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LOUIS BACON Re-groups into a CONCH COALITION with the Usual Bahamians and Foreigners dancing to the Piper

Louis Bacon has formed a new organization which is supposed to be the new Environmental Watch Dogs for Clifton Bay and surrounding waters of Gaulin Cay. We print below for your edification the news release the group has issued. The group has hired as its press secretary, Attorney Fred Smith out of Freeport Grand Bahama. No doubt, this is an attempt to muzzle fair public comment and ward off scrutiny. BUT it wont work. Bacons Conch Coalition must disclose the fees for their services and more so, explain why few of any of them have ever been associated with any personal environmental causes in the past; certainly nothing to do with Clifton. In fact, there is only one who was said to be involved in the grassroot movement 14 years ago. How can it be that Bacon, the self-proclaimed leader of the Save Clifton battle, cant seem to get any of the original leaders involved in his new Conch Coalition. An environmental fight involving Clifton and environmental champions like Sam Duncombe and Keod Smith are not involved. Smells fishy... The question now that inquiring minds are asking is what is it about the Bay of Clifton which suddenly pressures Bacon to protect, when he did not so do since 1998? Truth of the matter is that, having now been turn back over the last few weeks on the racist pathway that he was on for a land-grab of Clifton, Louis Bacon is now about to camouflage himself and his effort in the new Conch Coalition. He certainly gets A for effort in trying to get the land that he, in the spirit of Gone with the Wind, has been trying to own and control since at least 1998. Now, pretending to save the CONCH at Clifton Bay... LOL...LOL...LOL! The Bahamian People once again have to do a serious internal examination of why is it, as Bacon has publicly tried to make it appear, that White Foreigners Outsiders always seem more concerned about our environment than we do? We know it is not for love.... BACON LIED about Leading the Clifton Struggle and NOW HE IS LYING about the need to save Conch in Clifton Bay. Mark our words; before you can say Jack Rabbit, Bahamians will soon learn that certain areas around Clifton Bay and on the land at Clifton Heritage National Park will be deemed inaccessible by our people; if we dont stop them, NOW. The line is now drawn in the sand. The very waters where our Ancestors braved, drowned and fed themselves upon their traumatic arrival in The Bahamas, is in jeopardy of being frittered away by Louis Bacon, while the Government of We Believe in Bahamians, says and does nothing. Indeed interesting. No doubt, many of the public officers on Bacons Conch Coalition have received the complicit support of the highest echelon of the Government. Louis Bacons new friends will, however, have to answer to the Bahamian People for the choices they have made. Money, they will discover, does not substitute for nationalism.

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