Facilitation Guide Role Play

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Facilitation Guide for Practical Role Play

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Facilitation Guide: the Role of the Coach (30 min.)

[Substitute: paramedic, fireman, salesman, customer service agent, call centre agent, nurse, doctor, equipment operator, pilot, flight attendant, etc.] Strategy: Identifying the role students are about to assume is necessary to get students to think about the details of their new role. They should understand the task actions (physical), planning involved (cognitive) and responsibilities (affective), which will be incorporated into the forthcoming role play. Facilitator Split into two groups. Write the questions on the board. Group 1: a) What is the overall global role of the Coach? E.g. what can a person do as a coach. Group 2: b) What are the tasks performed by a Coach during a normal practice with a novice athlete? Assign one candidate from each group to report back to the class. Groups will write their lists on large paper and attach to the wall. Monitor the groups to keep them on track and answer any questions. Do not let them use the Reference material as an aid at this point. From their head. Once the group presenter has outlined the Add points to the list of the other group points, ask other group members to add points if missed; then give some of your own so that they have the complete list. Give students a few minutes to complete their lists in their notes after the discussion Provide them with the Hand-out which summarizes Coaching to read at their leisure. Copy the complete list to their notebook. One member of the group will present to the whole Candidates Form into two groups.

Generate lists on large pieces of paper or whiteboard.

Facilitation Guide for Practical Role Play

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Facilitation Notes: Role and Tasks of the Coach

Outcomes: At the end of this lesson, the candidates will be able to: Outline the overall role of a Coach List the activities performed by a Coach during a normal practice session Training Aids: Hand-out: Coaching Large pieces of white paper, coloured pens, tape/tacks for wall Introduction: This module will prepare you for the coaching activity by getting you to think

about a) what is a coach, and b) what activities does a coach undertake. Key facilitation points when running any list generation task are Write the task on the board Let groups brainstorm (10 min. maximum)
Circulate to clarify, ensure they are on task, and provide positive feedback When they present their list be positive about their points. If the answers are off track Park them write them down but do not discuss them If necessary, ask for clarification or extension of any point they make Circle/underline the key points if their lists are too extensive Draw in all the candidates ask specific members of the other group if they have anything to add to the list What are the tasks performed by a Coach during a normal practice with a novice athlete? They should all remember their experience as a novice. Typical points are: Goal setting and teach new skills Then supervise through skills training Conduct a debrief and provide feedback Set new goals following practice Log provide information to the novice and the next coach

The lists will look like these What is the overall global role of the Coach? E.g. what they can do as a coach. The list might look like this: Help novices athlete development Set Goals for/with novice Teach a new skill Observe and evaluate - Analyze performance - provide positive feedback Problem solve Motivate Assist higher level coaches Role model Promote safety Pass on technical information

Summary Questions: 1. Give four activities that are part of the global role of the Coach Set goals, teach skills, analyze performance, motivate, role model, promote safety, etc.

Facilitation Guide for Practical Role Play

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2. Complete the following. A Coach may assist athletes with skill development other coaches with novice athletes 4. Outline the activities performed by a Coach during a normal practice session (from hello to good-bye) Set the goals for the practice, teach new skills, coach the novice throughout the practice, debrief afterwards, set next goals, log Summary: In this section we have reviewed all the things a coach can really do and what types of things you will do when coaching a novice. This is very important information as the major focus of the evaluation on the course will revolve around these activities. Next we will discuss briefing a coaching session.

Facilitation Guide for Practical Role Play

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Role Playing the Coach in a Practice Session Briefing for the role play (15 min.)
Strategy: Facilitator The Facilitator and an assistant go through a typical briefing for a Novice. 1) Ask the candidates to make notes about what they see. 2) Pair students up with a partner, compare their observations and amend their list accordingly. 3) Finish off this exercise by having the whole group compare answers and develop a briefing format that should be written down. Candidates Observe the Facilitator and Assistant role model a novice briefing. Make notes. Pair up with a partner, compare their observations and amend the list accordingly. Contribute to the group discussion on the briefing format.

Facilitation notes: Briefing for the coaching practice Outcomes: At the end of this lesson, the candidates will be able to: List the overall steps of a briefing prior to practice Demonstrate how to set goals based on the skill level Teach a new skill Training Aids: none Introduction: This module will model for you steps for preparing for a coaching session

through briefing, goal setting, teaching and practice.

Items that must be covered in the briefing demonstration: This is the briefing for the practice session done prior to the actual role play session. At this point the candidate should be able to deal with all normal situations. The format of the briefing is: a) b) c) d) e) Get to know the novice (Hello!) Find the novices present skill level Set goals for the next practice session. Teach the new skill(s). Once proficient, add in the whole practice sequence using real-time and include any safety aspects. f) Collect equipment and prepare for practice g) Go through the final rehearsal with equipment

Facilitation Guide for Practical Role Play

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Debriefing the Practice (15 min.)

A) The Debriefing Format Strategy: Facilitator A) The Debriefing Format You and an assistant go through a typical debriefing for a Novice. 1) Ask the candidates to make notes. 2) Then pair them up with a partner, compare their observations and amend their list accordingly. 3) Finish off this exercise by having the whole group compare answers and develop a briefing format that should be written down. Note: The candidates must be fully aware of on what and how they will be evaluated. Pair up with a partner, compare their observations and amend the list accordingly. Contribute to the group discussion on the debriefing format.

Candidates Observe the Facilitator and Assistant role model a novice de-briefing. Make notes.

Facilitation notes:
Outcomes: At the end of this lesson, the candidates will be able to: State the steps of a debrief Training Aids: none Introduction: This module will model for you steps for debriefing a practice session. The Debriefing Format State the procedure for conducting a debrief: 1. Format Novices version supplemented by probing questions to fill in blanks. Coachs version 3 stars and a wish Set goals for next practice Practice of areas for improvement or new skills Log the practice

Facilitation Guide for Practical Role Play

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Coachs Role Play: the novices practice (15 min.)

Strategy: Preparation Facilitator This aspect covers the areas of supervision that occur from putting on equipment to ending the practice session. The material was previewed in the exercise on the role of a Coach in the normal practice. Prior to Coaching Session, the facilitator will discuss: Skill analysis and observation, and the debriefing format Candidates

Make notes on discussion.

Coachs Role Play exercise (30 min.)

Strategy: Activity Facilitator Will role play a novice. Will have prepared the novice experience level and provided to the coach ahead of time to prepare. Candidates Will role play the Coach. Will prepare a practice session based on the novices experience level. (pre-goal determination) (This may include preparing a written Lesson Plan.) Teach a new skill. Provide analysis and feedback to the novice during the practice session. Will analyse the novices execution of the new skill in the practice simulation. Following the practice, follow the debrief procedures with the novice.

Will act as a real novice, performing usual minor/major errors as a novice would Will execute the new skill in real-time practice simulation Following the Candidates debriefing, the Facilitator will then debrief the Candidate, using the same procedure.

Will record observations and reflections in notebook.

Facilitation Guide for Practical Role Play

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Coachs Role Play: Debriefing (15 min.)

Strategy: Group Debrief Facilitator After all candidates have performed their coaching role play session, the group will discuss what they learned: New experiences What they had not previously realized What they liked What they found difficult Any other thoughts, open discussion Candidates Share experiences with other candidates.

Note: This is a time for the coaches to share their experience. The facilitator should have little involvement other than to clarify at this point.

Sample Role Playing Exercise for Beginning Coaches Skill Analysis and Debrief Area Skill Practice Correct Initiation Teaching technique Technical aspect Stability Excellent (1) Evaluation Matrix Good (0.5) Unsatisfactory (0)

Correct teaching method Correct technical execution maintained stability during execution Observed from optimum position

Mostly correct teaching method Mostly correct technically Some of the criteria of stability was met Mostly observed from good position

Ineffective method of teaching delivery Poor technical execution/demo stumbled on execution of skill

Observation Position Able to correct/adjust for novices movement

Did not move into good position to observe

Post Exercise Debrief Skill analysis of freefall Correct sequence of events

Excellent (1) Was able to recall all moves and in the correct sequence Could identify why and used vocabulary of the skill analysis principles during feedback for the freefall manoeuvre

Good (0.5) Was able to recall more than 50% of moves, or was out of sequence for those recalled Could identify what happened but did not use vocabulary of the skill analysis principles during the exercise manoeuvres

Unsatisfactory (0) Could recall less than 50% of moves, or sequence mostly incorrect Could not identify what happened on the exercise

Applied skill analysis principles

Area Post-Practice Debrief (continued) Debrief Steps Asked Novices version

Excellent (1)

Good (0.5)

Unsatisfactory (0)

Asked for Novices version first Asked prompting questions to fill in the gaps Coaches version provided comments on all required areas Areas for improvement were practiced A useful comment on all areas was written by the coach with the novice

Asked questions to fill in gaps

Provided Coaches observation

Remembered to ask for Novices version part way through the debrief Remembered to ask questions to fill in gaps part way through the debrief Coaches version provided comments on at least half of the areas

Never asked for Novices version; coach started debrief Never asked questions to fill in gaps Coaches version provided limited comments on overall development Areas for improvement were not practiced No comment was written or the comment was of little use to future coaches

Areas for improvement practiced

Record of practice completed

Either the facilitator wrote the comment or the coach but not cooperatively

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