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Discovery Discussion Debate

Gum Is such a nuisance when you step on it. Gum can also become an environmental problem. China has tried to create a solution. Read about it! Discuss it! Then defend your solution from the opinions you have formed from the discussion. Dr. Paul R. Friesen

Discovery Discussion Debate

Title: Gummed out: China looks for solutions to chewing-gum mess

Discover Ideas
( Outline)

Discuss the Story

(3 Question Levels)
Create Opinions

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Discovery Discussion Debate Before you start

Look through the idea, front to back. The ideas in red are just ideas. Students should add to these. There is an outline page for Discovery. There are graphic organizer pages for the Discussion and Debate sections. The reason for the worksheets, at the end of the book, is to help you work systematically through the material. Worksheets are helpers and can be a distraction from the rhythm and sequence in your teaching. By putting them at the end they become support pages versus places to stop, giving a smoother presentation.

In the beginning of each story you will have a few questions to discover what you know, or think you know about a story. The Title of the article/ story will be given and you will be asked to discover the story by asking good questions. In the second part of discovery you will be asked to find words which you do not know. Some of these may be highlighted already in bold. Definitions will follow to help you discover what the writer is talking about. Discovery will help you form a plan for the discussion and debate.

Discussion is not a debate, though it can quickly become one if there are strong opposing ideas in the group. Discussion can be a part of the discovery before you read the story. It may also come after to discuss the ideas of the story. Sometimes a persons views may change after reading the article, which is a good way to start a discussion. Discussion is interaction without a lot of structure. Be careful not to confuse discussion with argument. Debate is about argument. Discussion is about sharing your views and interacting with others who want to expand or give a differing viewpoint.

Debate is a structured idea. It means that only one person speaks in turn, and with a specific point to address. It also has a time limit, so the speaker must be precise in their argument. In a debate the key is to listen and be prepared to oppose the other teams ideas. It takes research, a lot of work, and patience. In the following story we want to begin with discovery ideas. What can you know from a title, if you dont know about the topic?

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Discovery Discussion Debate

In discovery you will form ideas to create basics ideas for an outline. In discussion you will ask questions to help you build an outline for your viewpoint. In debate you will separate the outline into two sections, for and against. At each stage you will be able to use what you have learned before, to expand on your ideas and understand both sides of the issue.

Category ~ Environment

Title: Gummed out: China looks for solutions to chewing-gum mess
What can you know from the title? . . . . It is about fat kids. Kids are cancer patients. Its about American/ Canadian / European kids. It was about people wanting to eat lots.

What do I know about this topic? Nothing! Complications in life make me eat. People want to have cancer. Only in America! . __________________________________________ . __________________________________________ . __________________________________________ . __________________________________________ What would make me fat? . __________________________________________ . __________________________________________ . __________________________________________ . __________________________________________ Have you ever had a problem with being fat? No! Why not?
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Discovery Discussion Debate

Yes! What did you do, and why? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ . Now read the story. . Create an outline of the story / paragraphs. . There are words you will find following the story. . Look in the definitions, which follow the story. . Discover the words you dont know.

Gummed out: China looks for solutions to chewing-gum mess
Thursday, February 20, 2003 BEIJING (AP) - The Ministry of Science and Technology is involved. Eight Chinese research institutions want a piece of the project. It's even part of a code-named project: "863 program." All to tackle a problem that has been bedeviling the Chinese government for many months now: how to clean up little blobs of discarded chewing gum from public places like Beijing's Tiananmen Square. It's no small affair in China, where 2 billion pieces of gum are masticated annually, according to the state-controlled China Daily newspaper. The project, which will cost 1 million yuan (US$120,000), is designed to develop a special "gum-removal lotion" that can effectively dissolve the discarded gum, China Daily reported Friday. Yu Xichun, director of the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association's science and technology office, said the problem has become a public sanitation

During the National Day holiday last year, 600,000 tiny wads of chewed gum were left in Tiananmen Square by tourists, costing more than 1 million yuan (US$120,000) to clean.

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Discovery Discussion Debate

Beijing instituted a new law in November that slaps fines of 20 to 50 yuan (US$2.40 to US$6) on public gum-spitters. The initiative is part of the country's "863 program," its high-tech development plan. Copyright 2003 The Canadian Press

Public gum spitters People who spit out their gum in a public place.

Piece of the project The idiom used here is a piece of the pie. This means that the Companies want to be a part of the project development.

Vocabulary Definitions
Tackle This term is an action word or a noun. Here it means that the problem is addressed and taken care of. Bedeviling This means to bother or to create interference. Blobs These are large chunks of something. There is no specific shape. Affair Affair is often related to romance. Here it is in reference to the word problem. Masticated This means chewed. Dissolve This word is usually used for liquids but here it is used for a solid. gum. So it gives the idea that it makes the gum more liquid making clean up easier. Otherwise the word used would be disintegrate. Discarded This means to throw away.

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Discovery Discussion Debate

Public sanitation headache -- Public sanitation is used for the public clean health. So this public health problem is creating a headache for the people in authority. Wads The word used here is from loading an old gun. It is like a ball of something. Chewed chewed is past tense here. IT is gum that has been chewed and discarded or spit out. Instituted This is a law that was made (instituted). Slaps fine A slap is often a hand contact movement. Here it is used differently. A word change could use give a fine but this lacks the energy that slap give us. Initiative The beginning of the project to clean up Chinas public places.

What do I know about this topic?
List at least four (4) different ideas you have found in this story about the horse race.

. __________________________________________ . __________________________________________ . __________________________________________ . __________________________________________

Use them when you make your outline.

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Discovery Discussion Debate Discussion

Level I 1. 2. 3. 4. Do you spit your gum out? What is your favorite brand? What do you do with your chewed gum? Is China the only country with this problem? Explain.

Level II 1. 2. 3. 4. Have you ever stepped on gum or something you dont like? What was it? Is there a fine, in your Country, for spitting out gum? Is the fine in China too high? Why? Why do people spit their gum on the street, or put it under a desk, etc.? Explain.

Level III 1. 2. 3. 4. Do you think the solution in this story is a good way to clean up the gum? What other things do you step on in public places? What is an effective way to dispose of used gum? What is an effective way to help people to stop bad habits which affect other people. (disposing of wrappers, gum, cigarettes, etc.) You now have everything you need to fill out your outline. Look at your answers, under Discussion, and fill it out to reflect the new ideas. These new ideas will help you form your debate ideas better.

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Discovery Discussion Debate

In debate you will have a statement not a question. You have to react to the statement with facts, not opinions. Discussions are based a lot on opinions and answer questions. This is where these two ideas, though similar, are different. Debate is about facts and statements. When you make a statement, from a story, you must consider what the core issue is. If you have made a good outline, you will have this already discovered. This story is from environment. The core issue could be; social economic recycling culture In todays world the topics could range from; Gum Recycling Education Responsibility These are all good arguments that you would want to research for your argument, or write in your essay. Build the argument starting from Why? Once you have determined the Why? you can find facts to support your idea.

Spitting in public should be banned, because it is anti-social. Disposing of waste, like used gum, should carry a large fine and community
service, because it is a hazard to the public.

Companies of gum and candy, which people dispose of on public roadways

and trails, should be required to fund advertising to change the habit. Before you start choose one of the above statements to focus on. Choose a for or against position. Research to find FACTS for your position. List the facts. Write out your argument in a long paragraph format. Include the opposite position in your writing.

You need to write out both sides so you can understand the
other sides argument.

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Discovery Discussion Debate Discovery Outline

Main topic ________________________ Find one (1) key idea in each paragraph. (3-5 words) Paragraph 1 ______________________________ Paragraph 2 ______________________________ Paragraph 3 ______________________________ Paragraph 4 ______________________________ Paragraph 5 ______________________________ Write two things about the main paragraph idea. Paragraph 1 ______________________________ A. ______________________________ B. ______________________________ Paragraph 2 ______________________________ A. ______________________________ B. ______________________________ Paragraph 3 ______________________________ A. ______________________________ B. ______________________________ Paragraph 4 ______________________________ A. ______________________________ B. ______________________________ Paragraph 5 ______________________________ A. ______________________________ B. ______________________________ In the introduction you use the 5 paragraph ideas to communicate the order of your argument/ essay. In the conclusion you repeat what you have said about the points of each paragraph.

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Discovery Discussion Debate

Graphic Organization ~ Main topic = 5 Paragraph Topics

paragraph 1 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ paragraph 5 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ paragraph 2 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

Main topic

paragraph 4 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

paragraph 3 ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

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Discovery Discussion Debate

Discussion Graphic ~ Is obesity a problem / becoming a problem in todays society? Answer ~ I think obesity is (is not) a problem, because

Problem / Environment

Companies should be required to fund advertising if they produce products which hurt the environment.

Because spitting is antisocial and affects others' quality of life, it should be banned.

An environmental tax on gum will change people's habit of spitting it on the ground.







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Discovery Discussion Debate

graphic ~ choose one statement from the above. Write it here _____________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ To make your argument you should understand that they are connected. In the next two charts (1) list your argument facts and ideas, (2) show how your argument connects to both the center point and the other points. list

For 1 Against

Add more if needed

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Discovery Discussion Debate

graphic ~ choose one statement from the above. list

If this -- then

If this -- then

Write your statement position here. ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ______________________________

If this -- then

If this -- then

If this -- then

Now start the

As a team choose which points they will speak about. Each person will listen for the opposite point and create a new response to what the other person has said. A: point 1 B: responds to the point and give a new point. C: responds to B and give a new point. After all persons have spoken each person can respond to any point given by the opposite team, or add more points from their team which will need responding to from the opposite team.

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Discovery Discussion Debate

Dear Teacher/ Student, After you have finished this please look for more in this series to challenge yourself. This is only part of a curriculum. It starts with Dr. Roys Everything Grammar. Dr. Roys Everything Grammar Volumes I and II will develop the skills of story and essay writing, while at the same time building a foundation in grammar. The repetition of grammar, combined with reason and speaking, culminating in a story or essay will prepare students for this series. Going beyond this book is a book to expand the outlines into essays. Good essays are able to build and defend an argument. Building a structure for debate will springboard off this skill set.

Dr. Paul R. Friesen

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