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Aurasma brings augmented reality into the classroom.

Instead of using a QR code to signal the existence of a "digital layer," Aurasma embeds a digital layer ... A photo, a 3D animation, a video ... Into print media. Like QR codes, augmented reality tools like Aurasma are all about adding a digital layer to print media ... Combining the old with the new. Advertisers are already adding digital layers. We have a powerful opportunity with Aurasma to add educational layer to our walls.

Make a free login and find a print image to start Adding content. Content can be a video, photo, 3d image, or animated graphic.

Digital content can be your own creation or something preloaded by Aurasma. Blinxx videos are also searchable and can be added to your Aura.

Choose your print media. Think about posters in your room, word clouds, student work. Try colored student work, found poetry, science fair boards, etc. think about where a digital layer can be impactful.

Choose your digital media. Consider a video. Worried about privacy? Create a photo slider show in iMovie and have students create a VoiceOver (narration). Voila! Student work without privacy invasion.

The scale down here tells you how easy the image is to read. Green is awesome! Lighting and contrast of the colors will affect quality.

Search or create your own overlay by uploading an image from the camera roll or video from your device.

Create public and private channels. Why private channels? Why private channels? Think about accessibility tools and support for students with special needs. Or personal study guides embedded throughout the classroom!

Public auras are viewable by anyone. Private auras are only viewable by a single user.

Never mind Siri, but look carefully at this photo. This is simply text on an iPad word processor ... And yes, Aurasma reads Text!! To make your aura unique, pick a fun font. Imagine your word wall having a digital layer embedded within each word. This is perfect for content-specific areas.

Auras may take time to upload. Don't forget to test ... Getting it to work may take a discussion with your network administrator to adjust proxies, firewalls, and whatnot to let Aurasma through.

Think about letting kids add their digital legacy. The power in augmented reality is to allow kids to Leave a lasting legacy in their school community. Or, take it public and make something in your community accessible to all.

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