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Name: ______________________ LORD OF THE FLIES English 11 B The Sound of the Shell Chapter 1 Questions Directions: Please answer

the following questions IN COMPLETE SENTENCES. 1. Describe the setting of the story.

2. Name and describe the first two characters that appear.

3. What events led to the boys arrival on the island?

4. What dot the two boys discover in their exploration? To what use do they put it?

5. Name and describe the other boys who appear.

6. Who is elected leader? Why?

7. How is the division of labor arranged?

8. What takes place when Jack confronts the piglet? What effect does this encounter have on Jack?

9. What other differences are apparent between Ralph and Piggy other than the physical ones?

10. Why is the chapter entitled The Sound of the Shell?

11. What is Ralphs attitude toward Piggy in the first chapter?

12. What is the significance of Piggys plea to join the expedition?

13. What is the scar that is repeatedly mentioned?

14. What do Piggy, Simon, and the littlun with the birthmark have in common?

15. Why did Golding use British schoolboys?

16. How is Piggy revelaed as most closely tied to the world of adults?

17. How is Piggy indirectly responsible for the blowing of the conch?

Fire on the Mountain Chapter 2 Questions 1. What rules does Ralph lie down at the assembly?

2. What is it that the frightened boy tells them and how does it affect them?

3. What does Ralph tell the boys that they must do to facilitate rescue?

4. Describe the building of the fire. What part does Piggy play?

5. What changes had to be made as a result of the first fire?

6. Who accepted the responsibility for tending the fire?

7. What important task did Piggy forget to do for Ralph?

8. What further characteristics of Piggy are revealed in this chapter?

9. What question does the littlun with the birthmark raise?

10. How do Ralph and Jack answer the question about the beast?

11. What is the significance of the chapters title, Fire on the Mountain?

12. How do they start the fire?

Huts on the Beach Chapter 3 Questions 1. How successful is Jack in the second hunt?

2. Who is the only one to help Ralph with the building of the huts?

3. What happened to the others?

4. What is the conflict which arises between Ralph and Jack?

5. Why is Jack so intent on hunting rather than helping with the shelters?

6. Why is Ralph so concerned about the little ones?

7. What is revealed about Simon in this chapter?

8. What are the authors implied comments, as revealed in this chapter, concerning the parliamentary system of government?

9. What is the significance of the title, Huts on the Beach?

10. Why does Ralph reproach Jack?

11. What two groups with differing goals are emerging?

12. Why does Simon go to his bower?

Painted Faces and Long Hair Chapter 4 Questions 1. What strange mysteries occur in the hot afternoon sun and how are they explained?

2. Describe the activities of the littuns.

3. Who knocks over the sand castles?

4. What is revealed about Roger in this chapter? Why does he stop short of hitting Henry with the stones?

5. In what ways do the hunters prepare for another hunt?

6. How do the boys react to Piggy?

7. Why doesnt the ship, which passes near the island, see the fire?

8. Describe the hunters return from the hunt.

9. How do the hunters react to Ralphs tongue lashing?

10. Describe the encounter between Jack and Piggy.

11. Describe the feast.

12. Why does Jack refuse to give Piggy some meat? Who shares his with Piggy?

13. What is the significance of the title Painted Faces and Long Hair?

14. What definite stand does Ralph make?

Beast from the Water Chapter 5 Questions 1. Why does Ralph call the meeting?

2. What brings Ralph into closer sympathy with Piggy?

3. For what does Ralph criticize the boys?

4. What are the reactions of the various boys to the beast?

5. What is Simons theory about the beast? How well does he express it and how do the others react to it?

6. Cite evidence of a deterioration in the boys government.

7. What does Ralph almost do? How is he convinced against it?

8. What is the significance of the title Beast from the Water?

9. What is the paradox of the boys attitude toward the beast?

10. Why does Piggy dissuade Ralph from giving up his position as chief?

Beast from Air Chapter 6 Questions 1. What is the beast from Air?

2. How did the beast from air get there?

3. How does Ralph react to the beast?

4. How does Jack react to the beast?

5. How do the others react to the beast?

6. What is the irony of the dead parachutist landing on the mountain?

7. Why is Simon the only one to doubt the existence of a beast?

8. Why do Ralph and Jack both insist on going after the beast?

9. Why does Jack say that they dont need the conch any longer?

Shadows and Tall Trees Chapter 7 Questions 1. What are signs that Ralph is still tied to civilization?

2. What is on Ralphs mind at the beginning of this chapter? Who attempts to reassure him?

3. What things are different about the two sides of the island, and how do they affect Ralph differently as a result?

4. What happens in the encounter with the boar? Describe what happens afterward with Robert.

5. How is the dance in Chapter 7 different from previous dances? Who joins in? How is the evidence that the hunters are becoming more brutal and dangerous?

6. Jack scales the mountain in order to get a better view. What does he think he sees? What is it in actuality?

7. What is the significance of the title Shadows and Tall Trees?

8. Make a list of symbols found in Chapter 7 and explain their significance.

9. Why does Simon tell Ralph that you will get back all right?

10. What does Ralph ask Jack?

11. Why do the boys run from the dead chutist?

Gift for the Darkness Chapter 8 Questions 1. What does Simon mean by, What else is there to do??

2. What did Simon discover in the forest?

3. What is the Lord of the Flies? Describe him.

4. Does the imagery surrounding Simon make him a symbolic figure?

5. Why do the boys refuse to vote for Jack as chief but slip off to join him later?

6. What does Jack tell his new tribe?

7. Why is the killing of the sow discussed in such detail?

8. What does the Lord of the Flies tell Simon?

A View to a Death Chapter 9 Questions 1. This chapter picks up where the last left off. Why?

2. What are your feelings toward Simon? He is a mystic. What does that mean?

3. What happens to Simon? Explain the scene.

4. Who is responsible for the death? How do you know?

5. What is the significance of the chapter ending? Explain.

6. What reason does Ralph give for the boys defection to Jack?

7. What kind of leader is Jack?

8. How does Jack propose the rule without the conch?

9. Why do Ralph and Piggy join the dance?

10. Why is Simons dead body carried out to sea in terms of glorification?

The Shell and the Glasses Chapter 10 Questions 1. Did things return to normal after Simons death? Explain.

2. What do you think will happen to Piggy? Why?

3. Are Piggys attempts at being reasonable ridiculous? Explain.

4. What is the significance of the title The Shell and the Glasses?

5. Why do Ralph, Piggy and Samneric lie about their part in Simons death, or use the darkness as an excuse?

6. How is Wilfred punished?

7. How does Jack account for the death of Simon?

Castle Rock Chapter 11 Questions 1. What happens to Piggy? Did you think it would happen? If so, how did you know? Describe the scene.

2. What is significant about the description of his death? Explain.

3. Why do Ralph and Piggy decide to visit Jacks camp?

4. What is the reaction of Jacks tribe to Ralphs talk of rescue?

5. What happens when Piggy holds up the conch and tries to talk?

6. Why does Roger shove his way past Jack, only just managing not to edge him aside?

Cry of the Hunters Chapter 12 Questions 1. What do you think is going to happen to Ralph? Explain why you think so.

2. What dual role has the fire played throughout the book, even to the very end? Explain your answer.

3. What is meant by Ralphs final thoughts?

4. Describe the chase between Jack and Ralph?

5. What happens at the end of the book?

6. Explain the significance of the last line.

7. How does Ralph learn of Jacks plans for him?

8. What does Ralph say to the twins when they refuse to help him?

9. Does Ralph understand why he must be killed?

10. What is the irony of Samnerics behavior?

11. How does the author describe Ralphs flight across the island?

12. Why is Percival unable to remember his name and address?

13. Why is Piggys fall emphasized?

14. Why does Ralph say that he is in charge on the island?

15. What comparison is implied at the end of the novel?

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