Blue Creek - Oxacan Wood Carvings - 5th Grade

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Oaxacan Wood Carvings: Fantastical Nature


5th Grade

Oaxacan Wood Carvings: Fantastical Nature

Total Days: 4

Big Ideas /Key Concepts Essential Questions Project Goal

Fantasy & Nature Are our fantasies better than reality? Can our minds play tricks on us? The students will learn about the Mexican folk art, the Oaxacan Wood Carvings and their brightly painted origins. Students will create their own Oaxacan-style fantastical animal sculpture with paper, tape and other materials.

Primary Artwork(s) Studied

Oaxacan WoodCarvings Works by Pedro Linares

Genre/Type of Art/Media
Mexican Folk Art, Carvings, Wood & Acrylic Paint Mexican Folk Art, Sculpture, Paper-Mache & Acrylic Paint

What makes this important art to study? Oaxacan Wood Carvings are an important part of traditional, Mexican Folk Art. These figures are also an important economically to the artisans that create them. The tradition of these carvings was also influenced by a well known Mexican artist, Pedro Linares. This artist also worked for Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera. What makes it appropriate for my grade level? th It is in 5 grade that they learn about Mexico and Mexican culture in their social studies unit. Learning about this Mexican folk art can help expand their understanding of Mexico and Mexican traditions. This lesson will also excite students to use their imagination to create their own fantastical creature.

21st Century Skills

Critical and Creative Cognitive Processes Emphasized in This Lesson

Drew Testa

Oaxacan Wood Carvings: Fantastical Nature


Oaxacan Wood Carvings: Fantastical Nature

Concept Map: Where Are We Going?
Days Title of Artwork, Artist & Type of Art Culture & Date Big Ideas Visual Stuff Elements, Etc. Visual Organizati on Principles of Design Day 1-2 Oaxacan Wood Carvings, Mexican Folk Artists Sculptures by Pedro Linares Mexican Culture, 20th Century Fantasy & Nature Color & Form Day 3 Oaxacan Wood Carvings, Mexican Folk Artists Sculptures by Pedro Linares Mexican Culture, 20th Century Fantasy & Nature Color & Form Day 4 Oaxacan Wood Carvings, Mexican Folk Artists Sculptures by Pedro Linares Mexican Culture, 20th Century Fantasy & Nature Color & Form

Contrast & Proportion

Contrast & Proportion

Contrast & Proportion

Meaning Making

Media & Tools Literacy Support

Creating art that is fantastical and traditional in nature will excite students to use their imagination and to learn about another culture. Tape, Scissors, Paper, Popsicle Sticks, Armature Wire Intro PowerPoint presentation of Oaxacan Wood Carvings and the work of Pedro Linares

Creating art that is fantastical and traditional in nature will excite students to use their imagination and to learn about another culture. Paper Mache, Newspaper

Creating art that is fantastical and traditional in nature will excite students to use their imagination and to learn about another culture. Acrylic Paint & Brushes

Final Reflection Worksheet

Drew Testa

Oaxacan Wood Carvings: Fantastical Nature


Oaxacan Wood Carvings: Fantastical Nature NYS Visual Arts/Elementary

Standard #1 - Creating, Performing, and Participating in the Arts Students will make works of art that explore different kinds of subject matter, topics, themes, and metaphors. Students will understand and use sensory elements, organizational principles, and expressive images to communicate their own ideas in works of art. Students will use a variety of art materials, processes, mediums, and techniques, and use appropriate technologies for creating and exhibiting visual art works. a) Experiment and create art works, in a variety of mediums (drawing, painting, sculpture, ceramics, printmaking, video, and computer graphics), based on a range of individual and collective experiences. b) Develop their own ideas and images through the exploration and creation of art works based on themes, symbols, and events. c) Understand and use the elements and principles of art (line, color, texture, shape) in order to communicate their ideas. d) Reveal through their own art work understanding of how art mediums and techniques influence their creative decisions. e) Identify and use, in individual and group experiences, some of the roles and means for designing, producing, and exhibiting art works. Standard #2 - Knowing and Using Arts Materials and Resources Students will know and use a variety of visual arts materials, techniques, and processes. Students will know about resources and opportunities for participation in visual arts in the community (exhibitions, libraries, museums, galleries) and use appropriate materials (art reproductions, slides, print materials, electronic media). Students will be aware of vocational options available in the visual arts. a) Understand the characteristics of various mediums (2-D, 3-D, electronic images) in order to select those that are appropriate for their purposes and intent. b) Develop skills with electronic media as a means of expressing visual ideas. c) Know about some cultural institutions (museums and galleries) and community opportunities (art festivals) for looking at original art and talking to visiting artists, to increase their understanding of art. d) Give examples of adults who make their livings in the arts professions. Standard #3 - Responding to and Analyzing Works of Art Students will reflect on, interpret, and evaluate works of art, using the language of art criticism. Students will analyze the visual characteristics of the natural and built environment and explain the social, cultural, psychological, and environmental dimensions of the visual arts. Students will compare the ways in which a variety of ideas, themes, and concepts are expressed through the visual arts with the ways they are expressed in other disciplines. a) Explain their reflections about the meanings, purposes, and sources of works of art; describe their responses to the works and the reasons for those responses. b) Explain the visual and other sensory qualities (surfaces, colors, textures, shape, sizes, volumes) found in a wide variety of art works. c) Explain the themes that are found in works of visual art and how the art works are related to other forms of art (dance, music, theatre, etc.) d) Explain how ideas, themes, or concepts in the visual arts are expressed in other disciplines (e.g., mathematics, science, literature, social studies, etc.) Standard #4 - Understanding the Cultural Dimensions and Contributions of the Arts Students will explore art and artifacts from various historical periods and world cultures to discover the roles that art plays in the lives of people of a given time and place and to understand how the time and place influence the visual characteristics of the art work. Students will explore art to understand the social, cultural, and environmental dimensions of human society. a) Look at and discuss a variety of art works and artifacts from world cultures to discover some important ideas, issues, and events of those cultures. b) Look at a variety of art works and artifacts from diverse cultures of the United States and identify some distinguishing characteristics. c) Create art works that show the influence of a particular culture.

Drew Testa

Oaxacan Wood Carvings: Fantastical Nature


National ELA Common Core Standards

Comprehension and Collaboration

SL.3.1. Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacherled) with diverse partners on grade 3 topics and texts, building on others ideas and expressing their own clearly. o Come to discussions prepared, having read or studied required material; explicitly draw on that preparation and other information known about the topic to explore ideas under discussion. o Follow agreed-upon rules for discussions (e.g., gaining the floor in respectful ways, listening to others with care, speaking one at a time about the topics and texts under discussion). o Ask questions to check understanding of information presented, stay on topic, and link their comments to the remarks of others. o Explain their own ideas and understanding in light of the discussion. SL.3.2. Determine the main ideas and supporting details of a text read aloud or information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally. SL.3.3. Ask and answer questions about information from a speaker, offering appropriate elaboration and detail.

Conventions of Standard English

L.3.1. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. o Explain the function of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in general and their functions in particular sentences. o Form and use regular and irregular plural nouns. o Use abstract nouns (e.g., childhood). o Form and use regular and irregular verbs. o Form and use the simple (e.g., I walked; I walk; I will walk) verb tenses. o Ensure subject-verb and pronoun-antecedent agreement.* o Form and use comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs, and choose between them depending on what is to be modified. o Use coordinating and subordinating conjunctions. o Produce simple, compound, and complex sentences.

Knowledge of Language

L.3.3. Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening. o Choose words and phrases for effect.* o Recognize and observe differences between the conventions of spoken and written standard English.

Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

L.3.4. Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning word and phrases based on grade 3 reading and content, choosing flexibly from a range of strategies. o Use sentence-level context as a clue to the meaning of a word or phrase. o Determine the meaning of the new word formed when a known affix is added to a known word (e.g., agreeable/disagreeable, comfortable/uncomfortable, care/careless, heat/preheat). o Use a known root word as a clue to the meaning of an unknown word with the same root (e.g., Drew Testa

Oaxacan Wood Carvings: Fantastical Nature


company, companion). Use glossaries or beginning dictionaries, both print and digital, to determine or clarify the precise meaning of key words and phrases. L.3.6. Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate conversational, general academic, and domainspecific words and phrases, including those that signal spatial and temporal relationships (e.g., After dinner that night we went looking for them).

Oaxacan Wood Carvings: Fantastical Nature

Activities Schedule in Brief
Day 1-2: On the first day we will look at a presentation of Oaxacan wood carvings and how these works are influenced by the Mexican artist by the name of Pedro Linares. Then students will start building their sculpture mainly from paper and tape. Students will be led by me to create the body. They will have two choices of body shape to create. Students will have examples of wood carvings readily available for inspiration. On day two students will continue to create the structure of their sculpture. Day 3: Today, students will carefully add a layer of paper-mache to their sculpture. Students will have to patiently apply the paper-mache so that there are no ripples or air bubbles. Day 4: Today, students give their sculptures a base coat of a bright color of their choosing. As this coat dries, students will paint patterns and features on their sculptures. Students will have examples of patterns readily available for inspiration.

Drew Testa

Oaxacan Wood Carvings: Fantastical Nature


Day 1 of 4 Today, we will look at a presentation of Oaxacan wood carvings and how these works are influenced by the Mexican artist by the name of Pedro Linares. Then students will start building their sculpture mainly from paper and tape. Students will be led by me to create the body. They will have two choices of body shape to create. Students will have examples of wood carvings readily available for inspiration. Teacher Materials List
PowerPoint Presentation Teachers Example Paper & Scissors Duct & Masking Tape Popsicle Sticks & Armature Wire

Student Materials List

Paper & Scissors Duct & Masking Tape Popsicle Sticks & Armature Wire

Concept & Content Categories

Primary Vocabulary

Concept Elaboration Vocabulary

Most important vocabulary are highlighted to indicate they will emphasized in lesson; and assessed for retention and understanding. Categories that are not needed on this day of the lesson may be deleted or left blank.

Art History
recall or research

Elements, Art Criticism

and/or things in image you want students to notice+ special adjectives

Visual organization
Principles and/or other composition terms + special adjectives


Feels like, seems like, represents, suggests, implies, symbolic of, etc.

Mexican folk artists create wood carvings inspired by Oaxacan wood carvers create their nature, fantasy and Pedro own fantastical version of nature. Linares. Oaxacan wood carvings have fluid Color & Forms and unique forms along with brilliant colors. Oaxacan wood carvings, while fantastical, have natural Contrast & Proportion proportions. They are also painted bright and contrasting colors. Creating art that is fantastical and traditional in nature will excite students to use their imagination and to learn about another culture.

Drew Testa

Oaxacan Wood Carvings: Fantastical Nature



Media & Tools Techniques + Craftsmanship

Paper, Scissors, Duct & Masking Tape, Popsicle Sticks, Armature Wire Carefully constructs their sculptures structure Neatly use the materials Works carefully Patience

Stewardship Closure (1 or more of)

Reflect/Review: Look back and consolidate Transfer to different context Assess: evaluate and set goals Plan: Look forward, prepare, plan next step, imagine what if?

Compare what they know about Mexico and their new knowledge on the Oaxacan culture

Most Important Concepts/Skill s

Conceptual Gain
- Write the talk - Think in metaphor - Big ideas apparent

Assessment: you know students have gotten it when they

Compare what they know about Mexico and their new knowledge on the Oaxacan culture Understands and uses the following words properly during the lesson and closure: fantasy, contrast, proportions Carefully constructs their sculptures structure Neatly use the materials Listens carefully and follows along with the PowerPoint presentation. Works quietly without disrupting their neighbors Collects and cleans up their materials in a timely manner

- Declarative Knowledge - Talk the talk

Media Skills
- Procedural Knowledge - Walk the walk

- Procedural Knowledge - Walk the walk

Lesson Steps & Activities

Greet Students at door Go over brief summary of what we will be doing 1 Presentation . Demo Art Activity

Mi n

Cognitive Skills

Drew Testa

Oaxacan Wood Carvings: Fantastical Nature


2 .

PowerPoint Presentation: Introduce Mexican Folk Art and Oaxacan Wood Carvings Introduce Pedro Linares and his work Show some examples of these figurines Body Creating Demo: Before we start have students pass out materials. Show students the teachers example and ask the students how they think I created it. How did I make the clay piece for this work? Demonstrate with the ELMO how to create the body of their creature Then lead students in creating the body shape of their choosing. Art Activity: Have students continue creating their creature with the given materials. I will be circulating around the classroom so that I can help out any student that needs it. Clean-up: Have students helpers collect materials and put them away Students should pile their work in the middle of their tables Students sit back down Closure: Ask students what problems they were having creating their work and how they could go about solving those issues. Ask students about what they learned and how it relates to what they learned in social studies about Mexico


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Drew Testa

Oaxacan Wood Carvings: Fantastical Nature


Day 2 of 4 Today, students will continue building their sculpture mainly from paper and tape. Appendages will be created with the popsicle sticks, armature wire and other materials available. Students will have examples of wood carvings readily available for inspiration. Teacher Materials List
Teachers Example Paper & Scissors Duct & Masking Tape Popsicle Sticks & Armature Wire

Student Materials List

Paper & Scissors Duct & Masking Tape Popsicle Sticks & Armature Wire

Concept & Content Categories

Primary Vocabulary

Concept Elaboration Vocabulary

Most important vocabulary are highlighted to indicate they will emphasized in lesson; and assessed for retention and understanding. Categories that are not needed on this day of the lesson may be deleted or left blank.

Drew Testa

Oaxacan Wood Carvings: Fantastical Nature


Art History

recall or research

Elements, Art Criticism

and/or things in image you want students to notice+ special adjectives

Visual organization
Principles and/or other composition terms + special adjectives

Mexican folk artists create wood carvings inspired by Oaxacan wood carvers create their nature, fantasy and Pedro own fantastical version of nature. Linares. Oaxacan wood carvings have fluid Color & Forms and unique forms along with brilliant colors. Oaxacan wood carvings, while fantastical, have natural Contrast & Proportion proportions. They are also painted bright and contrasting colors. Creating art that is fantastical and traditional in nature will excite students to use their imagination and to learn about another culture. Paper, Scissors, Duct & Masking Tape, Popsicle Sticks, Armature Wire Carefully constructs their sculptures structure Neatly use the materials Works carefully Patience

Feels like, seems like, represents, suggests, implies, symbolic of, etc.


Media & Tools Techniques + Craftsmanship

Stewardship Closure (1 or more of)

Reflect/Review: Look back and consolidate Transfer to different context Assess: evaluate and set goals Plan: Look forward, prepare, plan next step, imagine what if?

Review previous weeks new knowledge Discuss difficulties of construction openly with class

Most Important Concepts/Skill s

Conceptual Gain
- Write the talk - Think in metaphor - Big ideas apparent

Assessment: you know students have gotten it when they

Review previous weeks new knowledge Discuss difficulties of construction openly with class Understands and uses the following words properly during the lesson and closure: fantasy, contrast, proportions Carefully constructs their sculptures structure Neatly use the materials
Drew Testa

- Declarative Knowledge - Talk the talk

Media Skills
- Procedural Knowledge - Walk the walk


Oaxacan Wood Carvings: Fantastical Nature


- Procedural Knowledge - Walk the walk

Works quietly without disrupting their neighbors Collects and cleans up their materials in a timely manner

Lesson Steps & Activities

Greet Students at door Go over brief summary of what we will be doing 1 . Art Activity Closure Art Activity: Have students continue creating their creature with the given materials. I will be circulating around the classroom so that I can help out any student that needs it. Clean-up: Have students helpers collect materials and put them away Students should pile their work in the middle of their tables Students sit back down Closure: Ask students what problems they were having creating their work and how they could go about solving those issues. Ask students about what they remember about Oaxaca and what they retained from last week.

Mi n

Cognitive Skills

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4 .

Day 3 of 4 Today, students will carefully add a layer of paper-mache to their sculpture after they have completely finished creating the structure for their creature and covered it entirely in masking tape. Students will have to patiently apply the paper-mache so that there are no ripples or air bubbles. Teacher Materials List Student Materials List

Drew Testa


Oaxacan Wood Carvings: Fantastical Nature


Teachers Example Paper & Scissors Duct & Masking Tape Popsicle Sticks & Armature Wire Paper Mache Liquid & Newspaper

Paper & Scissors Duct & Masking Tape Popsicle Sticks & Armature Wire Paper Mache Liquid & Newspaper

Concept & Content Categories

Primary Vocabulary

Concept Elaboration Vocabulary

Most important vocabulary are highlighted to indicate they will emphasized in lesson; and assessed for retention and understanding. Categories that are not needed on this day of the lesson may be deleted or left blank.

Art History
recall or research

Color & Forms Art Criticism Contrast Proportion Meaning-making:

Mexican folk artists create wood carvings inspired by Oaxacan wood carvers create their nature, fantasy and Pedro own fantastical version of nature. Linares. Oaxacan wood carvings have fluid Color & Forms and unique forms along with brilliant colors. Oaxacan wood carvings, while & fantastical, have natural Contrast & Proportion proportions. They are also painted bright and contrasting colors. Creating art that is fantastical and traditional in nature will excite students to use their imagination and to learn about another culture. Paper, Scissors, Duct & Masking Tape, Popsicle Sticks, Armature Wire, Paper Mache liquid, Newspaper Carefully constructs their sculptures structure Neatly applies paper mache to the sculpture Works carefully Patience

Feels like, seems like, represents, suggests, implies, symbolic of, etc.


Media & Tools Techniques + Craftsmanship

Stewardship Closure (1 or more of)

Reflect/Review: Look back and consolidate Transfer to different context Assess: evaluate and set goals Plan: Look forward, prepare, plan next step, imagine what if?

Discuss difficulties of construction openly with class

Most Important Concepts/Skill

Assessment: you know students have gotten it when they

Drew Testa


Oaxacan Wood Carvings: Fantastical Nature


Conceptual Gain
- Write the talk - Think in metaphor - Big ideas apparent

Discuss difficulties of construction openly with class

- Declarative Knowledge - Talk the talk

Understands and uses the following words properly during the lesson and closure: fantasy, contrast, proportions Carefully constructs their sculptures structure Neatly applies paper mache to the sculpture Works quietly without disrupting their neighbors Collects and cleans up their materials in a timely manner

Media Skills
- Procedural Knowledge - Walk the walk

- Procedural Knowledge - Walk the walk

Lesson Steps & Activities

Greet Students at door Go over brief summary of what we will be doing 1 Demo . Art Activity Closure 2 . Paper Mache Demo: Show students how to apply paper mache to their work Stress that they should not use very much, but enough for the paper to adhere. Art Activity: Have students continue creating their creature with the given materials. As they finish, they should start applying the paper mache to their work. I will be circulating around the classroom so that I can help out any student that needs it. Clean-up: Have students helpers collect materials and put them away Students should pile their work in the middle of their tables Students sit back down

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Cognitive Skills

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4 .


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Oaxacan Wood Carvings: Fantastical Nature


5 .

Closure: Ask students what problems they were having creating their work and how they could go about solving those issues. Ask students about what they remember about Oaxaca and what they retained from last week.

Day 4 of 4 Today, students give their sculptures a base coat of a bright color of their choosing. As this coat dries, students will paint patterns and features on their sculptures. Students will have examples of patterns readily available for inspiration. Teacher Materials List
Teachers Example Tempera Paint Brushes

Student Materials List

Their completed sculpture Tempera Paint Brushes

Concept & Content Categories

Primary Vocabulary

Concept Elaboration Vocabulary

Most important vocabulary are highlighted to indicate they will emphasized in lesson; and assessed for retention and understanding. Categories that are not needed on this day of the lesson may be deleted or left blank.

Art History
recall or research

Color & Forms Art Criticism Contrast Proportion Meaning-making:

Mexican folk artists create wood carvings inspired by Oaxacan wood carvers create their nature, fantasy and Pedro own fantastical version of nature. Linares. Oaxacan wood carvings have fluid Color & Forms and unique forms along with brilliant colors. Oaxacan wood carvings, while & fantastical, have natural Contrast & Proportion proportions. They are also painted bright and contrasting colors. Creating art that is fantastical and traditional in nature will excite students to use their imagination and to learn about another culture. Paper, Scissors, Duct & Masking Tape, Popsicle Sticks, Armature Wire, Paper Mache liquid, Newspaper Carefully constructs their sculptures structure Neatly applies paper mache to the sculpture Works carefully Patience

Feels like, seems like, represents, suggests, implies, symbolic of, etc.


Media & Tools Techniques + Craftsmanship


Drew Testa


Oaxacan Wood Carvings: Fantastical Nature


Closure (1 or more of)

Reflect/Review: Look back and consolidate Transfer to different context Assess: evaluate and set goals Plan: Look forward, prepare, plan next step, imagine what if?

Compare their work with what we learned about Oaxacan Wood Carvings and the fantastical creatures of Pedro Linares Also discuss how their work was different and if they thought those differences made their work better or just different.

Most Important Concepts/Skill s

Conceptual Gain
- Write the talk - Think in metaphor - Big ideas apparent

Assessment: you know students have gotten it when they

Compare their work with what we learned about Oaxacan Wood Carvings and the fantastical creatures of Pedro Linares Also discuss how their work was different and if they thought those differences made their work better or just different. Understands and uses the following words properly during the lesson and closure: fantasy, contrast, proportions Carefully constructs their sculptures structure Neatly applies paper mache to the sculpture Works quietly without disrupting their neighbors Collects and cleans up their materials in a timely manner

- Declarative Knowledge - Talk the talk

Media Skills
- Procedural Knowledge - Walk the walk

- Procedural Knowledge - Walk the walk

Lesson Steps & Activities

Greet Students at door Go over brief summary of what we will be doing 1 . Art Activity Closure Art Activity: Have students continue creating their creature with the given materials. As they finish, they should start applying the paper mache to their work. I will be circulating around the classroom so that I can help out any student that needs it.
Drew Testa

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Cognitive Skills

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Oaxacan Wood Carvings: Fantastical Nature


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4 .

Clean-up: Have students helpers collect materials and put them away Students should pile their work in the middle of their tables Students sit back down Closure: Have students compare their work with what we learned about Oaxacan Wood Carvings and the fantastical creatures of Pedro Linares Also discuss how their work was different and if they thought those differences made their work better or just different.



Teaching Visuals

Drew Testa


Oaxacan Wood Carvings: Fantastical Nature


Student Examples
Drew Testa


Oaxacan Wood Carvings: Fantastical Nature


Drew Testa


Oaxacan Wood Carvings: Fantastical Nature


Drew Testa


Oaxacan Wood Carvings: Fantastical Nature


This example was created by a student with Aspergers Syndrome. There were no modification to the lesson were needed, but did have some guidance from myself and his aide.

Drew Testa


Oaxacan Wood Carvings: Fantastical Nature


Drew Testa


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