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Non-Compliance in Language Arts

Stephanie Lassig University of Utah March 2013

Non participation in class Homework not being turned in Non compliance Chronic tardiness Non attendance

Problem Identification
Student will complete and hand in on time coursework in Language arts with 90% accuracy on 9/10 trials using Goalbook to record progress. Out of 8 trials, the student was able to hand in on time 4 assignments in Language Arts with 50% accuracy.

Through observation and questioning this students teachers, a common theme is that he has a great desire to be on the honor roll. He is very enthusiastic about technology Implementation of GoalBook will allow him to self-monitor his progress so he can see how far he is from his goal of being on the honor roll. In order to make the honor roll, he will need to maintain 90% accuracy 9/10 times to attain his goal.

Focus on the Language Arts classroom Student desires to be on the honor roll Student enjoys technology Student has access to an IPAD and Live Scribe pen Teacher & student to use GoalBook via app on Ipad. Teacher to give 1 point everytime student raises hand to encourage participation in class. Teacher to give 1 extra point for attendance. Use of QR codes on classwork
Even though the student has access to technology he does not utilize any in the classroom.

GoalBook would enable the student to have access to daily progress towards the end goal. Goalbook is a collaboration platform for teachers, parents, and students centered around the achievement of individual student learning goals. Gen Ed ,special educators, parents and are often not on the same page with regards to the status of a student. GoalBook will allow all those involved to see what services and activities are exactly being provided to the student along with the students progress.

Teacher agreed to implement the use of GoalBook and extra credit points. Teacher was not willing to use QR codes.


Plan Implementated

Students saw no improvement since the plan was implemented. Although the student was offered participation points and access to see progress via app on the Ipad there was little effect on the students desire to accomplish Honor Roll. Although many hours were spent with the student and teacher, the plan to assist this student did not work as hoped.

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