Fact Sheet: For Immediate Release For More Information, Contact

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Fact Sheet

For Immediate Release For More Information, contact: March 7, 2012 Karoline Dreher LSU Student, Public Relations Major (504) 810-7665 KDreherPR@gmail.com Mitt Romney will speak to LSU students about education, healthcare and the economy What: Who: Where: When: Republican presidential primary candidate Mitt Romney will speak to students and faculty at Louisiana State University about his stance regarding several current issues affecting college students in the United States. These issues include education, healthcare and the creation of jobs. Romney will discuss his plans to mend the problems the United States is facing and how he will implement his policies as president. Following his speech, Romney will take questions from the audience. Mitt Romney is currently campaigning in the Republican presidential primary for the 2012 election. Romney served as the former governor of Massachusetts from January 2, 2003, to January 4, 2007. As president, Romney plans to take a conservative approach to issues in the United States. Romneys slogan for his campaign is Believe in America. The LSU Student Union Theater is located at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, La. Romney will speak at 4:45 p.m on April 4, 2012. The event will end at approximately 6:30 p.m.

Why: Romney hopes to garner the votes of the college-aged population in Louisiana for the 2012 presidential election. How: Admission to see Mitt Romney has been paid for by Romney for President, Inc. Ticket vouchers are free to all students and faculty with proper LSU ID. Students can claim a seat by reserving a ticket voucher online at www.mittromney.com/lsu-event. Tickets must be reserved by March 31. ###

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