revoloneki Photo courtesy of Revoloneki When their grip proved too weak for the combination of the twists, turns, speed and the mighty Indian Ocean waves their ride capsized.

This Programme is great paired with Water Skiing, Snorkelling, Surfing & Scuba Diving

Water Skiing, Snorkelling, Surfing & Scuba Diving

Explore Indonesias waters through your choice(s) of water skiing snorkelling, surfing, or diving. Each recreational activity will take you to different places in Indonesia to see what the best waters have to offer.

Water skiing

A pod of whales feeding near a snorkelling site.

Everyday Life, Work, & Survival Based

Etiquette Classes
Learn etiquette the Indonesian way and practice etiquette in real-life Indonesian scenarios Cultural Ethnic Religious Groups of people Speech Formality Village City Will you be travelling throughout the wonderful archipelago and are just not completely sure how to conduct yourself in this exotic country? Are you interested in how people of different cultures behave themselves? Do you wish to learn the mannerisms of peoples unlike your own? Do you wish not to be just another bumbling tourist and gain respect from those you meet? In this programme you will learn how to conduct yourself in various settings and situations that may arise in Indonesia through your travels and duration in Indonesia. You are sure to attain lifelong friendships from all over Indonesia once you understand how one should and must behave in certain scenarios. Learn the art of slight and acute mannerisms of the whole body including face, speech, posture, and clothing. This full programme is a great programme to go through before any of ICEs programmes.
**N.B. - All participants will go through a brief etiquette seminar before the commencement of any ICE programmes.

Waterway exploration Bamboo Rafting (Make your own raft and go on scenic route) Fishing Other activities not so traditional (inner tube rafting/tubing) At Sea, Traditional Fishermen

Traditional ocean fishermen

Modern day fishing

Pulling in the nets

In waterway exploration you will learn how and why Indonesians use various methods within different bodies of water throughout Indonesia. You will learn how work is conducted in various waterways. You will have the opportunity to make your own traditional bamboo raft, assemble your own inner tube raft and execute use of these modes of transportation. Of course, you will be able to sit back, relax, and enjoy the scenic views along the way of your river transport. You will have the chance to fish and catch other water-based animals using traditional methods passed down from generation-to-generation. In At Sea, Traditional Fishermen you will be able to follow the traditional ocean fishermen in their boats (only available for males), fishing off the coasts on various islands, and pulling in their nets with the days catch. You learn how to create to the tools needed for the various fishing techniques used within the ocean. If you are lucky enough to attain a catch you can cook your catch of the day by fire and enjoy a fresh caught meal by YOU. Due to customs and culture females may not follow men out to sea in the traditional fishermen boats, however, there are many other traditional ocean activities in which females are able to participate. Females will also have the opportunity to follow the traditional fishermans wife and see her responsibilities and duties in addition to fishing off the coasts on various islands without boats, and pulling in large fishing nets with the days catch.

Traditional island fisherman

Village kids showing off their local village-caught eel.

Water skiing

Additions that can be added: If you are so inclined, you will have the chance to visit the wonderful and beautiful oceans of Aceh, Sumatra for diving and/or the shores of Mentawi Islands and Bali for surfing. Of course, wherever you want to participate in diving or surfing in Indonesia is completely up to you, your destination of choice is yours if you so choose. You may also want to visit the majestic and beautiful Lake Toba. Danau Toba (Lake Toba) is Southeast Asias largest [volcanic] lake. Lake Toba is located on a supervolcano that is inhabited by the Batak. This programme is great paired with the programme add-on Tubing or Rafting with inner tubes.

Plants Medicine Men/Women Natural Massages

Traditional home-grown plants used for various illnesses.

Traditional medicine for cancer freshly Shamans magic gathered from an isolated island and sun drying.

Enter into the jungles of Indonesia to locate, extract, and learn uses of medicinal plants from the earth. Known Mother Natures natural remedies are used on an everyday basis throughout Indonesia and the world for good health and to alleviate many acute the health problems. You have heard that many if not all of the cures for diseases throughout the world can be found in the rain forests, well, look no further and study some of the known sources of traditional natural medicine, harvesting, and preparation for medicinal use. You will learn about and in a hands-on environment gather and assist in the preparation of use of these powerful natural healing agents. You will learn how Indonesians use the medicines for beauty, treatment of combating the spirit world, possessions, diarrhoea, libido, malaria, aches, pains, childbirth, whooping cough, worms, massage and so much more! You will learn how the jungles are the providers for everything we need for survival and health in this life.

Lazy Trek
Tour through various villages. On foot and/or via transport (i.e. motorbike) Are you more interested in learning about the people than the forest animals? Are you too lazy to trek up and down the hills and cliffs of the jungles? Or are you just more interested in people and their interactions with one another? Are you curious to learn how the people live and survive? Do you want to know and see Walking through rice fields the different types of houses and interactions of the more reserved peoples that live deep within the villages distanced from any city? Do you want to see how the children and adults work and what they do for play?

Lazy trek offers you the experience to see the set-up of various villages. You will have the opportunity to see how a village works, the composition of a village, and the line of work that villages are centred around. The lazy trek offers you a relaxing setting to get to know villagers in their personal space and be a little more relaxed than if you were to meet them elsewhere (i.e., market, school, an office). You will be able to see the extent of which poverty or wealth runs within a household and village. You will see how families sleep, eat, prepare food, and operate on a more intimate level. You will learn what makes each village you visit special and unique compared to the next.

Traditional Work- Water buffalo churning sugar cane juice out of sugar cane.

This programme is great paired with Indonesian City versus Village Life.

Indonesian City versus Village Life

Medan Binjai Bukit Lawang Aceh Lake Toba Berastagi vs. Villages in the Surrounding Areas

Do you want to see the differences between a remote village and a village located in close proximity to a village? Do you want to see how villages vary based on locations and interactions with various ethnic groups and cultures? Are you interested in seeing how villages vary within the city compared to in secluded areas that do not receive as much traffic? Are you interested in the politics of communities with varying economic wealth? Indonesian City versus Village Life allows you to explore that and more. A few of the cities and surrounding villages you are able to explore are within North and West Sumatra: Medan, Binjai, Bukit Lawang, Aceh, Lake Toba, and Berastagi and other areas throughout Indonesia. You will be able to see how interactions vary between peoples within and outside of the villages. This programme is willing to explore any area within differences between villages you are want to explore and investigate further i.e., markets, stores, prices, income, housing, and the job sector. This programme is great paired with Lazy Trek.

Communal Batak bachelors house

Children playing outside Photo courtesy of Alan Holub

Living off the Village Ground

Agriculture including Organic Pesticides (plants/fishing)

Tilling of a rice paddy field

Harvesting of s rice paddy field

Fish farms in a backyard. Photo courtesy of Alan Holub

In this programme participants will learn about how Indonesians live off of the ground of the village and the surrounding villages. You will see how in many villages the vary livelihood of vast number of families comes from the grounds of the villages they live in or adjacent villages. You will see how houses are built based on the land around them, how rice paddy fields are excavated and work. You experience having to hunt for your own wild village food, food that grows on its own without ever being harvested. You will experience how people work together and trade their resources. You will be able to experience the ins and outs and the behind the scenes of the market. You will experience the role of agriculture within a village. You will be able to explore the different methods, practices, and techniques implemented in small-scale agriculture while learning why farmers farm the way they do. In addition, you will learn about the traditional ways of agriculture and experience harvesting plants and catching fish using organic pesticides provided by the earth. Depending on appropriate environmental conditions you will have the opportunity to fish for frogs and eels in the village moonlight. This programme is great paired up with Living off the Rainforest in order to compare how many rely on the village ground for subsistence and for various reasons must supplement additional needs with resources from the forest.

Living off the Rainforest

In this programme you will stay in the rainforest and learn how animals (yes, this includes people too) depend on the forest. You will learn the plants that are suitable for consumption and the different ways you can prepare these florae for consumption. You will learn a few of the plants that you can use for common ailments and wounds. In addition to the vegetation you will learn how to attain sources of protein from the jungle. You will acquire the skills that will allow you to provide shelter for yourself and how different materials are suitable for collection and use. You will see why people turn to the jungles to provide sustenance for themselves and their community. Participants will also examine how animals of other species use the jungles for their survival and basic needs from gathering food, finding shelter, and monitoring their health.

Termite nest

Orangutan nest- Look closely and you will see a juveniles hand reaching out.

A Day in the Life of...

Farmer Becak Driver Market Stand Attendant Store Attendant Bensin Attendant Mother of a Large Family Teacher Guide (Travel or Forest) ( Orphanage Boy-Girl
A large family that participates with programmes.

In this programme you will shadow the daily routine of people in various fields. You will see how Indonesians work for their money and how the basic Indonesian family uses their wages. This programme will assist you to gain a greater perspective in the struggle of life for hardworking Indonesians. You will experience how difficult or easy it is for Indonesians within the tourist sector and outside the tourist sector in various areas of Indonesian life. You will be able to gather first hand and second hand knowledge in determining why people choose certain jobs as their main sustainment to provide for themselves and their families. You have the option to follow as many people or divisions of labour for as long as you request during your involvement with ICE. Therefore, you may compare and contrast the lifestyles and work ethics and habits of people from various job sectors within Indonesia.

Outreach & Immersion

Teach English
In a school: your choice of age Private lessons: age, English ability, and # of people your choice

In this programme you will have the option to teach children, teenagers, and adults English in private or school settings. Depending on the timing of your stay, session times, your comfort level, and the demand for private tutors/guest instructors you will work with as few as one person or a classroom full of people. During private instructions you will be in charge of how you will deliver lessons. You have the freedom to work at the pace of the individual(s) that you will be working with and incorporating any teaching materials you provide outside of what is provided by ICE (if applicable). If you happen to teach in a classroom setting your pace will be set by the demands of the instructor. English being taught in a school Depending on the instructor you may be able to Picture courtesy of Cazz Arnsby-Wilson assess and teach according to your assessments of the class as a whole or you may take over planned lessons provided by the classroom teacher. When you sign up for this programme you will specify the age group you would like to work and English proficiency level of the peoples you will tutor/teach.

I.C.E. visiting a preschool for the day

Learn Bahasa
Indonesia (National Language) Bh. Kampung/ Village Languages: Malayu/Malay Jawa/Javanese Karo/Caronese Minangkabau Batak

Creating stronger bonds by being able to communicate.

In this programme you will be able to learn a new language that originates from the archipelago of Southeast Asia. The amount you learn will depend on your passion, time and effort put into learning and studying, and your individual language development skills. You will have ample time during instruction time and outside of instruction time to learn the language of your choice. In fact, if you choose, you will be able to stay in an area where the language of your choice is the predominantly spoken language. Your instruction will not only be in a formal instruction setting but in real-world situations, such as markets, on the local bus system, holding conversations with locals at shops, restaurants, sport games, and more. Thus, not only will you have a private instructor but the whole village and city will become your learning-ground and instructors.

Tour/Volunteer at an Orphanage
Depending on the schedule of the orphanage this option may or may not be available at the time of booking.

Trek & Travel

Travel to other sites in Sumatra or even Indonesia
Embark in an unforgettable journey wherever and for how ever long your heart desires.
( Insurance may be required depending on activities you want to embark in while travelling. (

Inside a becak travelling through the city of Medan.

Jungle Survival

Do you want to know what it takes to survive in the wilds of the mysterious jungles of the Ring of Fire islands? Do you know how you would make it through a night alone? Do you know how to fish without a fishing pole? Are you interested in knowing how people clothed themselves before textile manufactured goods reached the forests? This programme will take you through your fears

and outside of your daily habits and allow you to see what you are made of. In this programme you will create your own meals from the foods provided by the rainforest, you will gather water the traditional way and create your own bamboo drinking utensil for use. You will assemble a padan leaf mat for sleeping, and perhaps create natural storage units, string, traditional jungle musical instruments, fish for eel (if conditions are suitable) and more!!! After Jungle Survival no one can tell you you cannot do a thing. Prove to yourself you can are made of steel and are able to face the uncertainties that [jungle] life can throw at you. This programme is great paired up with Living off the Village Ground, Living off the Jungle, and Live (Eat) Like a Non-Human Primate in order to compare and contrast how the jungle and the jungles resources can and will support the basic necessities of life, even human life.

Traditional Minang instrument

Village boys showing off their catch from the stream and rice fields in their village.

Live (Eat) Like a Non-Human Primate

In this programme you will explore the foods that non-human primates throughout Indonesia consume. Inside the forests you will look for, gather, and devour what you find, if you can stomach it that is. {;( )) You will learn what each primate eats, what seasons and stages of development of the foodstuffs are consumed, how food is collected, when and why certain foods would be consumed or avoided. You will have the opportunity to gather termites, ants, soil, liana, figs, durian, rambutan, leaves, bark, water, and more resembling the way white-handed gibbons, orang-utans, siamangs, slow lorises, long-tailed and short-tailed macaques, Thomas Leaf Monkeys, and other primate species found in Indonesia. Upon exit of the forest you will be an expert of primate eating habits.

White-handed gibbon Photo courtesy of Cazz Arnsby-Wilson

Thomas leaf monkey

Fitness Trekking

This programme is trekking through the forest. The treks used in this programme will challenge anyone wanting to get in a great workout in nature. If you want a change to your workout, a change in pace, or a challenge this is fitness calling. Fitness trekking is suitable for anyone of any fitness level, as long as prior to joining ICE for Fitness Trekking they are physically active and gain approval from their physicians. You will be trekking treks that have been used to train the Indonesian army, forest patrols, remote emergency evacuation teams, and EMTs. *This programme requires permission from a physician prior to acceptance to ICEs Fitness Trekking.

Swinging on a vine during downtime Photo courtesy of Cazz Arnsby-Wilson

Forest Trekking

Depending on where you wish to trek you will have the opportunity to walk on the same ground as, possibly view, and touch the same trees that wild orang-utans, siamangs, Sumatran tigers, civets, elephants, and rhinoceroses, Malayan Sunbears, Rafflesia, Amorphophalus Titanum, strangling figs, bats, cassowaries, Argus Pheasants, hornbills, Lorikeets, parrots, owls, Dumeril's monitors, roughneck monitor lizards, Komodo Dragons, pythons, cobras, various toads, frogs, walking sticks, praying mantises, and more have touched. You tell us how long and where in Indonesia you wish to trek, or you can use our default location: Gunung National Forest near to Bukit Lawang, your budget, what animals you hope to see, and we will take care of the rest. *This programme requires you to gain permission from a physician prior to acceptance to Forest Trekking with ICE.

Trying on the porters tekking supply basket.

Setting up the campsite where we sleep and cook.

Add-on activities available through Indonesia Culture Exploration

Add-ons and other selected programmes are available to be added to your programme before or during your participation of your stay for an additional fee. *Please note ICE cannot guarantee ICE staff to accompany you through Indonesia or guarantee of ICE staff accompanying you on the other add-on options if added on last minute. Last minute add-ons accompanied by ICE staff is only guaranteed if booked two weeks prior to your arrival and start with ICE to ensure ICE staff availability. Please bear in mind last minute extensive add-ons, such as travel, may not be guaranteed depending on availability of ICE staff. We will be able to work with you to create your travel plans within Indonesia if we are unable to accompany you to a different site.

Tour/Volunteer at an Orphanage
Depending on the schedule of the orphanage this option may or may not be available at the time of booking. A portion of the fees from this activity will be given as a donation to assist the needs of the orphanage.

Travel to other sites in Sumatra or even Indonesia

An I.C.E. employee will accompany you to other areas of Indonesia in which you desire to have an interpreter. Travel to wherever and for however long your heart desires. Please note, you will be in charge of paying for all expenses of the I.C.E. employee whilst travelling. The benefits of travelling with an I.C.E. employee are: having a translator at all times, assurance that you will pay as close to local prices as possible as opposed to being charged the foreigner (bule) price, if there is an emergency you will have an experienced personnel with you to assist you with the situation as well as being kept in good company throughout your stay in Indonesia. Since all travel buddies hired through I.C.E. are personally held responsible by I.C.E. we are sure you can trust your designated I.C.E. travel companion.

Jakartas skyline, Indoensias capitol. Indonesias nightlife city. West Java Photo courtesy of Alan Holub

Komodo National Park, home to the worlds largest lizard. Komodo Island, in the region of Flores.

Tubing or Rafting with inner tubes

This add-on can be made into an hour long excursion or a full day excursion of with meals and snacks provided. You will get a choice of rapid waves or cool, calm, serene transportation suitable for meditation drifting down river. Your inner tube excursion will be with highly trained and qualified award winning guides from Indonesia.

Kids taking out the tubes for play in the river.

This programme is great paired with the Water programme.


Travel to various waterfall destinations in the area in which you are travelling. There are waterfalls galore throught all of Indonesias 17,000 waterfalls. Some of the waterfalls require trekking into the forests, others require strolling through villages, while others are on the side of the road. Let I.C.E. know and we will take you.

Various waterfalls in Sumatra; many waterfalls have pools for swimming at the base.

This programme is great paired with the Waterways programme.

Motorbike Lessons
You can be taught by expert riders how to ride a motorbike, the local choice of transportation.

Bat Cave
Explore bat caves while bats are resting. This is a restful trek, not too taxing.

Outside a cave in North Sumatra.

Inside a bat cave in in Gunung Leuser National Park.

ICEs programmes are great tools in aiding you in your independent research projects. You will attain first-hand and second-hand knowledge and gain everlasting relationships between the people you interact with. Come and explore the mysteries of a land you have only ever dreamt about. Key:
( Denotes programmes that require insurance. You must show proof of insurance before participation of programme. Medicinal, Building, Jewellery, Sports and Waterfalls programmes will not require proof of insurance if you agree, sign, and notarize an Opt-out of Statement that says you will not enter into the rainforest due to your choice of not purchasing insurance. Building, Jewellery, and Sports programme participants allowance of entry into the forest is only applicable if your duration of time with ICE is deemed long enough by ICE. Water, Waterways, Waterfalls, Banana Boat, Inner Tubes and Water Skiing, Snorkelling, Surfing and Scuba Diving programmes require proof of insurance and signed Release of Liabilities. The Ghost/Supernatural programme will not require proof of insurance if you opt not to have ghost encounters; again, must provide a signed and notarized statement nothing that you wish not to participate in encounters. Your safety is of our concern. If programme participant does wish for ghost encounters you must provide a signed and notarized Release of Liabilities form turned in 3 weeks prior your participation in the Ghost/Supernatural programme. ICE will provide Opt-out of Statements and Release of Liabilities to be filled out by programme participant. However, if for some reason you did not automatically receive an Opt-out of Statement or a Release of Liabilities form please request whichever you need. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have returned all documents to ICE. Due to the amount of planning that takes place to organize these programmes ICE must have ample time to schedule forest entries and ghost encounters.

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