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English 10 To Kill A Mockingbird The Character of Boo Radley

Name: ________________________

We learn a great deal about Boo in the first chapter of the story. Look at the following quotations and decide what they tell us about how the neighborhood views Boo. Quotation 1. when Dill first gave us the idea of making Boo Radley come out (3) 2. The Radley place was inhabited by an unknown entity the mere description of whom was enough to make us behave for days on end (6) 3. The Radley place fascinated Dill. [] Inside the house lived malevolent phantom. [] Any stealthy small crimes committed in Maycomb were his work (9) 4. The misery of that house began many years before Jem and I were born (9) 5. One night [] the boys backed around the square in a borrowed flivver, resisted arrest by Maycombs ancient beadle (10) 6. Mr. Radley would see to it that Arthur gave no further trouble (10) 7. Mr. Radleys boy was not seen again for fifteen years (10) 8. The neighborhood thought that when Mr. Radley went under Boo would come out, but it had another thing coming (12) 9. Boo was about six and a half feet tall []; he dined on raw squirrels (13) 10. we thought we saw an inside shutter move (15) Statement (What does the quote tell us or imply?)

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