Vocabulary 1

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Masoud M. Karimi Student No.

: 2691420 Explicate (v): to give a detailed explanation of; to develop the implications of; to analyze logically. Explicatum (pl. Explicata): what to explicate something. Explicandum (pl. Explicanda): what to be explicated. Define (v): to determine the essential quality or meaning of. Definiens: an expression that defines; Definition. Definiendum: something to be defined. Correspond (with) (v): to be in conformity or agreement; to communicate by exchange of letters. Correspondence (n): the agreement of things with one another; the communication by letters; the letters exchanged. Corresponding (adj): having the same relationship; related. Correspondent (n): something that corresponds. Postulate (v): to assume or claim as true or existent; to assume as an axiom; Postulate (n): axiom. Prescribe (v): to lay down a guide or a rule; to give a medical prescription. Maintain (v): to keep in an existing state; to support; Maintenance (n): the act of maintaining; something that maintains. Defect (v): to abandon one cause for another. Defect (n): the imperfection. Defective (adj): imperfect. Intelligible (adj): capable of being understood. Intelligibility (n). Intelligibly (adv). Concede (v): to accept as true or valid. Concededly (adv). Concession (n): the act of conceding. Reluct (v): to show reluctance. Reluctance (n): the quality or state of being reluctant. Reluctant (adj): feeling or showing hesitation or unwillingness.

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