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Form Movement


Abstract Simplify

Simplicity & Form

Ancient Greece 428 348 BC One of the most well known philosophers

Taught by Socrates
Philosophy of Ideal Forms Did not trust or like art Thought it could persuade and manipulate people through emotion

Start of the artist becoming more important Before this time, all work was made for churches or wealthy

Modernism is broken into many smaller movements

Impressionism, Fauvism, Cubism, Pop Art, Minimalism Each movement trying to out do the next.

1860s to 1970s Modernism started with Manet and Impressionism Rejection of Realism Beginning of the use of Avant-Garde


Born in Romania, but lived in France

Studied art all over Europe (Romania,
Germany & France)

Known for his own artistic style

Simple, geometric forms

Balance of form and material Did not consider his work abstract "There are people who define my work as abstract; yet what they call abstract is what is most realistic. What is real is not the appearance, but the idea, the essence of things."

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