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Press release to the country, Monday 18th March 2013, Comarca Ngbe Bugle, M10

M10, in defense of water resources and the environment of the Ngbe-Bugle Comarca

The April 10th Movement in Defense of the Tabasar River makes known to the country the decision about the situation of the communities affected by the Barro Blanco hydroelectric project. The government is violating Article 127 of the Constitution and the legislation of collective lands and the Ngbe-Bugl Comarca. In view of the expansion of the expert survey and the arbitrary advance and imposition of the Barro Blanco project on the part of the government; violating the spirit of the agreement of 15 March 2012 and the obtained [UN] field report, which is sufficient to immediately cancel the said project, we advise the following: 1. With respect to the damages caused by the Barro Blanco project, GENISA and the government argued that no communities would be affected, there would be no resettlements or damages caused to cultural heritage sites, cemeteries, and sacred sites. This ultimately led to the creation of a technical committee to review and evaluate the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) as a matter of urgency and seriousness, recognising the responsibility of the company consultants in gathering the information for the EIA (Agreement signed on March 15, 2012). 2. As such, we demand the immediate cancellation of the Barro Blanco hydroelectric project. 3. We also request the repeal of Bill 504 and the suspension of the hydroelectric projects in the Comarca and the annexed and campesino areas. For example, Chan 2, Tabasara 2, San Pablo, Rio Cobre, Vigui Strait, Rio Fonseca, Chorcha Rio, Rio San Felix Rey River and other projects intended for the country. 4. The affected communities hold the Dutch government and partner banks (FMO, DEG and BCIE) responsible for the social and environmental impacts, the impacts to Indigenous peoples rights, and the repression that the people are suffering from the Panamanian government. 5. We ask for support from solidarity organizations from different parts of the nation to join in our struggle and to organize nationwide. From the community of Cerro Venado, Community of Bakama at 11 hours a day March 17, 2013 April 10th Movement, Congress and Organizations Without struggle there is no victory. Sincerely, Manolo Miranda, M10 Coordinator

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