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Maj. Myers 6th Ethically (77 students)


Sixth Grade Recognize how to use information responsibly, ethically, and legally

March 24, 2013


Maximum Possible Score* 10 (100%) Range of Student Scores 2 - 10 (20% - 100%) Mean Student Score 6 (62%) Standard Deviation 1.66 0 20%

* Each single-correct-response item (question) is worth one point. Each response of a multiple-correct-response item is worth one point, because not checking a wrong (distractor) response is worth as much as checking a correct response. E.g., a score of zero to five is possible from a five-response, multiple-correct-response item.


100% 100%

Results are reported for each item by number and percentage of students choosing each possible response. Correct responses are in red and bulleted. 1. [Recognize how to use information responsibly, ethically, and legally] Look at the four sample bibliography pages below. Which page has the citations listed in the correct order according to the MLA Style Guide

21 6 6 44

27.3 % 7.8 % 7.8 % 57.1 %

Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 r Page 4

2. [Recognize how to use information responsibly, ethically, and legally] What is the best definition of censorship? [CHOOSE ONE ANSWER] 10 26 9 32 13.0 % 33.8 % 11.7 % 41.6 % receiving information from all points of view preventing students from cheating encouraging people to share their ideas in public r limiting peoples access to information and ideas

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Maj. Myers 6th Ethically

3. [Recognize how to use information responsibly, ethically, and legally] You used facts from a website for your poster. What fact about the website should be your bibliography? [CHOOSE ONE ANSWER] 6 3 68 7.8 % 3.9 % 88.3 % Page numbers Picture names r Website address (URL)

4. [Recognize how to use information responsibly, ethically, and legally] Your need to take a form home to be signed. It will allow you to use the computers at school. What is the name of the form? [CHOOSE ONE ANSWER] 25 6 18 27 32.5 % 7.8 % 23.4 % 35.1 % Internet Policy Form Parent Waiver Technology Acceptance Form r Acceptable Use Policy

5. [Recognize how to use information responsibly, ethically, and legally] Which is a case of plagiarism? [CHOOSE ONE ANSWER] 72 4 1 93.5 % 5.2 % 1.3 % 0.0 % r Copying from a website Taking notes in your own words Using your picture Writing a poem

6. [Recognize how to use information responsibly, ethically, and legally] You used facts from a book for your report. What do you include about the book in your bibliography? [CHOOSE ONE ANSWER] 18 18 38 3 23.4 % 23.4 % 49.4 % 3.9 % Name of book, author, date, city and pages Pages, date, name of book and author r Author, name of book, city, name of publisher and date Name of book, date, city and pages .

7. [Recognize how to use information responsibly, ethically, and legally] You want a copy of a song from your favorite bands new CD. Which of these allows you to legally copy the song from the Internet? [CHOOSE ONE ANSWER] 14 4 3 55 18.2 % 5.2 % 3.9 % 71.4 % You find it on a website that says click here to download. Your friend copies it from the Internet and gives it to you. You find it on the Internet at a My Space page and copy it. r The artist gives permission to copy the song on his/her website.

8. [Recognize how to use information responsibly, ethically, and legally] Your teacher wants you to create a library Web page to post on the school website, and you want to use graphics to enhance the look of the Web page. What source should you use to get these graphics? [CHOOSE ONE ANSWER] 7 17 47 6 9.1 % 22.1 % 61.0 % 7.8 % A graphics CD that belongs to your friend A graphic from a website that you copy and paste into your document r A graphic from a website with free-use graphics A graphic from a website that you use without asking permission from the author

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9. [Recognize how to use information responsibly, ethically, and legally] Why is it important to create a bibliography after you have written your paper or completed your project? [CHOOSE ONE ANSWER] 4 40 32 5.2 % 51.9 % 41.6 % It provides a list of the page numbers for each of the quotes that you used in your paper. r It shows where you found your information so that others can locate your sources. It completely protects you from being accused of plagiarism.

10. [Recognize how to use information responsibly, ethically, and legally] While doing research, you find a sentence in a book that you would like to include in your paper. According to the MLA Style Guide, what must you do with this information in order to correctly give credit to the author? [CHOOSE ONE ANSWER] 19 52 4 1 24.7 % 67.5 % 5.2 % 1.3 % Change the original words into your own words and include the authors name. r Place the information from the book in quotation marks and include the authors name and page number. Write down the information just like it is in the book without the authors name. Use synonyms for all of the words that you dont understand.

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