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Description of Classroom:
This lesson is for a kindergarten class of 26 students. (11 girls and 15 boys). There are a few students that have been retained and are in kindergarten for the second time. The students are placed into tiers (tier 1 being the highest and tier 3 being the lowest). In ELA for letter name and letter sound, this class has 15 tier 1 students, 8 tier 2 students, and 3 tier 3 students. In math for number id and oral counting, this class has 16 tier 1 students, 10 tier 2 students, and 0 tier 3 students.

This lesson is a review of unit 18. During the first portion of the lesson we are reviewing smooth blending of the letters i, and c, sound ca and words in, an, and can. In the second portion of the lesson are also reviewing short vowel e and the letters, c, d, i, t, n, and p. Review of unit 18 will continue throughout the week.

Content Objective(s):
SWBAT blend and read sounds and words as a class and with their shoulder partner. SWBAT recognize and name the letters and sounds in their letter book SWBAT isolate beginning sounds in their letter book.

Language Objective(s):
SWBAT respond to questions about key details in text. SWBAT follow oral directions when completing independent work. SWBAT read letters and blends as a class and with their shoulder partner.

Nevada Standards:
RL.K.1 With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text. RI.K.10 Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and understanding.

Key Vocabulary:
In An Can Letters and sounds: i, /i/, c, /k/, e, /e/ d, /d/, t, /t/, n, /n/, p, /p/

Best Practices: (put an X next to those that you address in your lesson)
Preparation Adaptation of content Links to background Links to past learning Strategies incorporated Scaffolding Modeling Guided practice Independent practice Verbal scaffolds Procedural scaffolds Grouping Options Whole Class Small groups Partners Independent

Integration of Processes Listening Speaking Reading Writing

Application Hands-on Authentic (Meaningful) Linked to objectives Promotes engagement

Assessment Individual Group Written Oral

Teaching Strategies:
Clapping and stretching words, to assist students in recognizing sounds. Questioning Modeling

Warm Up Activity:
The teacher will (TTW) read standards to students.

Lesson Sequence:
Smooth and Bumpy Blending Review (8 minutes) 1. TTW pull up Review Blending Card 28 on the Smart Board. 2. TTW have students identify the sound, i. 3. TTW say the sound with the students. 4. TTW have the class repeat the sound without the teachers voice. 5. TTW guide the students in blending the word in 6. TTW say the sound with the students. 7. TTW have the class repeat the sound without the teachers voice. 8. TTW have the students use the blend in a language pattern, looking at the spider on the in blend card, ask Where is the spider. Response, in the soup. 9. TTW repeat the blending activities with the word an. 10. TTW have the students use the blend in a language pattern, looking at the apple on the an blend card, ask What is this. Response, This is an apple. 11. TTW pull up Review Blending Card 30 on the Smart Board. 12. TTW have students identify the letter and sound, c. 13. TTW say the sound with the students. 14. TTW have the class repeat the sound without the teachers voice. 15. TTW guide the students in blending ca. 16. TTW have the class repeat the sound without the teachers voice. 17. TTW guide the students in blending can. 18. TTW have the class repeat the sound without the teachers voice. 19. TTW pull up a sentence strip on the Smart board, will discuss something she can do. I can jump. TTW write this on her sentence strip on the Smart board. 20. TTW pass out cloze sentence strips with I can _____., written on them. 21. Students will fill in their cloze sentence strip with what they can do, as teacher walks around and assists where needed. 22. Students will read their cloze sentence to their shoulder partners. 23. Students will place sentence strips in backpack. Letter Book Letter Review (15 minutes) 1. TTW pull up letter book on Smart board and pass out class set of letter books. 2. TTW point to the first letter, c. 3. TTW ask questions - What letter is it? What sound does is make? What is this a picture of (cat). Lets stretch the word cat and listen for the first sound. What sound do you hear at the beginning of cat?

4. TTW repeat this with all of the letters in the letter book. 5. The students will write their name on their letter book, trace the letters, and color the pictures. 6. While students are working independently the teacher will pull a small group to work with.

Devon takes a medication that causes him to sleep. He sometimes sleeps through lessons, and the teacher is to document if he does. Documentation is also needed for how he completed each lesson (with guidance, independently, etc.) Nathan and Jacob are both speech students. If they answer with incorrect speech, the teacher will assist them with the correct speech. Kevin is on a behavior plan and requires additional reminders to stay in his seat in the ready position. If needed he may go to Ms. Olsens class to cool down.

Supplementary Materials:
Read Well Blending Cards 28 and 30 (on Smart board) Class set of sentence strips with I can ______. Class set of Letter Book Sample of completed Letter Book for students to see Pencils Crayons Markers

Teacher observation during guided practice teacher will observe students and watch for 100% participation when blending sounds, naming letters, and isolating beginning sounds. Teacher observation - during independent practice teacher will walk around the class, observing students and asking students to name letters and sounds. Teacher will take anecdotal notes as she observes. These notes will assist in placing students in leveled small groups.


Form: 005 JDC 4/22/08

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