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To-Do List to Increase Retention in Distance Education

Estabish A Personal Connection With Each Student

I would place a phone call at the beginning of the course to each student introducing myself and welcoming them to the class. I would let them know if they have any questions or concerns they are open to call or email me. I believe that this will begin to establish a more identiIiable relationship

I Would Implement Several "Coffee Breaks" In The Discussion Board

"Coffee Breaks" are moments where students can share their personal experiences, day to day activities, or even special events. This will allow the students to become connected with each other and stir up conversations

Provide Feedback Regularly Throughout The Course

Feedback alows you to become interactive with an individual. It also motivates the learner to want to do better and engage more in the course

Respond Quickly to Students

I believe that if I am capable to respond quickly to the learners it will show them that I am involved and concerned, which promotes communication

Incorporate Instructional Podcasts Into My Course

I believe that technology can create excitement within a course that can draw the learner to come back for more

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